
I won't mind if you create any trouble too

They both seated back at their places and the waiter handed over the bill to them " here!"

one of her looked at the bill and look back at the waiter" WHAT? 31,880¥ are you sure this is our bill, I think you had made a mistake we didn't order much, who can this be our bill?"

" no! miss we don't make mistake like this, XXXX¥ is for the wine, XXX¥ for your order and XXX¥ for mess you had created, how would you like to pay the bill"

the women was so frustrated" that wre**h! i will not leave her How dare she mess up with us my newly brought dress has been ruined by that bitc*! who the hell she was?" then she handed over her credit card to waiter "swipe it!"

Yi stopped at car at the side of road and looked at her eyes and put his hand around her seat and asked seriously " hey what happened inside? why are you in that hurry to leave? and why are they after you?"

" hey! boy give me a break, how can I answer all this together"

" So my lady what crime have you committed?"

She turned her face towards the window and couldn't control her laugh back thinking about the face of those two bit**es and said " don't worry, I haven't created any problem for you"

he put his hand down from the seat and replied " I won't mind if you create any trouble too!"

Hey! li Hong Yi, what are you thinking how can her trouble related with you

She turned and looked at her full of astronisment, wait is he trying to flirt with me, anyway I'm not going to fall for this. this bastard always find a way to flirt with others.

" but what actually happened inside?"

" I just happen to splashed some wine and food over two women"

" What? why did you do that?"

" Because they pissed me off! And had a really bad mouth and I didn't like it so I had some fun with them"

Now I think I don't have to worry about her being bullied she surely will teach the lesson others on her own, but still she go my back.

" Looks like I have to be careful of my lady!" and smiled

" yeah! you have to"

wait! what? my lady ? we are not even that close he really know how to flirt, after all he is a national Playboy but his smile it is looking quite warm and breathtaking, wait! xiaozia how can you find this Playboy warm, don't be stupid.

this girl is really interesting She really want to keep me away from her, first friends now this but still I have to spend a day with her before my engagement.

Then he put his both hands on the steering and hit the accelerator and drove away.

" you can drove me back to home you don't need to accompany me thought the day, I can make some excuse in front of my parents to explain this".

" Won't I be a good son- in- law if I won't accompany to my wife before few hours of our engagement"

" Hey stop with that I'm not your wife yet, and we have agreed to be friends not a couple don't forget that!"

" Oh! then you won't mind me leaving you alone" he stopped the car and said coldly " get out! ".

what's with that jerk, he is being flirty just now and now giving me a cold shoulder, anyway I'm not even interested in being with you, good bye!

she quickly step out of the car and close the door with hardly

This girl really had a temper, and a cold and annoyed look take over his face. And drove away in a high speed.

" what a bastard! he left me in the middle of the road to go back by myself, he really deserve the title of biggest jerk in the world, humph!" she took out her phone and open so online cab application " who needs him to send me back to home, and wait for taxi at this place when I can simply get a cab here, hahaha! and I don't have to acted to be good to that jerk in front of him anymore"

Quickly a cab stop in front of her and get in, and the driver start the car.

Wait what will I tell Mom and Dad when I get back home. she sighed and moved back and leaned and close her eyes.

Why the hell do I have to do this marriage and why my parents were selling me off for some money? And why the person I have to marry is such a shameless Playboy? I really won't to get way from here.