
Manifestation of Balance

Rachel didn't live the most ideal life. After the death of her mother, her father started to abuse her, more so verbal than physical. She tried her hardest to survive, working job after job just to make end meet. On the day when she was fired from her job, she was pulled into an ally. A mysterious man had taken her life without much context, however, she left at peace. She just wisher she could of been a better friend to the few people who appreciated her. However, she awoke in the body of new born, within a world of abilities. Watch as she travels around the world, even visiting different worlds. Eventually becoming a Manifestation, one of the strongest beings in creation. ————— English is my 3rd language so there will be some mistakes here and there, I apologies in advance. Discord: https://discord.gg/4WBYqHBX {(Cove is not mine)}

FallenEclispes2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

SilverLake Forest (Part: 2)

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"Soooo, what now? Can I not go yet?" Lira said looking through the window at the forest below her. She remembers the high of she was at before being transferred from the kindergarten.

She was lower down, so much so that the difference was easily noticably.

Val looked at Vox and nodded before looking back at her.

"You'll see... right now, in fact." Val said.

Vox waved her hand using one of her abilities. A white circle appeared under the three of them and their bodies disappeared.

"Wait! Give me a minute..." Was the last thing Lira could say before they were got. The whole time Lira was regretting not pretending to of been asleep.

• • •

"Wait a minute, you want to go out there?" Lira said, pointing to the snow-covered forest in front of her.

Val and Vox, as well as a few guards, were standing behind her.

They were all at the tower's entrance. Lira could barely keep her excitement in check. Were they really just leaving her alone in the forest?

For all they know, she'll flee and return to destroy the place when she's strong enough. She would do it if they let her go or not.

Lira was hopeful, but not stupid.

"Yes." Val said. "I'm sure your thinking you can just run away, right? Well, It's not that simple, child."

He stepped forward and took her arm, showing a bracelet with five gems in it wrapped around the wrist. Lira frowned looking at the thing. She had thought it was some kind of tracker, she could just destroy it through.

However, like most things in her shitty life, it wasn't that simple. There was always some bull she had to deal with.

"One of the gems will turn green if you travel three kilometers from this tower. It will then turn orange after five kilometers. After eight it turns red and you will hear a constant beeping sound. I can assure you it's not pleasant.

Exspecualy with your enhanced hear after Bloodline Transfusion, which every subject will gain. And finally, at ten your heart and brain will explode in a matter of seconds."

Lira's eyes widened and glowed purple for a split second. She looked down, relieved that Val hadn't noticed.

"You might be bluffing." She stated. Val felt a chill run down his spine when she looked up and he saw all the light from her eyes had vanished without a trace.

He had seen those eyes on many people in many occasions, but rarely if ever on a child. He could remember very few moments in his life where he felt fear.

However, he didn't show it. What kind of message would that sent to his comrade and soldiers if he showed that he was scared by a little girl.

It did peak his interest in her though. He knew she had many secrets, and he was going to make it his personal mission to unravel them all.

Even if he had to get his hands a little more dirty than they already were.

"Well, you can try it out for yourself if you want." The man said as he let go of her hand. He and the others walked back into the tower, and the massive metal door began to close slowly.

Really slowly in fact. To the point where Lira was wondering if they were doing it on purpose just for affect.

"A second stone on your bracelet will shine purple in seven days, indicating that guards will come to get you." Val smiled at her as she groan.

"If you try to take the bracelet off, boom. If you go too far, boom. All you have to do is survive she a week, simple, right? Oh, and some words of wisdom. Hiding at night will increase your chances of survival quite significantly."

Then, the doors closed... after like a minute.

Lira scuffed turning away from the doors. A ball of Aether Flames appeared under her wrist, the flames almost touching the bracelet.

Lira's hand started shaking when the flames grew and became brighter and brighter. The flame went out and Lira dropped her hands.

"Fuck!" She shouted at the top of her lungs kicking the snow. The force behind it sent lumps of snow to the treeline in front of her.

Lira stumped away from the tower flipping it off.

"Stupid fucking tower, stupid fucking military. Stupid fucking fucky major cunt bastard...!" Lira continued to shouted profanities while walking through the snowy forest.

The snow on the ground wasn't that thick but she still needed a bit of effort to move though it.

"Oh wait, snow is water. I'm so stupid." Lira said putting her hand over her face. She flicked her head causing the snow to move making a path for her.

Lira sighed and walked around the forest. After about an hour she found... nothing. It just looked like a regular forest. The only thing out of place she noticed was that the World Energy in the forest was much richer than in the tower.

The forest was a natural place with quite a bit of history. World Energy would be much more pure in a huge forest than it a tower even if it was in the middle of said forest.

"What a flop." Lira stated while leaning against a tree. "This seemed preferable to me. What's there to survive from..."

A huge stream of snow was shot at her as if hearing her. Lira blinked her eyes open and raised her head. When she saw a huge wolf-like beast with white fur, her curiosity peaked for the second time this week.

The stream of snow came from its open mouth, revealing its shark fangs to Lira.

She paused her admiration for the creature in front of her and used Earth Magic to construct a wall in front of her, blocking the snow.

The wall cracked quite a bit and was on the verge of collapse. Lira was surprised by the force of it's attack but she didn't put much effort into her defense.

It was just a wall of dirt she pulled up from the snow and pushed together. However, she had one question one her mind.

Do these beasts have abilities or did it just use something they are born with. Like how a dragon can breath fire. She didn't know but she would find out.

If she ended up going back to the tower, she would ask Val or one of the guards. They obviously want to see if they can survive with these monsters wondering around the forest.

Lira became annoyed guessing that they probably become more aggressive at night or there would be more of them at night than during the day. Either way, she didn't want to be out when the sun goes down.

Lira raised one hand pointing a finger towards the wolf. Aether Lightning crackled around her arm then gather into a single point in front of her finger.

"Scattered Lightning."

A bolt of purple lightning struck moving twice the normal speed of lightning. The bolt then slit apart into five others when it was only a few meters away from her.

The five different streams of lightning then split into six, and so on, until there were dozens of small bolts shooting towards the wolf.

Scattered Lightning was a spell that created what appeared to be a normal bolt of lightning, except for its speed. When fired, however, it splits into smaller bolts that are just as strong.

It will continue to split until it collides with something, at which point it will either explode, or until Lira doesn't want it to split anymore. One of its disadvantages is the amount of Aether required to use it.

It was a much stronger spell than Sharp Winds. Lira's Aether reserves were reduced by half after casting the spell.


Each stream of lightning either hit the beast or around it, explode on impact. The explosion were very small, but because of the number of them, the area was covered in bust and the ground shook ever so slightly.

"Guess that's that." Lira said turned away from the bust cloud.

A small stream of snow hit her back as she was about to take a step forward, thinking the fight had ended there. Lira was sent flying back and hit the ground a few times.

She smashed through several trees before colliding with a small hill.


The force behind it was just that much stronger than before, and if she had still been human, she would have died then and there. Even though Lira had an unholy pain tolerance, it still stung quite a bit.

She emerged from a small hole after a few seconds with dazed eyes, wondering what happened.

Lira then got her answer in the form of seeing the wolf standing there, mouth wide open. A lot of its fur was burned.

The beast even had a few puncture wounds from Scattered Lightning. The girl gashed her teeth as she explode with anger, her killing intent flooded the area in a second.

Lira's killing intent was naturally amplifier with World Energy and Aether, boosting it by a significant amount.

For her, it was like letting out a breath she had kept in for years, and it almost was. Lira gritted her teeth and stood up despite having many broken bones.

The wolf backed away ready to flee. It had realized that in turns of fury, it and the monster standing in front of it were on different levels.

Lira wasn't going to let that happened through, she needed to release some of her frustration. Her fight back at the tower just didn't cut it.

Lira tapped her feet on the ground and smiled feeling it already healed. She was sending Aether throughout her body healing almost everything. A few of her rids were still broken and so was her arm.

However, she didn't have much Aether left, and the girl didn't want to see what happens when she completely runs out.

She leaned forward and kicked off the ground while using Air and Lightning Magic to enhance her speed.

The wolf roared sending multiple stream of snow towards Lira. After she was hit with one of them at point blank, she knew not to let that happen again.

The wolf could fight for much longer than Lira, so dragging out this fight would do more harm than good.

Lira sped pass them dodging each one. Lira put a hand out and used Fire Magic to make a fire ball then Air Magic to generate a small bust on wind.

When she put them together she got something stronger than a simple stream of flames. Lira tired to pump oxygen into her flames to increase their heat.

Tried, but ultimately failed.

She was missing something that restricted it from happening, and also the fact that she couldn't concentrate on it much.

A strong bust of flames exploded outwards aiming right for the wolf. It leaned out of the way avoiding the fire but it's tail was caught in the flames.

It roared once more, but this time it was full of agony. Lira grinned and planted her feet firmly on the ground.

The air around her began to almost shifted in a way. This time it wasn't the same as when she usually used Air Magic. It was as if the element was reacting to her will alone.

Lira, not wanting to die, kept her curiosity at bay. Just then, she was thrown into the air right about the wolf.

Four different orbs appeared in front of her palm and fused together into a small orb of dark purple light with purple lightning crackling off it.

"Focus Point."

The orb glowed brighter almost alerting everything in the vicinity of where Lira was. She glaced away for a second and saw the tower in the distance.

Even though she should be a good ways away from the place, it could still easily be seen. She smiled and made a promise on everything she had she could watch it fall.

Maybe even destroy the kingdom too.

The orb shot down so fast that the wolf's eyes couldn't even track it, but it sensed the danger that was coming at it as soon as Focus Point was generated.

The wolf wanted to move, but was to slow. The orb went through it's head and drain, killing it on the spot.

Lira smiled seeing her spell worked. Focus Point wasn't something she used unless she was sure she wouldn't miss.

It was a combination of Fire, Lightning, Wind, Darkness Magic. The only spell she had that used more than three elements.

It was the exact opposite of Scattered Lightning, akin to a lasser. That's actually what she based it off of.

Lira and the wolf's bodies fell to the ground. Only then did Lira really see how bit it was, coming in at four meters tall (13 feet).

Lira pulled herself onto the dead wolf and laid on it's soft fur. She sighed breathing heavily. She wanted to sleep but knew she couldn't.

'I ain't no bitch. I'm not gonna go and pass out after every damn fight.' Lira though laying there for a few minutes.

After some time, Lira stood up and looked at herself. She snickered when she saw her blood. Lira expected it to be black or white, like the blood she was infected with, but it was gold.

"Hehe, I guess I'm just that amazing that my blood it gold. HA HA HA-OW!" She laughed buy stopped when her felt her arm pop back into place.

Lira looked around at nodded at the burning threes around her.

"I'm definitely going to cook this thing." She smiled her mouth almost watering thing of that it tasted like.

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