

James Grey a completely normal high-school student. Or at least I used to be. Honestly it's getting hard to tell lately. Let back up a bit and explain.

Our world, well I mean mine not yours is a little bit different than most. Humans in this world naturally gain supernatural abilities during puberty. How you may ask no one really knows.

It used to be random with people such as Merlin or Dracula. Most well known and super talented figures are ability users or breakers. The ability to break the rules or at least bend them within the area around them is what gave them this name.

By now just about half of every single person on the planet are breakers. Each ability is determined by the breakers strongest desire. Some desire strength, power, or wealth. Super strength, lightning, or transmutation are a few corresponding powers.

So despite the massive headache I was nursing I was excited because I James Grey was newly awakened breaker.

Well at least I think I was. Earlier this morning during chemistry class I fell unconscious. This was a symptom of awakening, or a disease but I have hope in my genetics. Maybe. Abs would be appreciated damn it.

I examined myself for several seconds. Nope. Well a man can hope can't he. I sat from up from hospital bed bed I was laying in and swung my legs over the side a stood with only a stumble. Taking a second to get my thoughts together I examined how I felt. Nothing felt unusual at all. I frowned.

Most people explained their powers as some sort of internal switch of some sort. I calmed myself. It's not like there was anything I could do anyways. Guess it was just a fluke or something.

Picking up my stuff and taking about a half hour to check myself out I exited hospital doors. Feeling slightly disappointed I checked the and decided it was to late to return to school and decided to head home.

After walking for quite a while I noticed my legs still felt fine after walking a significant distance. I blinked. Usually I would taken several stops to rest before continuing on. Nope. Zip. Squat. I face palmed. Increased stamina wasn't a really strong power. Well I guess it might useful on some occasions but it really seem not really combat worthy. It might help if wanted to to learn some type of martial arts or gymnastics.

Deciding to figure it out later I continued on arriving at my house several minutes later. I took my key and unlocked the door and closed. It behind me. I threw myself into the closest recliner and let myself relax. I slowly thought over the events of the past few hours and decided to see if I was just imagining things earlier. I waited for ten minutes or so before mustering enough motivation to stand up. Note to self. Increased stamina does nothing for plain laziness.

Getting up I headed up the steps to the second floor. Walking down the hallway and turning and entering my room I walked over and booted up my trusty old desktop. After browsing for a while I found out several different things. One slightly enhanced abilities were actually extremely common and most of them were hired as grunts for labor intensive jobs.

Another things was most powers responded to strong desires to be used or activated in case of a passive ability. The final thing I learned was since powers correspond with our strongest desires your might be able to find your out your ability by thinking about what you most deeply desired.

I thought about it for a while. Focus on my dreams the ones that most people would laugh at. My want, my need, my obsession with making my childish delusions of grandeur reality. No they weren't dreams they were reality. If the world would reject my reality I would reject reality and enforce my own in it's stead.

I paused feeling something deep and primal inside me click into place. I couldn't help but grin. Now that I had figured out my desire I could now try using my new ability. That earlier feeling has felt like a switch had flipped for a brief second.

Focusing on the feeling I could sense the world around me shift in a way I had never felt before. Flipping that internal switch I could feel my power expand enforcing it's existence on the world itself.

Suddenly a flame appeared on the floor, a simple illusion. No the flame has always been there. It was my world enforcing rules upon it. It felt effortless. This feeling was almost intoxicating. I grinned I can definitely get use to this