
Marketplace barbed spear.

(No sypnosis for you. Read chapter 1 and find out if its your cup of tea. Its for the vieeewwws. Jk, I just can't think of a proper sypnosis for this shit. Proceed with motion.) This fanfic is a dumpsite for my thoughts. Literally what my mind can say, I place here. This is for my own satisfaction too, so people who like complaining should just f off I didn't make this for you. I made this for myself. This has been sitting here in my works for like 1 and 1/2 year already so I thought maybe I'll let it see sunlight for a while. Made during december 2020 so expect quality similar from that time. Cover not mine, taken from pinterest. Whoever made this, it's yours not mine. I don't own anything, not even a 12900K, 3090ti study pc, much less these stories. I don't own any of these stories or fictional characters. Whoever made them, it's yours man, or woman.

myschlongislong · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Floor 2.

-----First person P.O.V-----

When I regained my senses, I immediately looked around. There I found that I was located in the middle of a prairie.

'Am I in the same timeline as the start of the canon?' I thought, remembering the scene before I was transported onto the 2nd floor.

Yuri and Evan.

'They arrived at Headon's floor just as I finished the test, so Bam should be taking the test too…'

'I could be wrong though, and my arrival may have caused theirs…'

And while I was observing my surroundings, the sound of a system notification rang in my head.


[Main Quest- Pass Headon's test completed.

Mission details: Destroy the Black ball guarded by the White steel Eel.

Rewards obtained: 5000 System Points, D-rank pocket, a Random class E weapon of your choice, Training efficiency potion(E)x5 and a E-rank White Excavator ticket.]

There's also another notification as I killed the White steel Eel.

[Killed White Steel Eel (D). 200 System points acquired.]

I immediately redeemed my E-class weapon, since I don't know when the next test would be. Better be prepared for anything to come.

[E-class weapon choices :

E-Rank Needle

E-Rank Sword

E-Rank Pole

E-Rank Spear

E-Rank Halberd]

'I'll take the E-Rank Spear.' I immediately chose my weapon as soon as I saw the choices. A spear.

When I was on earth, I've always had the spear as my weapon choice in games. My interest for them also extended in real life, where I'd browse the net for Spear usage and imitate it while using a wooden pole.

And while I may only be a dabbler with the spear, at least I'm better than normal people wielding swords as their weapon.

Also, it'd be convenient for me to use a spear this time. It has a long reach that'll allow me to poke opponents from a distance.

'Next, the E-rank White ticket.'

Soon, a white-colored wheel appeared in front of me, which turned at my command.

"Click. Click. Click." The wheel stopped after a few seconds.

*Ding [User has received the E-rank trait, Tenacious.]

[Tenacious: User does not easily give up. Special skill-Tenacious will- has been generated.]

[Tenacious Will(Active): The user will burst out in power for 5 seconds.] (Be warned, berserk skills such as this come with a backlash after activating.)

'This should be useful. A last resort berserk skill when things go south. Though I shouldn't count on this all the time, I might grow reliant on it and become a five second man. Also, I'll be in greater danger if I fail to defeat my opponent during its duration...' From my game experiences, berserk skills with after-effects are both good and bad.

Good, cause it'll give you additional power, while bad, because you will be left vulnerable afterwards.

Next, I bound the D-rank pocket to myself. At first it looked like a woven ball but as soon as I touched it, the outside layer of it exploded and turned into light that wrapped around me. The pocket which was wrapped before now looked like a black orb that hovered in front of me.

"Hello, Everyone! Regulars who have partially entered the Tower! Welcome to the 2nd floor, the Floor of Test, Evankhell's floor!" While I was immersed in my thoughts, a loud voice came from above.

Strangely, this is my first time hearing this language but I can understand it. Even though I know this is the main function of a pocket, I'm still marvelling at its effects. I can feel a weird feeling of knowing and not knowing at the same time.

Awakening from my thoughts, I looked up to see where the voice came from and saw a golden cube-like structure hanging mid-air.

"Now, you will receive the final test to see if you are truly qualified to climb the Tower!"

"Someone will explain the details to you later. So let's start the first test immediately!"

"It's been a long time since Regulars with great potential entered the Tower. So, let's eliminate the trash first before anything else!"

"The rule of the first test is very simple! Fight and Survive for 30 minutes!"

As soon as I heard the Rules, my heartbeat increased. I remember this happening in the canon, and it's very bad considering I'm going to be involved.

'Could I be in the same testing area with Rachel, Akryung and Endorsi?!'

'This could be bad! They massacred everyone in their testing area!' Going against them would be a stupid decision. So the plan that crossed my mind was to hide!

Even if I have Full counter and Tenacious will, they are still but momentary resistance. I wouldn't be able to survive that way.

After running for a while, I saw a hill in the distance. Fortunately, I can hear the battles around me, and moved away from them intentionally.

I saw that the hill had a very shallow cave, so I sat inside, trying to minimize my presence as much as I could while observing the surroundings if anyone was coming.

I didn't even check the system notifications that rang just a while ago. That must be the quest for this test.

10 minutes have passed and I've already switched places. Some Regulars fighting dragged their battle near me, so I have no other choice than to leave.

Now, I was laying flat on the grasses within the prairie. Good thing the grasses are tall enough to conceal my body.

I searched for a hiding place but couldn't find any cover, while the sound of fighting came from every direction. I considered breaking through somewhere, but changed my mind since I may encounter someone powerful enough to beat me.

At least, even if they find me here, they will already be quite spent from their previous battles and wouldn't be in their prime condition.

10 minutes passed once again, and I could already hear people nearing my location.

I could even hear some terrified screams, begging for mercy and help.

And as soon as I heard that, I immediately dashed perpendicular from where I heard those screams.

'Akryung and Endorsi are near!' I thought while running away from them.

While I was running, I saw a person in the distance directly in front of me.

I couldn't see clearly, because the figure was quite far. But I can feel something screaming for me to dodge.

I didn't dare ignore it, so I immediately rolled to the right.

*Bang!* As soon as I changed directions, the ground where I was supposed to be standing exploded.

'A sniper?! No, a spear-bearer?'

Snipers are spear-bearers but use a sniper rifle instead of a spear. One such person is the High-ranker, Lo Po Bia Lefav, who almost killed Evankhell.

While it may be rare to find ranker snipers, it wasn't that unexpected for a Regular to wield one since they can't use Shinsu yet.

'!!' I rolled again, but this time to the left. the ground where I was formerly on exploded.

I couldn't explain how, but the atmosphere seems unpleasant once I'm in danger.

'Could it possibly be Shinsu? I'm considered Irregular now... It isn't impossible for it to happen…'

I don't have any skill related to sensing danger. And I can't find another explanation for it other than to give credit to the all-powerful Shinsu.

Once again, the atmosphere felt unpleasant and I immediately dodged.

*Bang!* I immediately ran away from the spear-bearer, trying to escape his range. This is the best decision I can make right now.

Closing the distance would be more dangerous since the bullets would come faster. And I know I wouldn't be able to dodge all of it even with the Shinsu warning me ahead of time.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* Multiple shots came at me, and I was hit by a few of them at the upper arm, shoulder and ass.

Blood flowed down my body, but I can't stop running now. I can also somewhat bear the pain, since I've been stabbed once and adrenaline is rushing.

After a minute, the uncomfortable feeling subsided but in turn, the pain intensified. I didn't stop running, I know I'm still

After another minute of running, I stopped below another hill. By now, most Regulars should already be dead since I didn't encounter anyone even after running straight.

My body was shaking because of exhaustion and my injuries.

I'm in no condition to fight right now. So I immediately opened the Exchange store and browsed through the medicines.

I was overjoyed when I found a [Unranked anaesthetic] posted among the list. I bought it for 100 system points, and also bought a [Unranked recovery potion] for 200 system points.

After ingesting the [Unranked anaesthetic] I immediately dug out the bullets in my wounds. I'm a little lightheaded because of it, but it definitely allowed me to dig out the bullets with my hand without minding the pain.

After collecting three bullets from my body, I immediately drank the [Unranked recovery potion].

Suddenly, I can feel a refreshing feeling pervading my wounds. And as I looked at it, my wounds had already closed and formed a scab.

I stood up and stretched my body, feeling no discomfort other than the slightly stinging pain from the scab.

'Wonderful…' Even a [Weak recovery potion] is enough for my body to recover. Must be a result of my body still that of a normal human.

After tending to my wounds, I observed my surroundings, trying to probe for any sound.

"The time limit is nearing, I hope Akryung and Endorsi don't find me."

"Argh!!" Multiple screams suddenly came from my left side.

I immediately understood, Akryung and Endorsi are slaughtering the Regulars fleeing this way.

No choice left, I turned and ran the other way. This is the only way left, to run.

A few seconds later, while I was running, no more screams were heard.

But my heart rate was still increasing and a sense of danger enveloped me.

'Shit! They found me!'

And my guess was right, I saw a creepy masked-giant with a bloodied cleaver running towards me. Running beside him was a young lady wearing a cloak, she was holding a needle.

'Akryung and Endorsi! Shit! This is really bad!' This encounter was even more dangerous than the White steel eel, since there's two of them. Even if I beat one of them, the other will kill me!

'I can only stall them! Only a little time should be left after all those!' Then I brought out the E-rank spear from my inventory. I kept it inside ever since the start because it's quite heavy and will consume my stamina faster while running.

As soon as I stopped, Endorsi also stopped some distance away from me, but Akryung continued charging towards me.

"Heh, you're not running anymore? I thought you'd run till you get slaughtered by us." She said. I ignored her and focused my attention on Akryung, who's already in a striking position.

With his cleaver held by his right hand horizontally on his waist, Akryung slashed it to decapitate me.

From his relaxed posture, I can tell he's underestimating me.

'Not yet…' I thought of using Full counter, but decided otherwise. It may only inflict minimal damage to him.

Before he could reach me, I ducked and moved toward his extended right foot, planning to go behind him.

But Akryung was trained enough to see through me. He flicked his left foot from the back of his right foot to me in response.

I don't wanna get hit by the metal soles of his boot, so I forced myself to change directions.

*Whoosh* Again, I was nearly hit.

But this time, I was successful in getting behind him.

He's wearing armor, and I'm not sure whether his legs also had it. So I pierced my spear behind his kneecap, where the joint of a possible armor could be.

*Psh* While I did pierce him, it was very shallow and it was a flesh wound.

It served no purpose other than to anger Akryung more.

Still, this is good too.

Akryung raised his cleaver high and chopped down on my head. This time, he was serious.

'Full counter!' I used the blade of my spear like a sword to deflect his cleaver.

*Bang* His cleaver flew out of his hand.

After using Full counter, I immediately retreated. While retreating I cast my glance towards Endorsi, in any case she decided to sneak attack me.

Other than the loss of his weapon and dislocated right wrist, Akryung was basically fine.

Akryung didn't chase me immediately, but I can see he's angry by the way his teeth looked clenched.

A moment later, Endorsi arrived next to Akryung.

'Shit. They're coming at me together.'

And without saying anything, Akryung dashed towards me, followed by Endorsi holding her needle.

"I'm doomed." While I did retaliate against Akryung, that was the most basic counter-attack. It was something normal people can think of in this kind of situation.

Now that there's two of them coming, even if I can keep my calm I wouldn't be able to do anything.

As Akryung closed the distance, he suddenly clenched his left hand.

Suddenly, a spear appeared on his hand and he pierced it towards me as soon as it appeared.

Endorsi came from below and swung her needle towards my waist.

In a moment of desperation, I activated [Tenacious will].

*Clang* I swept to the left with the end of the spear, barely deflecting Akryung's spear and defending against Endorsi's needle.

I tried to increase the distance between use once again, but they are not planning on letting me go.

Once again, they released their attack and this time aiming for my head.

Five seconds have already passed, and my skill has already ended.

Feeling the weakness spreading throughout my body, I'm sure I can't get myself out of this.

But definitely, I won't let myself be killed without doing my best.

"Ahh!" I screamed, trying to gather strength in my legs and arms.

But something unexpected happened.

*Boom!* A sudden gust of energy swept everything around me.

*Bang* *Bang*

Two dull sounds rang as Endorsi and Akryung were both blown back, barely recovering their footing as they stumbled down.

I was shocked by what happened too, but my eyes can't endure the fatigue I'm feeling after that gust and lost consciousness.

—-------------Third Person POV—---------------------

Seeing Arata faint, Akryung raised his spear and threw it at Arata's defenseless body.

But before it could reach Arata, it was grasped mid-air by someone.

It was a short-statured man with red hair wearing a whtie uniform.

"Time's up!" Quant stated as he threw aside Akryung's spear.

"The test officially ends here. No more fighting is allowed, or you'll be disqualified." Quant declared the end of the test, while taking Arata back towards the Mothership.

"Follow me."

Although disgruntled at the survival of their opponent, Akryung and Endorsi obediently followed Quant.

On Quant's side.

'Shit! I didn't think everyone other than them died after only 30 minutes!' Quant sweated. Because of his carelessness, his testing area was left with little to no people.

He didn't check the participants' information given by Headon from the previous floor and went to eat after giving the test.

After he came back, he saw that only a few people were left. And coincidentally, he saw Endorsi's information above the stack of papers.

'A Zahard's princess?!' Quant was startled and immediately browsed through the remaining survivors' information.

There he saw Rachel and Arata's information.

"Two Irregulars?! What kind of testing area was this? This is ridiculous!" Quant exclaimed.

It was rare enough for an Irregular to arrive, much less two at the same time at the same testing area. The last one was Urek Mazino, and it was a long time since he entered the Tower.

'Fortunately, I arrived in time to save this guy! I nearly let one Irregular get killed!'

'Fuck! Evankhell will burn me to death if she finds out!'

After leaving Arata in the infirmary, Quant heaved a sigh of relief.

``Good thing the Shinsu concentration in this floor is very thin. I can't imagine what will happen if I can't save this guy. I will die even if I ask Hansung Yu. Rather, he might even be the one to kill me…'