
Stay as friends not married couple

She was now totally calm down, so when the maid asked her to come inside, she just nodded her head in yes.

But when she moved her steps forward to go she stopped before even taking her one step, and stopped the maid who was leading her way to back and asked her " please! send this..." when she turned around to look at the boy with whom she was talking from last few minutes.

Then she looks back at maid and was all tensed up seeing the kid disappearing like this and panicked and asked her " had you seen were the little kid gone"

the maid was totally puzzled and asked her " which kid are you taking about?"

she panicked and try to tell her about him and looked around her everywhere " the kid who was around 5 years old, he was sitting next to me on this bench, he must be of one of yours neighbor"

" miss you must be tired, no one in this neighborhood has a little kid around this age, you might had an illusion you better come with me inside"

she doesn't known what is going on she also thought that this could be her illusion too. so she followed the maid to inside the living room but kept looking behind to see that boy again and again with her ever single steps.

she looked back last time before entering in Mansion, but she couldn't see him.

she moved towards the dinning table where both the families were having dinner, she drawn a chair for herself and sat on it.

The dinner was nice and quite even it was little awkward as Yi was sitting in front of her, and his devilish eyes were starring at her countlessly and she was even unable to put anything in her mouth as those eyes were giving her chills all over her body.

The dinner been more awkward when those adults bring the topic of their marriage. And then Mrs li and Mrs Tang served both of them some food and Mrs li said " we all were so happy that you both are going to marry each other"

Then xiaozia put her chopsticks down and said " before that can I have some words with my fiance".

he was surprised to see her speaking so gently and calling him fiance, when she was the one who was talking rudely to him before in the corridor.

but he stood up to and asked her to follow him to the other room. And she followed him like an obedient child.

when they enter into the room Yi looked the door, and sat comfortably on the bed and asked her " what is it you want to say?"

she sat next to him and gently said" I know both of us don't want to marry each other" when she said this both of his eyebrows were knited together and he has blank expression on his face.

xiaozia continued saying without looking at him" and none of us can turn back from this marriage as we have to do for good for our families" when she said Yi wants to badly asked her, does she don't want to marry him is she only doing this for her family, bit he didn't spoke out those words loud.

" we must be on good terms with each other, so we promised to stay as friends not a married couple" as she said that the expression of his face changed a little cold as she looked at his cold face, and waiting for her reply, Yi stood up and said " is it all?"

she doesn't know what he mean and just nodded in yes then he opens the door and went towards the table and xiaozia followed him from behind and both of them sat on their place back.