
The Perfect Dream

Have you ever experience being what i call "Author Mode".It's when YOU feel that you can do anything and You do.

I have experience it i can tell you that it is The Perfect Dream(by me).

You can be anyone and do anything!

The feeling of power coursing your being brings you bliss and exultation.

But this is rare.

However when you gained you're spirit when you're in dream hohoho.

I feel being chained like something his restrecting my power and it did.

One time i regain my sprit in the dream and i tried to well...enter the "Author Mode" but i fell those chains restricting me from acceding it.But with pure will i broke the four chains binding me from my vertebral column.

After breaking them i feel that familiar feeling of power and started my plan.

My plan was simple i list in 5 step

1) Teleport myself to our reality

2) Rewriting the world as i please.

3) Giving me a special system who will help me in this modified world.

4) increasing my charm by 1000 times.

5)Spliting me in two, one in the system as a guide to the main body and the other as a protector to the main body if others being of great power like me intervene.

As of now i did try tis plan however i'm stuck at step 1

The 1 time i try to teleport to our realyty.<I saw the galaxy for on eseconds before being crush by a unknow gravity.

It was not the first time this appened but this time i could move my elbow and and finger something i could not do when this happened to my main body.

Soo i will try to complete the plan and try being less reckless that i was the first time i did as i teleport the seconds i feel the power.

If this ever work don't worry the change will only be favorised to me and my familly so yeah that's the Perfect Dream by me :)