
Marriage With My Ex Fiance

"We shouldn't Share the same room" "We are married" "But it's a contract marriage" "And there is no rule" Laura and Chris had an arranged marriage since little but Laura wasn't in support of her mother's idea to marry a poor man and got herself a boyfriend. Her father's betrayal and her mother's going into coma made matters worse and she break things off totally between the two family. Chris left the country devastated and came back years later as a very rich billionaire while Laura's company was in deep trouble and about to lose it to her stepbrother and needed his help badly. Chris agreed to help only if she fulfil their marriage agreement years back and the two found themselves in a contract marriage till the end of the project.

jayeobakehinde123 · Urban
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59 Chs

Chapter 52

Laura and Chris lay down in bed while he reads some email from his secretary and Laura keeps disturbing and distracting him. He signal to her to stop but she refused and tickle him playfully.

Chris had to choice to drop his phone and reciprocate in the same way, tickling her also. The both of them roll on the bed playfully until Chris's ringtone interrupt them and they stopped panting.

He rolled over to get the phone and saw its from the doctor, he picked up the call and he informed him that the results is ready and Chris told him to send it to his email so they can check it now and the doctor replied to give him about thrity minutes.

Laura hearing his words asked if it's the result and he nodded positively at her. Laura become moody and sit up from the bed, Chris move back to her and held her closely placing her head on his chest.

"Are you nervous about the results?" He asked calmly and she nodded yes.

"It's going to be fine" he told her and hugged her

"If it's positive then am not going to leave her alone" Laura said suddenly getting furious thinking about how she has intrude their life and destroyed her family only to know that she is been lying with a bastard all this while and to think that Ella is even in a relationship with Nicholas.

"What will you do if the result is positive?" He queried and Laura looked on not sure if she will throw in jail or do something else but one thing is sure, she is going to throw her out of her father's house.

"I will decide when I get the result, although we still need my father's blood to be a hundred percent sure" she answered.

The both of them were silent for a few more seconds expecting the notification of the email, Chris broke the silent

"Thanks for what you did concerning my mum" Chris said and she smiled resting her head properly on his body.

"And I heard about how you vanquished Mira's family and send them back to their country" she retorted with a smile setting her mind away from the results.

Laura raised her head and turned to him with her gabds on her waist

"How did you manage to do that? She questioned although not really concerned with how but by the fact that he is so capable and she was blind not to see that feature in him in the past.

"I have my ways" he answered

"Then you should teach me those ways" she said and rest in his arms again.

"Who knows the boy who buys chocolate milk for me everyday in the past will become so brilliant and handsome" she joked but before he could answer her, his phone notified him of a message and he checked the email together with Laura

" 99.99% not matched" the end of the report read.


It's a day to Amanda's wedding and she hasn't moved any of her things to her new house and her room looked disarranged with clothes lying on the floor everywhere.

Amanda entered the room from jogging and start to take care of the mess she made of her clothes while trying to pack the other night, she has been staying in her room more frequently thses days and haven't seen Mike for almost a week but none of them called each other.

She saw her diamond necklace lying on the floor and pick it up slowly staring at it with a doubt, what if he gave her a fake one. Amanda pull the remaining stuff away from the bed and lay down tired.

She used her head to calculate where her phone could be in the room and then an idea popped into her head, she has been thinking of the best way to break the whole wedding and make Mike really angry but couldn't come up with something good enough but now she thought about this and it seems perfect although he wouldn't be hurt much but it's a way to get the two guys.

Amanda smiled at her plan and hurried up to get her phone, she found it beside the bed on the floor and quickly opened the lock to send a message.


Josh was on the phone with Chris discussing about somethings when Katie knocked gently on the door and entered. He dropped the call after telling him he will see to it and turned to Katie

"It's time for your meeting" she informed him and Josh nodded and she moved closer to get his tablet and they both exit out of the office to the room for the meeting.

As thy were about to go in, Josh's phone notified him of a new message and he stopped to quickly check, it's a message from Amanda to his surprise

"Help!!" The message read and Josh became a bit sacred

"Help?" What does she mean by help?" He thought and proceed into the room still worried. Josh bought out his phone to check the date and realized tomorrow is her wedding so why did she text him that?

The meeting starts but he wasn't concentrating or making an comment on the presentation which he usually do, Katie tap him to call his attention to the meeting

"I will have to leave first, I have something urgent" josh said all of a sudden and rushed out of the room.

The only possible reason he could think of is her fiance finding out that she slept with him and they are in a fight because of it.

He rushed to his car and took the key from the chauffeur then drive to her house.

He increase his speed to get there quickly and tried to call her but her phone is switched off.


Amanda feels satisfied with herself after sending the message and then she text Mike to come to her house in about an hour from now to help her move her things to their new house and then switched off her phone so none of them will be able to get through.

She looked around the house and saw that it doesn't really look like someone barged in and tried to harm her, she decide to create a crime scene and pull off her shoes then throw them at separate places and disarranged the things she just packed neatly and sat down on the floor grinning like a psycho amazed at her stupid plan.

Josh soon arrived at her apartment and rushed into the building, Amanda's house is on the third floor but instead of waiting for the lift he took the stairs and ran to her room then start to knock on the door panting shouting her name.

Amanda smiled when she heard his voice, even though he is panicked she still feels a kind of excitement in her heart hearing his manly voice.

She stood up calmly trying not to show any flaw and opened the door for him, Josh saw her and stood at the door with mixed feelings.

He checked her body from head to toe with his eyes looking for any bruise or where its hurt but there is none except that her clothes looks wet and she looks tired. Amanda held the door not saying a word and motioned to him to come in.

Josh step into the house and followed her to the room and saw the mess which convince him that something really happened there, he turned back to her sharply and asked what the problem is.

Amanda already thought of what to say and how to say them but now that he is actually in front of her she couldn't bring herself to say those lies. She tried to open her mouth and say something but his worried expression couldn't let her do so

"It's nothing" she found herself saying but he wasn't convinced.

"Is it your fiance? Did he hit you?" He asked impatiently and she nodded her head positively staring at him blankly.

Josh assumed it's because of the shock and pull her into his arms, hugging her to tell her he will protect her.

Amanda was shocked and simply went into his arms without resisting, she feels his hand in her hair telling her it's fine and feels herself relaxing and feeling better although nothing actually happened.

Ever since the day she discovered Mike's deceit and knows that she is just wasting her time, she hasn't been herself and couldn't think straight.

She exercise morning and night and spend most of the time on the internet watching some useless stuff and searching for the best way to break up a wedding.

Josh continue to hug and reassure her that everything is fine until Amanda snap out of her daze and pull away from him

"It's fine, am fine actually" she told him and arranged her hair properly.

"You should sit down" Josh said not believing her and pull her to sit on the bed

"Where can I get some water?" He asked but before she answers, he goes out of the room and found his way to the fridge and took some water for her.

Amanda took the water from him obediently and drank it all. He took the cup from her and place it beside the bed and sat down next to her

"I will get you a room at the hotel so you can stay for a while and have someone clean up this mess" he said and took his phone to do so immediately. Amanda saw that things are going the wrong way and quickly stops him

"Wait a minute!" She yelled and stood up. Josh stopped and looked at her questioning.

"I don't think that's necessary, I can manage well here and also you are here with me so I think it will be fine" she said smiling and tried to keep a cheerful face.

Josh is puzzled by her attitude, when he came in she looks really troubled so why is she refusing to leave? Or maybe she is waiting for her fiance.

Josh cleared his throat noisily and stood up from the bed then he held her hand

"Are you sure you are okay?" He asked but Amanda snatched her hand away, she is going to be in control of this game

"Yes I am, why don't we go out and I will make you something to drink" she offered and walks out of the room leaving him no choice but to follow her.

Amanda made him sit and went into the kitchen to prepare some snacks and drink then served the both of them.