
Marketplace barbed spear.

(No sypnosis for you. Read chapter 1 and find out if its your cup of tea. Its for the vieeewwws. Jk, I just can't think of a proper sypnosis for this shit. Proceed with motion.) This fanfic is a dumpsite for my thoughts. Literally what my mind can say, I place here. This is for my own satisfaction too, so people who like complaining should just f off I didn't make this for you. I made this for myself. This has been sitting here in my works for like 1 and 1/2 year already so I thought maybe I'll let it see sunlight for a while. Made during december 2020 so expect quality similar from that time. Cover not mine, taken from pinterest. Whoever made this, it's yours not mine. I don't own anything, not even a 12900K, 3090ti study pc, much less these stories. I don't own any of these stories or fictional characters. Whoever made them, it's yours man, or woman.

myschlongislong · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Floor 1.

The Young man who's given a second chance, found himself within a dark place with very dim lighting. He looked around, trying to get information of his current location.

As he was observing his surroundings, something rang in his head.

[System Initializing...]

[Wheel system, Online]

[Hello, Host. This is the Wheel system. The system has Five main functions. Roulette, Attribute and Skill panel, Quest Board, Inventory, and Exchange Store.]

[The Roulette has every fictional thing of your former world, rejoice. Prizes are divided into classes E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, EX and Random. There are two main wheel to choose from the White and Black wheel.

The White wheel can give you fictional abilities.

The Black wheel can give you fictional items from your former world.

The Random White and Black wheel class contain items from classes E-S. But has high probability of drawing a blank slot.

Respective tickets are required to draw a prize.]

[The Attribute and Skill panel shows the user's current attribute, traits, and skills known.]

[The Quest Board will show the User his current Quests. Penalty might be given according to the quest if declined.]

[The inventory is a separate place where you can place items. Only non-living things can be stored inside the inventory. Time is slowed-down by two times inside the inventory, so items such as food and other consumables will still inevitably expire.]

[The Exchange Store is a where items are converted to system points, value will be decided by rank. You can also buy items from the exchange shop ranging from potions, foods, and daily necessities to weapons.

Only Ordinary-A rank Potions and nameless weapons are available.] (Reminder: Items from the exchange store doesn't have any abilities or sentience. Items with such abilities could only be pulled randomly from the roulette.)

"!!" The young man was floored. 'The Old God did give me something! Thank you!'

While he aims to live his life as he pleases, having extra capability is still a must to preserve that purpose.

'So, this is a supernatural world...?' The young man thought. After all, what use would there be by giving him supernatural abilities in a normal world? That'd just disrupt the order of that world.

[System notice: Currently have one unused A-rank white ticket and one Random white ticket. (God's note: If you're lucky, this should be enough to surpass your first hurdle. Good luck!)]

While the young man was excited from receiving free tickets, he couldn't help but feel weird. He felt ominous from reading god's note.

'If you're lucky, this should be enough to surpass your first hurdle... What the hell?' The young man's head quickly scanned his surroundings, on guard if anything were to happen.

And while he's on guard, he quickly commanded the system. 'System please, use both of the tickets.]

Even though he's curious about the system, he couldn't explore it at the moment since he feel something dangerous is going to happen. He isn't going to be careless and be sent on his way after arriving.

[Using A-rank white ticket and Random white ticket...]

The sound of the wheel turning served to make the young man feel like time goes so slowly.

Soon, the wheel stopped and an announcement rang in his mind.

Ding! [A-rank white ticket consumed. Host received A-rank ability, Full counter(physical).]

Ding! [Random white ticket consumed. Host received B-rank trait, Cold-blooded.]

Suddenly, the young man's alertness subsided and he felt strangely calm even in a situation he previously deemed to be the calm before the storm.

His previous curiosity and excitement by receiving something from God also subsided as if it was something to be expected.

As he was marveling at the changes brought to him by the trait he received, a voice suddenly rang within the dark.

"My, my, it's been a while since I've had visitors here." A figure then walked out from the dark behind the young man.

He swiftly turned around after hearing that voice. While he was initially creeped out, he was still able to maintain his calm.

What he saw was a rabbit-like creature with a long face holding a staff with orbs on both end.

'This appearance...!' The young man was shocked. He had seen this figure in one of the fictions he read.

He quickly calmed himself down, thinking. 'Is it really 'that' world?'

While he was thinking, the rabbit-like creature once again spoke.

"I'm quite surprised to see a person who opened the doors by himself enter... Now, what could your name be, young man?" It asked. Its emotions couldn't be sensed properly due to its rabbit-like appearance.

He replied, after thinking for a moment. "You can call me Arata."

His previous name was 'Kai', it was given to him by his adoptive parents in the past, stating from then on they'll be restoring his life and help him recover. (Kai means 'restoration or recovery'.)

But that didn't happen, instead his life got worse. So, now that he's getting another start in life, he's going to change everything including his name to adopt a new identity.

And while cliched, he ended up with the name Kaji Arata, (New fire.) to represent his new life.

"Then Mr. Arata, what are you doing here? How did you get in here?" Headon asked.

Arata then shook his head. "I don't know. After I woke up, I was here already."

Headon went silent for a moment, observing Arata's facial expressions. As he saw that nothing seems strange, he simple waved it off and didn't pursue the question. 'As an Irregular, he doesn't seem to be particularly special... Completely different from other Irregulars...'

"So, what do you desire? Wealth? Fame? Immortality?" Headon asked.

Arata was silent before acting like he honestly don't know anything. "Why are you asking me this?"

Hearing Arata's reply, Headon smacked the bottom of his staff onto the floor. "You are inside the Tower. Everything you wish for, you can achieve, as long as you reach the end. If you want to find adventure, climb the Tower. And if you want to live like how you desire, climb the top of the Tower. Reaching the top will grant you your greatest wish, wealth, fame, happiness, anything you can wish of, you will find at the top of the Tower."

"But remember that it is a hard and painful journey to embark on. Not only you will climb the Tower, so you will find yourself competing against others. In order to achieve your desire, you have to step on others or be stepped upon. In the end, you might even lose your life miserably. Now, are you sure you want to climb the Tower?" Headon asked.

"Do I even have a choice? It looks like I'm already at the beginning, and there's no other way than to continue the race, isn't it?" Arata replied, while faking a bitter smile.

Headon smiled hideously in response. "Good, I like how you think. Now, lets do a test to see if you're qualified to climb the Tower."

"The tests are to see if you are qualified to go onto the next floor. If you pass the test, then you can proceed onto the next floor. Tests are decided by the administrators of each floor. That means, if you want to proceed to the next floor, you have to pass my test, Mr. Arata." Headon explained. The corner of his lips curled up very slightly.

"Look, this is the test of my floor." He waved his staff diagonally. Suddenly, a gate appeared behind Headon. Blue light enveloped them from the other side of the room, and a large sea monster appeared in front of Arata.

It's light blue eyes stared at Arata, like a predator excited to see his food.

"See that black ball right there?" Headon pointed inside the 'aquarium'.

Arata looked over and saw a small black Orb guarded by the sea-monster.

"You just need to outrun or defeat that monster and pop that black ball. If you succeed in popping that black ball, then you have passed my test." Headon said.

While Headon was speaking, a notification rang in Arata's ears and in front of him, a transparent screen appeared.

*Ding [Main Quest Updated]

[Main Quest - Pass Headon's test.

Mission details: Destroy the Black ball guarded by the White Steel Eel.

Reward- 5,000 System Points, D-rank pocket, a Random class E weapon of your choice, five bottles of Training efficiency potion(E) and a D-rank ability/trait roulette ticket(Guarantee).]

[Training efficiency potion(E): Enhances the training efficiency of the User by 2 times. Loses effectiveness if the user surpassed (E) rank. Further increases efficiency if used by someone below (-E rank). Lasts for a day.]

Arata looked at the notification with a thoughtful look. 'Good... Especially that potion.. It'd save me some trouble in catching up to the physical bodies of those old-kids taking the tests with me.'

Five thousand SP could buy him many items and miscellaneous stuff such as sleeping bag and food. The pocket is also a very convenient reward. After all, he doesn't even know this world's language and a pocket could allow him to converse with the residents of this Tower.

Also, the choice weapon is a great reward too. Considering that he doesn't have anything with him, it'd be troublesome if he were to appear unarmed in the next floor. Death wouldn't be impossible if that do happen.

The last two rewards are the most important for Arata, though. One, a potion that could allow him to shorten the difference between him and the other Regulars' physical class. And two, a chance to draw a possibly very useful ability.

While looking at the rewards, Arata suddenly sighed as he thought of something. 'High risk, High reward. These rewards are too bountiful, it's only right to assume that I could possibly die in this test... This is what the Old God refers to as my first hurdle?'

He then looked at the white steel eel, staring at him from behind the cage. He couldn't help but be a little nervous. He had only ever fought thugs in his former life, he had no experience dealing with monsters at all.

Suddenly, his mind cleared and his beating heart calmed down. 'This must be the Cold-blooded trait... How useful..'

He then shook his head and clapped his face with both hands. 'No use thinking too much about it. This is where my luck pointed me, so this world will be my new home.'

'If I fall here, it only means I don't deserve my second chance. Fine, I'm going all out!'

Arata looked at Headon, then back at the black ball. "I'll do it."

Headon waved his hand and suddenly, a sword=like rod appeared from nowhere. "Here, take this weapon."

Arata took the it and went in front of the gate, but he didn't enter yet. He may have accepted the challenge, but he doesn't know where and how to start.

What can he do? He has never even fought a dog or whatever animal similar in size before, much less confront a monstrosity like the white steel eel.

He then immediately started to make a battle plan. 'I should do what Bam did at the original. It's the right way in completing this test, as Evan said. The problem is that black Orb. If it's the same as the manhua, then Headon would make that Orb tough. At least tough enough to break this needle once I strike it. After all, it remained relatively undamaged even after Bam struck it with the Black march.'

Arata then looked at the needle in his hand. 'I should do some practice swings with this needle first to familiarize myself using it..'

*Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh*

For a few minutes, Arata swung the needle around like an idiot, though he looked like one, doing such practices did help in improving his stiff way of handling the needle from before.

After resting for a while, he then asked Headon. "Hey, Administrator Headon, is there a time limit to the test?"

"There's none. You can start whenever you'd like." Headon replied.

'He doesn't even have a little bit of aura around him, nothing like an Irregular at all... Only his calm and collected demeanor is outstanding...' Headon wondered.

----Back to Arata.---- First person P.O.V

'Argh! I still don't have any idea how to break that Orb!'

But as I calmed down, I suddenly thought of an idea. 'What if I lured the white steel eel to the orb and make him bite it? There's possibility that it would break, and if not, at least that guy's frontal teeth would be gone.'

The more I think about it, the more it seemed to be really possible. 'Alright, that's it. If it doesn't work, then I can only do my best to kill that eel. That way, I'd have every time in the world in trying to break that Orb.'

Then I walked inside the cage.


As I entered the cage, the white steel eel rushed towards me with its mouth open. It's mouth full of jagged teeth was fully displayed.

And strangely enough, I wasn't even anxious about it.

*Chomp* My whole body was engulfed by the white steel eel's mouth.

Before I could be chewed by the eel, I immediately drove the needle in my hands upwards, piercing its palate.

*Shriek!* The Eel shrieked loudly, spitting me out as a result.

After rolling on the ground for a few times, I finally regained control of my body. 'Fortunately, the Eel only spat me out of reflex. If it placed more strength, It might have broken a bone or two...'

Though I said that, my body was still aching from falling to the ground. After all, I'm still within the boundaries of a normal human.

I looked ahead and saw the bleeding White steel Eel.

The gaps between the Eel's teeth flowed with its own blood. Also, the way it looked at me just now was very angry.

*Shriek!* It suddenly roared out angrily and rushed at me.

Fortunately, the Eel spat me out in the direction of the Orb, and my rolling on the ground before wasn't for naught.

I immediately dashed towards the Orb. Though I was very near to the Orb, I was still slower than the Eel, so it gradually closed the distance between us.

After I arrived 5 meters away from the Orb I looked back for a bit and saw that it's mouth was already open and was only behind a few meters.

Seeing that made my heart beat faster. I immediately slid down below the Orb, and turned around.

There I saw that the Eel already bit the Orb. It's teeth was only centimeters away from me, and if I was late by a second, I would be bitten too.

*Crack* It's frontal teeth cracked, but didn't fall apart. While nothing happened to the Orb.

*Shriek!* Once again, it screamed in pain and anger. It wriggled in the air with it's body swaying everywhere.

Fortunately, I was behind the Orb and I used it to guard against the Eel.

Even after being hit by the Eel's thrashing, the Orb didn't move a bit.

After a few seconds, the Eel stopped thrashing around and looked at me again with angrily.

And seeing me behind the Orb, the Eel didn't try to bite at me again. Instead, it whipped its tail and tried to move me away from the Orb.

I tried to dodge it, but I was gradually flicked away from the Orb.

*Roll* Once again, I rolled on the ground. But this time, the Eel was already rushing to me, not giving me any time to recover.

*Shriek* With it's mouth wide open, it swooped down and used it's right side teeth to bite down on me full force, trying to rip me apart.

Seeing this, I didn't waste any more time and swung my needle to the Eel.

"Full counter!" At the same time, my needle and its lower tooth met mid-air.

I purposely aimed at the lower tooth, since the jaw is where the biting force comes from.

*Thud* A dull sound rang out as the Eel fell down in front of me with the right side of it's face bleeding.

It lay flat on the ground, in anguish as its right side of the face was smashed by its own attack.

And this is my opportunity to finish things up. I ignored the fatigue building up in my body and climbed above the Eel's head.

With the needle in my hand, I drove it down towards the Eel's brain.

*Groan* The needle couldn't pierce through its skull that easily. And the White steel Eel struggled weakly after it sensed that its life was in danger.

But it's resistance was futile since it couldn't move properly. Some nerves in its brain might've been damaged by my Full counter, causing it to be immobilized.

*Pierce* The White steel Eel's life was ended by me.

With that, the tension on my body disappeared and my body collapsed while still atop of the Eel.

-----Third person P.O.V-----

'Hoo! That was dangerous!' Arata exclaimed in his mind.

'Also, using full counter consumes my stamina. I didn't think about that. Fortunately, it didn't drain me completely and left me enough strength to deal with this thing...'

For a while, Arata remained atop of the Eel.

When he felt he had rested enough, Arata raised his upper body and jumped down from the Eel's head.

Then, with the needle, he slammed the Orb with all his remaining strength.

*Crack* As a result, small cracks formed where Arata struck.

Arata was pleasantly surprised. 'It cracked that easily?! What happened?'

Then something flashed in his mind. 'Wait, I seem to remember that Headon's test difficulty is equivalent to the wish value of the participant...'

'And Bam's case may be special since that might also be a personal test from Headon. Since Bam's mother and Headon seems to be acquaintances...'

Arata smiled wryly. 'So my wish is simple enough, is that it? Haaih, I saved myself some trouble... apparently...'

Arata thinks that Headon wasn't that bad. It even seemed that he's a servant to Bam's mother.

Only, he might've been understood as a vile character because of the hideous outline of his mouth, and the evil smirk he has even if he only opens his mouth a little.

With that, Arata repeatedly slammed the needle to the Orb until it broke into pieces.

*Whoosh* After the Orb was smashed, black light engulfed Arata.

"!@#$%^&*(!" And while he was being engulfed by the black light, a shout from outside the cage seemed to call out to Arata.

There he saw a tall, beautiful young woman, and a short man carrying a large bag.

Her face was showing slight traces of panic, same with the short man.

But Arata just smiled at them and waved at them before he was completely engulfed by the light.