

James panted slowing down from the speedy pace he had been keeping for the last several minutes. Leaning against the closest tree he tried to regain control rapid breathing.

A sharp crack echoed through the clearing twenty yards behind his current position. His head snapped towards the noise. Several cloaked figures headed towards him. "Damn it. " he muttered under his breath.

Resting enough he broke into mad run trying to lengthen the distance between him and his pursuers.

Gesturing with his right hand while continuing forward chains sprung from the ground winding around the cloaked figures stopping them for a split second before shattering into millions of blood red particles.

One cloaked beings leapt forwards dissolving into black smoke before reappearing behind him. A jet black dagger shot from its sleeve piercing his shoulder. Hitting the ground he moaned in agony. The being grasped the knife yanking it out of his shoulder leaving him bleeding out. Raising the knife above his head the figure brought streaking down towards his face.