
March of Life

Calais was an underachiever. When things he wanted were often just given to him. Or when having to do something, he proved to be capable pretty quickly. He became a complacent creature of habit. Never pushing to achieve true heights. Leading to a dull monotonous life, where his main source of entertainment and joy is reading novels. Calais wanted a change, he got it. ... The story is a progression fantasy. Mc is reincarnated in a world where everyone has a system and can see their stats and skills.  ... I am the author of this novel and have posted it on a different website. Just posting here as well.

VictimofFeminism · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 - Family

Calais was now a month older. He had picked up the (Atillin) language skill and was slowly inching his way forward in experience. Still stuck with his skills at level 10 but has no way to ask for assistance. Calais decided to try and get new ones.


Calais Ithai



Age: 1 month

Level: 7 (8,000/12,800)

Health: (30/30)

Mana: (20/20)

Stamina: (2/2)

Vitality: 3

Endurance: 2

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 2

Senses: 2

Mind: 7

Clarity: 5

Magic: 2

Charisma: 1

Luck: 0

Free Stat Points: 7


Tier 1: Swimming (LV5) Meditation (LV10) ) Time Sense (LV10) Listening (10) Mathematics (LV10) Reading (LV10) English (LV10) Economics (LV10) Spanish (LV10) French (LV10) Russian (LV10) Italian (LV10) Japanese (LV10) Arabic (LV10) Mandarin (LV10) Composition (LV10) Sense Mana (LV10) Acting (LV10) Breath Control (LV10) Atillin (LV10)

Tier 2: Eavesdropping (LV4)

Tier 3: None

Tier 4: Eidetic Memory (LV1)

Active Abilities: [What's Yours Is Mine, What's Mine Is Yours]

He obtained (Breath Control) and (Acting). (Acting) was obtained by faking various emotions through interactions with his family. (Breath Control) was actually obtained from trying to calm himself down. After continually hitting roadblocks and growing agitated. Calais would have to remind himself to take a deep breath and calm down. After several repetitions of this, he unlocked said skill. From there with most other skills maxed he quickie leveled it as well.

Currently, Calais was sitting on a blanket in the garden of his home. In front of him were several toys rattles, blocks, stuffed animals, and a ball.

Grasping the opportunity of freedom. Calais was using the toys to try and unlock new skills. He is aiming for (ambidextrous). By building blocks into different structures using both hands at the same time.

This is not the only skill on the regiment for Calais though. Over the past week whenever someone makes a statement. Calais has been trying to guess whether it is true or false. This is by far the longest he has spent before unlocking a skill. Causing him to have high hopes of it being a higher-tiered skill.

With this in mind, Calais jovially continued to work hard to unlock skills.

"What do we have here little Calais? Are you building some walls?" Kaylessa said walking over to Calais.

"You keep making walls then knocking them down. All while using two hands though not very adeptly hahaha." Kaylessa said lightheartedly.

Leave me be Mother I'm training. And of course, I'm not adept I'm 1 month old. Calis tried to say.

"Wah wha wahwa, WAH wah wha wah."

"Yes, yes I understand your trying your best. You did fantastically, actually, I feel you are much smarter than Genghis was when he was just born." Kaylessa mused.

Well I am 22

"It is what it is I suppose. Anyway, are you hungry? It's almost dinner time and I have to take care of my favorite baby first." Kaylessa said while picking Calais up.

After that, she took him upstairs and breastfeed him. Then proceeded to finish dinner just after Miadithis had come home.

"Dinners ready," Kaylessa shouted.

Causing a pair of footsteps to come running from the hallway. Appearing in a quick jog Genghis let himself be known with a shout.

"What are we having?"

"What have I told you about running in the house," Kaylessa said sternly. "We're having pot roast with potatoes and carrots, to answer your question."

"Mmmm, it smells delicious Mother."

"Well, then you better eat extra to grow big and strong Genghis. You got a little brother to protect now." Kaylessa said with a smile.

"YES, MOM! Oh, what active ability do you think Calais will get? Should I try and help him get a cool one?"

I don't need your help, I've got it all figured out.


"Mom did you hear that he said yes!" Genghis said excitedly.

"Now now calm down and leave him be. Let him play with his blocks while we eat."

Upon saying this Miadithis came downstairs. A fresh set of loose clothes than he was wearing previously.

"Smells great Kay!"

"Thank you, now eat up and tell me how was work," Kaylessa said.

"Fantastic actually," Miadithis said putting a fork full of food in his mouth. "Taste fantastic too, but at 'Dream Deal' I was able to get a mana contract signed with a merchant from Aquilla. He was paying a premium for wood spider silk, and as you know we have an abundance of those in the forest to the East. But not only that I received confirmation from a merchant based in Kasimir. Saying he will be arriving in half a year. Wants to hash out the final details of our discussions then hopefully I'll get a mana contract signed by him too." Miadithis said.

"This is great news, maybe we can go on a family outing of sorts to celebrate. Maybe a restaurant or we could invite people over. What do you think dear?"

"I would be open to inviting people over. We could introduce Calais to everybody and I haven't had a drink with the boys in a while." Miadithis replied.

"Will Vinny be invited?" Genghis asked.

"Yes, I will ask all the Longos tomorrow. Celine had her baby Viviene several months ago so I'm sure she would love to get out of the house any chance she got." Kaylessa said

Oh, nice, someone my age will be coming over. Maybe I can get skills off interacting with her. Calais thought.

"Great!" Genghis exclaimed.

"Mia is there any update on the situation with the Riglathens?" Kaylessa asked with concern.

"Yes, they still show no concern for Bedia or us. As you know the Ezer Kingdom's deal with the Fenix Kingdom still holds. The problem though is the numerous pirates from Riglathens and humans too." Miadithis said with slight annoyance.

"Was one of your conveys hit recently" Kaylessa questioned.

"Yes, be it as it may. The only solution is to have strong security for every vessel we send to the waters. But this is simply not easy for me to do as I have only so many people working for me."

"Hmm, well things are going great for the most part from the sound of it," Kaylessa said cheerfully.

"This is true, as long as the route from here in Gundahar to Brelas, Aquila, then Kasimir remains. I will continue to thrive, I may though stop the expansion I was doing recently. Wouldnt like to overstep and suffer from it. Especially when I have to take care of this little one." Miadithis said pinching Calais's cheek.

Hey, man cut it out, Calais thought while trying to swat his Fathers hand away.

This is interesting though, this city is called Gundahar. My Father must run some sort of merchant company. He also said he was worried about pirates and his convoys which implies we are close to the ocean or some sea. Well, it's not like it matters actually, I'm not going anywhere for a while.

Calais and the Ithai family continued their dinner with discussions about various things. Then relax for the rest of the night before heading to bed.

When Calais thought everyone was asleep he released all his mana. Then fell asleep quickly from exhaustion.