
Maria Stark Jr. MCU fan-fic

The millionaire Tony Stark builds Maria jr Stark as a legacy to help people around the world. A robot that uses the jewel of the infinite of space to build portals, teleport and be in multiple places at the same time. But she cannot hurt any living being! Unfortunately, she is considered dangerous, and the government orders she to be deactivated.

abibia_berri · Movies
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59 Chs

"The" boy

-So when can I start? - she asked a little anxiously, I could feel the panda's stomach squirming in my lap. Luckily he is a very quiet and well-behaved kitten.

She analyze me from toe to head and say carefully.

-Well, I think we should do something about your appearance first?- My first reaction was surprise.

-My appearance? Oh yeah! I think my face isn't much alike a real human face. But I'm all my five months of life no one never told me it was a problem.

She looks at my face in more details and then says.

- Well you know, this is a small city, people only heard bad things about AIs, some do not even now what it is! But don't worry, I little bit make up will do it.

She runs off the counter and disappears behind a door. I'm tired, I need to recharge. She comes back carrying a bag with sequins. Panda jumps on my coals and goes back to sleep, how lucky the cat is.

-Just need to stay still dear, it will only last a moment. - She says rummaging through the contents of the bag.

-Do I need to pay for this?

-Of course not! Consider this a little favor! -She put me on but don't give me a glass of water. Interesting woman.

-Ok, but what about your son. I need to know what the problem is to be able to solve it.

-He well ... Is one of those you know? Not very normal.

She looks worried, Well, she doesn't look. She sounds.

I can't see the face she is making because I have to close my eyes for her to make me up.

- Madame, with the strange description I know Ais like me, gods, sorcerers, genetic modification subjects, mad scientists, aliens, inhumans and mutants. What exactly do you mean?-

- When you talk like this my son doesn't even seem so strange. I wanted him to see it that way. Tommy is the last option. A mutant. He is treated badly at high school. Well, it was already a problem in high school, but you know, puberty makes everything worse. Even some teachers don't like him. It's been half a year since he left that room. If you can get him out of it, I'll give you water and even pay you a plane ticket wherever you want. Okay dear, I'm done. That should be enough.-I don't have a mirror, so I don't know how I look now, I hope it looks good.

-So ... where is your son?- I ask, assimilating all the data I received from Tommy.

- Just up the stairs, I hope you really are what you say you are.