
Manifestation of Balance

Rachel didn't live the most ideal life. After the death of her mother, her father started to abuse her, more so verbal than physical. She tried her hardest to survive, working job after job just to make end meet. On the day when she was fired from her job, she was pulled into an ally. A mysterious man had taken her life without much context, however, she left at peace. She just wisher she could of been a better friend to the few people who appreciated her. However, she awoke in the body of new born, within a world of abilities. Watch as she travels around the world, even visiting different worlds. Eventually becoming a Manifestation, one of the strongest beings in creation. ————— English is my 3rd language so there will be some mistakes here and there, I apologies in advance. Discord: https://discord.gg/4WBYqHBX {(Cove is not mine)}

FallenEclispes2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

SilverLake Forest (Part: 1)

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A guard appeared in front of Lira holding a silver dagger, he held in overhead and brought it down.

Lira raised her hand, her ice forming much faster than he could bring the dagger down. A thin ice spike shoots through his chest and out his back.

Lira was after his heart and was able to pierce it. Blood dripped onto the floor from the tip of the of the spike.

The temperature in the room dropped by several degrees as the spike began to expand.

Ice exploded from Lira's palm, covering a quarter of the room in a thick layer of it. Doctors and security guards were covered in frozen it place.

Lira wasn't sure how much Aether she should be using, so this was a trial period for her as well. She reinforced her body with World Energy and used Aether to make her spells.

She shot thin streams of lightning through the heads or chests of anyone who went close to the door.

"Ha!" Lira yelled in surprise as she was dragged back by one of her horns. It didn't hurt because Lira was numb to pain, but it was extremely uncomfortable.

Lira had no idea she had grown horns after the whole ordeal; she felt something on her head but didn't have time to investigate.

She quickly realized she hated people touching them.

World Energy and a bit of killing intent started to seep from Lira's body. Her eyes travel up to the man who seemed to have a death wish, her eyes stared to glowed gold.

When she flexed her finger, the man's shadow began to wrap around his legs. During her time at the tower, she wasn't able to use this spell much because if just how cost it was.

It was divided into two parts. She first wraps darkness around the target with the nearest shadow, then uses fire magic to create a burning sensation within the shadows.

The spells, like most of her other ones, lasts until she wants it to stop of runs out of Aether.

The man yelled in pain, his grip on her horns weakened just enough for her to slip free. Using that type of spell consumes a lot of Aether.

The man's legs will probably give out in a few seconds, but Lira was surprised he didn't pass out from the pain.

The guard above her raised his hand, which instantly transformed into a steel blade.

"Oh." Lira was taken aback by the abilities she witnessed. She had no idea why, but she simply enjoys witnessing to do with magic or abilities.

It was one of the things that never failed to intrigued her. The abilities were basic, but a lot of them were very flexible and had a lot of potential.

You could almost see stars in Lira's eyes as the guards 'sword' glowed bright red. It emitted heat that even Lira could feel on her face.

'Is he using another ability?! Can people be born with more than one?'

He slashed it down, leaving a trail of flames behind the blade. Taking a small step back, her eyes watched as the blade missed her by a few inches.

The guard gritted his teeth, turning the blade to face her. He crouched down to her level and slashed at her once more.

The girl froze in shock for split second, but she was still able to create a air blade that flew upwards and sever his arm at it root.

"AHH-" He screamed in agony, but Lira didn't let her advantage slit by. For all she knew, he should use that ability of his other arm.

While the guard had years of experience, she didn't have any experience in fighting. All Lira was doing was spamming her spells.

She raised her hand with her palm facing his torso and sent a powerful gust of wind nocking the man back, slamming him into a wall.

He spat out blood, groaning in pain. His other hand started to shift once more, but he wasn't given the chance to retaliate.

Lira put her hands a few inches apart, a ball of violent wind formed within a few seconds. Lira's frown deepened as her eyes flashed purple for a few seconds.

She tapped her feet on the tiled floor creating stone walls that raised around her blocking several projectiles.

'I need to end this here, the rest of these guys' abilities look boring and basic. Plus, there is probably an army of guards on their way here.'

"Sharp Winds."

The ball expanded after a few seconds creating a dome of violent winds around Lira. Any attack that was fired at it was immediately ripped to shreds.

Lira stood up straight and admired her work. The spell she used was a defensive and offensive spell. While it may of just appeared as a dome of wind, it was quite a bit more complicated.

Lira didn't create a single current of wind, instead she created hundreds of them. Each one going in different directions very quickly.

It was one of the few spells she came up with a name for. Sharp Winds was on her mind since she was two, but her limited Aether and undeveloped Energy Channels didn't allow her to do much with it back then.

Now, however, she can use the spell to it's fullest without completely depleting her reserves.

"Well, this is goodbye people who watched me be tortured for fucking days. I have to say, you will be missed... not be me though. Maybe someone out there will miss you."

Lira put her feet together and did a very clumsy salute almost falling in the process.

It only took a flick of her wrist for the dome around her expand. Everything in it's path was destroyed, ripped to a hundred pieces, or killed.

In the case of the people, it was all three. It was far from a painless death unless they were lucky enough to have their head severed first.

For the guards and doctors, it was like being cut by dozens of razer blades all over their body. If by some Godly miracle someone survived, then they will bleed out in a few minutes.

When Lira was sure everyone was dead, she stopped all of the spells and fell onto her butt. The girl looked around taking in the sight.

Body parts littered the destroyed tiled floor, blood covered the wall, ceiling, and floor. The smell of blood didn't bother Lira much anymore.

Before she hated it, now she doesn't care. Lira was about to stand when dozens of glowing orbs flew into her chest from all over the room.

She frowned and tried to grab one of them, unfortunately failing in the process.

"Damn, I almost exhausted all of my Aether. Didn't use much World Energy in this fight though."

Lira lay her head on the floor breathing heavily. She looked at the door and say even more guards burst into the room behind Nate, Val, and woman she didn't know.

Lira scuffed and closed her eyes, wanting to get some sleep. She wanted a peaceful sleep, one where she didn't have to worry about much.

After that whole ordeal, a massive weight was filled from her shoulders. Now she just had to get out, maybe go to a beach or something at the edge of the continent.

• • •

"Can someone explain to me, how a girl who just went through Bloodline Transfusion was able to kill dozens of guards and doctors in the span of a few minutes." Val asked look at a guard in front of him.

The man was looking at the floor. Two others stood next to him doing the same. None of them dared to look at the fuming man in front of them.

They stood in the middle of the lab Lira was kept in. Once a room filled with doctors working day and night, now a destroyed place filled with blood and gore.

Lira wished she could of taken a picture... or painting. Either would work.

"S-Sir, we don't know. Dozens of guards were stationed here, and a outside the room. The guards at the entrance started to hear a commotion after someone left the room.

However, the door wouldn't open. It was only after a few minutes that we were able to get in. After that, you know the rest."

Val hummed turning away from them. He was feeling a mixture of anger and pride. If the subject was able to kill that many guards, although weak, he couldn't imagine what she could be able to do in a few years.

Lira wasn't the only subject that went to a rampage though, but all the others were delt with quickly. Lira definitely killed the most amount of people.

However, the Major still wondered how she was able to do it. He doubted it was done with brute strength alone

The only answers he could think of was that she was able to use her ability early, or that she gained some power after she woke up.

Both were possibilities he needed to explore. Val only worried that Lira might get out of control. The last think they want is for someone like her to become an enemy of the kingdom.

'That girl needs to kept on a tight leash, more so than the other subjects. We need some leverage over her just to be sure. She's too smart to be treated lightly.'

• • •

Three Days Later.

Lira open her eyes for the first time since her little killing spree the previous day. She groaned wanting to back to sleep but she knew she couldn't do that.

The girl had too much to do and even more things to worry about. She didn't need to spend that long healing, it was mostly to recover her reserves and from the mental strain of the past few days.

Her thoughts were slower than normal, almost making her fall right back to sleep. Lira sent a pulse of World Energy through her body trying to wake herself up a bit.

It worked but not very well, but it wasn't meant to. Lira just didn't want to feel like she was tortured for days, even though she was.


Lira sat up using her hands for a bit of support. She saw no one when she looked around the room filled with beds.

'Guess this is an infirmary.' She thought, sitting up properly.

Not long after she woke up, Val along with Vox and Nate walking into the room. Lira sat there fiddling with her long nails.

She pocked her arm sometimes she did it too hard causing blood to fall, but the wound would heal after a few seconds.

Lira was amazed by her increase regeneration, she wasn't even using Aether to heal herself. If she uses Aether along with her national regeneration, she was sure she could grow back entire limbs.

She wanted and didn't want to test it at the same time. She wasn't worried about pain anymore, she just didn't want to risk it.

Val and his little party walked in front of her watching as Nate did a little check me.

"Do you remember your number?" Nate asked. "If so, what is it."

"If you're wondering if I'm a vegetable, I can say with certainty that I'm not." Lira said, pulling her face out of his palm. "Can I go now, I would like to eat lunch."

"The sun has yet to rise." Vox said point at a window Lira didn't even notice. "However, you can't just yet."

"Why is that." Lira said hopping of her bed and walking over to the window. Her bare feet tapped on the cold floor.

Val and Vox shared a look while Nate just stood there. The doctor walked towards the two and asked them the one question on his mind since Lira survived.

"Can I run my tests on the girl now?"

"What?" Val asked. "You need to get permission from the king for that, Doctor. He should have sent someone here, they will arrive in a week, maybe shorter."

Nate's face twisted into disgust and outrage.

"So because I succeeded this time the crown wants to take MY work away from me." Nate said, "I worked my ass of to find the blood. What did the crown do."

"I would suggest you stop while you are ahead, Dr. Nate." Vox said. Val didn't speak, knowing this might get a bit heated. Nate couldn't stand his ground against either of them in a fight.

Nate's abilities weren't even combat based, while Vox and Val had years of experience in battle.

"You are a man with no last name from a village the crown forgot about. You got support from a low ranking nobal who got you an education.

Don't think because you are here means you are valued. If it came between you and that girl, I would choose her.

Aomeone born from a Duke of the kingdom with intalect way beyond yours when you were her age.

The subjects here are valued by the crown, you, in fact, are not."

Vox's emerald eyes glowed bright green as World Energy flooding her body. She released a small amount of killing intent, but it was enough to make Nate almost jump out of his own skin.

Nate was a Doctor who had never been in a proper fight a day in his life. He went through basic training to get into the military but that's it.

The doctor gritted his teeth and pushed past the two majors, leaving the room without looking back.

Lira looked at them and shrugged, she pushed a chair to the window and jump on it since she was too short to see it.

Lira was surprised by the bit of news, she didn't care for the part about Nate. She was only interested when she found out about her father.

If anything, it put a bitter taste in her mouth. It was clear enough her mother wasn't someone of high status.

'Did he rape her or something, or she could of just been a bitch and just got into his pants. No, if that was the case, she could of kept me to use me to get something out of him.

Obviously something happened that she wasn't expecting.'

Lira groaned, just when she thought nothing else could appear in her plate

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