
It really sucks! being...

in Li Mansion,

"I know you don't want to get married, but the shareholders aren't happy Yi, your womanizing ways have been making headlines and it does not put us in a good light!"

His dad wanted him to get married to her but he knew that he would not going to say yes so easily and that there might be a lot of between them, So he tries to not to say much.

"But that's not true, they are just rumors! I've been the incumbent CEO for a year now, and there's been nothing but growth and expansion! have I not proved my worth? and about the marriage...."

He was about to say something but then he paused and swallow his words back. His dad was When father saw that he was not saying anything, he looked at him with astonishment, and knighted his eyebrows and asked him " what is it?".

but Yi turned around and about to leave, then only his father put his hand on his shoulder from back and stopped him " Yi! Tang is an old friend of mine, and his daughter is the perfect candidate for you, this is the best opportunity for you take over my place and to earn support of shareholders, and this marriage can be helpful to both the parties, just think about it!"

Then his dad pull down his had from his shoulder and walked passed away from him. Yi left after him and slightly upper his one side of lips and the strange smile was on his lips, which can put everyone in the thought weather he wants to marry or not.

After leaving her dad behind she came and sat on bench near the fountain in the other Conner of garden and his father went inside the mansion.

she looked up in the sky and found the most beautiful thing of today, mostly not many stars can be seen in the by our naked eyes, but at today night the sky was filled with many stars which was shinning brightly.

And then only she sensed someone presence near her, she turned around on her right side she saw a little boy standing there who was continuously staring her with his glittery eyes which were shinning bright in that dim lights too, the boy maybe of 4-5 years old. the boy took his little steps slowly towards her, and then sat next to her on bench, and grabbed her one hand with his little soft hands.

The moment when the little boy holded her hand she felt the unknown warmth of his hand, but the boy was still looking at her face with his innocence and asked her " why are you sad?".

xiaozia didn't know what to say but looking at his innocent face and cute gesture she holded his both hands and said " you must be a ghost, why are you wandering around lonely in night? where are your parents?"

The little boy says" I'm not a ghost, I'm here because my mom misunderstood my dad and now she was upset from him. But tell me why are you sad?"

she looked down towards her legs and then at the boy face and said " I'm sad because My dad wants me to happily marry the person I don't even love, because you only marry the person you love"

" But my parents also love each other so much and they aren't married!"

" it really sucks being you too!.."

but suddenly a maid came near her and said "miss you should come inside to have a dinner with everyone"