
Man of steel in marvel

What if the man of steel fell into the marvel universe? what kind of change would it bring? english is not my primary language, this fancition is being translated from my mother tongue by google translator. I was mainly inspired by the Avengers of Steel fanficition By: Reyel

voiid · Movies
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12 Chs

chap 9

Clark was looking at the TV, which was talking about him and his actions from yesterday. Today was a special day, he would give an interview for the daily bugle as a superman, and he knew that his revelations would shock the world, after all, today he is more talked about than Tony Stark, which was no small feat, considering that the man was chosen twice as the most influential person on the planet.

The sound of the toaster took Clark out of his stupor, picking up his toast, while he drank his coffee, he left his apartment, hoping not to find his 'lovely' neighbor, something he was not grateful for, as just like yesterday, she coincidentally left at the same time as him. With the worst acting he had ever seen, she made a surprised face, something Clark was sure she didn't even really try, and said "we need to stop meeting like this, boy, make it look like you're stalking me" she said with impressive naturalness.

"Good morning" Clark says listlessly, as if he hadn't heard her, Jessica looked at him in surprise and said "decided to stop ignoring me ?! It's a breakthrough, you just have to admit it's him"

Clark just remained silent, while the lift door closed.

"Look, Clark, I saw your little heroic act on TV yesterday, and I must admit, you have an impressive skill set. And until you did it yesterday"

Clark heard that and said nothing, not denying or stating, he already knew that she knew his identity, he just didn't admit it for convenience, but when he heard that, he couldn't help but smile.

Jessica seeing that smile can't help laughing too "see, you look so much better when you're not pretending you don't see me, but don't be so arrogant, boy. No matter how many powers you have, you're just human"

When Clark heard that, his heart, for a few seconds, stopped, Ahh how wrong she was ...

"I'm looking forward to seeing your interview in the daily bugle" she said as she hurriedly left the elevator, Clark looked at her for a second and went to work.

Arriving at the daily bugle, he was immediately called to JJ Jameson's office

"Kent, tell me that the journalist that the superman referred to yesterday was you ?!" Said Jameson, with a little anxiety, something that didn't match his age.

"Yes, it was me, sir. Due to a coincidence of fate, I was saved by him and managed to convince him to give an interview, but he, for reasons I don't know, made some demands for this interview" said Clark

Jameson couldn't help the smile that spread across his stern face "What did he ask for? Quick, tell me, Kent"

"He said that only he and the interviewer would stay, and it would be at the top of the bugle building, and he would know if someone was spying on the conversation"

Jameson heard this and frowned a little "This ... Can be arranged, what day and time will he give the interview?"

"It will be today, at 3 pm, sir," said Clark.

Jameson looked at the watch on his wrist and opened his eyes wide and almost shouted "Why didn't you tell me earlier, Kent. We have to get an interviewer urgently"

"Sir, I had made a deal with Betty and I promised her that opportunity"

"Betty? Betty Brant?" Clark stated and Jameson sighed "well, she is inexperienced, and I would like to put someone with more name and experience, but how did you get the interview, you choose. I just hope she gets the job done"

Clark smiled and said "I'm sure everything will be fine, Betty is very talented" the two talked for a few more minutes.

When Clark left the office, he was held by a euphoric Betty who was looking at him as if he were his idol

"You did it, seriously, I don't believe it, you really did it, didn't you? Are you the journalist that the superman mentioned in the bank robbery yesterday ?!"

"You're right, Betty. And you have an interview in…" Clark paused when he took out his cell phone to check the time "in 4 hours, just you and him, was one of the demands he made. Get ready, Betty "

Betty looked at him and smiled, "I'm not going to disappoint you, Clark. It looks like you're my lucky star, you barely made it into the paper, and you got the chance of my life"

Clark smiled at her and said goodbye and went to finish revising and correcting some material at a record speed, to be free for interview.

Betty was excited, she was nervously fiddling with the camera, she had no experience with such material, but because of the superman's request, she learned in an hour and already knew how to do the basics. She was making the last change, changing the quality and the recording, when she heard a noise in the sky and looked up and saw him ...

Clark came down slowly, as he always did when he wanted to talk to someone.

He looked at Betty and was surprised that she didn't recognize him, and he was even more confident in his disguise 'damn it, why didn't I wear glasses and wear clothes wider before, so Jessica wouldn't recognize me 'he threw that thought out of his mind when his feet hit the ground.

"You must be Miss Brant, Clark Kent told me about you, I hope the interview will answer some questions that people have about me"

"Superman, I'm a huge fan, I'm honored to interview you, I'm sure it will be all right, just wait a second, I'll set up the camera tripod, and we can start" Betty said hurriedly and a little nervous and Clark smiled at he and said in a playful way "you don't have to be nervous, Miss Brant. If what Clark told me about you is true, I know this interview will take place without any problems"

Hearing this, Betty sighed with relief. 'He's just like I thought' Betty thought and was relieved.

Clark, sitting in a chair that had been put there by a bugle man, looked at Betty who was going over some papers, which he saw, using his x-ray vision, which were questions and topics.

"Okay, let's get started. 1… 2… 3… good afternoon, people of New York, this is Betty grant, journalist and daily bugle interviewer. This is where I'm here today with a very special person, I'm sure you know him, he is a sensation of the moment, I present to you, Superman "said Betty in a dramatic way

Clark looked at the camera and smiled and said "hello everyone, I'm superman, and it's a pleasure to be here"

"Superman, I have a list of questions I would like to ask, and of course, you can refuse to answer any questions, is everything okay?"

"Okay" replied Clark

"The first question is…., please don't think I'm a stranger, but are you single?" Asked Betty

Clark would have been surprised, had he not read the list of questions with his x-ray view "Yes, I'm single"

"If it's not too much trouble for me to ask, but you could tell us why, I mean, look at you, with all due respect, but you're beautiful, and I'm sure there are hundreds of girls who are crazy about you out there" Clark looked at Betty and just smiled and said "I don't know, I don't think I found anyone special, and combined with my work and my lack of time, it resulted in that hahaha"

"Well, I'm sure you could easily find a girlfriend, maybe she's in front of you, and you can't see," said Betty in an exaggerated way as she winked, clearly comically, which resulted in Clark's laughter, and so questions were asked. Made until he arrived at the moment that Clark expected, in the question that made him mark this interview ... its origin.

"Well, superman, I've already asked you a lot of questions that were sent to me over the internet, but the main two, and perhaps the most sensitive ones, I left it for last, and if you don't want to, you don't have to answer" said Betty while looking at him with frowning, she didn't like that question, it was too direct and invasive, but she was forced to ask these questions and when she questioned her boss, he just said that this question came from the government. What made her even more uncomfortable

"I already wonder what the question is, Betty. No problem"

"So, Superman, who are you really, and where did your powers come from?"

Clark took a deep breath, although he had prepared for it, he still hesitated, he was afraid of the reaction of humanity, but firming his resolution, he replies, with words that would change the world.

"My real name is Kal-el, I came from a planet called krypton, a planet that orbited a big red star, I am of a race known as Kryptonian. I was sent to earth by my biological parents, because krypton would be destroyed, along with the Red star, which would explode and take much of the galaxy with it, I was saved and sent to Earth a few years ago "

Betty's jaw dropped while looking at him, she didn't answer for a while "so you are an alien ?! My God…" She was looking confused and Clark was worried, if even she, who was a big fan, couldn't accept, imagine the other people who didn't like him anymore, but her next words calmed him down and made the mood lighten "God, I expected the aliens to be little green men, but look at you, every woman's dream, now I want my own Alien, "she said, which drew Clark's laughter.

"Well superman, what about the origin of your powers? Do all Kryptonians have these powers?"

Clark was serious when he said "my race evolved on a planet with few resources, and was forced to adapt to survive absorbing solar energy, but the krypton sun was old when my race evolved, it just gave me enough energy to nourish the population, but here on earth it is different, the sun is young and strong, it not only nourishes me, but strengthens me in every way, from strength to senses, everyone is taken to great heights while I am under the yellow sun "

"So you are a kind of plant? "Betty said laughing, which made Clark laugh and remember the past.…

After a few more questions, the interview ended, and after a few more conversations, Clark and took off at high speed, it was already 7:00 pm the interview lasted longer than he expected, but it was productive, and with an interviewer who was not trying to complicate his life, things were smoother than he imagined.

Betty was still, when he left, she went into a stupor, in these hours of interview, it was as if someone else was in her place, she guided everything perfectly and even made jokes, which made Superman laugh and lighten the mood. Shaking her head, she looked at the camera, thinking about the waves that this interview would bring to the world, if everything went according to plan, the recording would be edited and would go on air in 2 weeks ...