
Man of steel in marvel

What if the man of steel fell into the marvel universe? what kind of change would it bring? english is not my primary language, this fancition is being translated from my mother tongue by google translator. I was mainly inspired by the Avengers of Steel fanficition By: Reyel

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12 Chs

chap 7

Clark was sweating, which he thought was impossible. He acted like Superman today, he helped a person and maybe he even saved that person's life and he wasn't despised or looked at with fear by people, no, people were looking at him with curiosity while they were filming him. Something he was not used to, being the center of attention he never liked much, especially being the center of attention for hundreds of different people, but he succeeded and was better than he expected.

He sees the smile on the face of that girl, whose name was Gwendolyn Stacy, when she was saved, sees her expression vary from fear to joy made him smile, that expression of joy that she made to be saved, that genuine expression, made him think and rejoice in having chosen to act and use their powers for the good of humanity.

The conversation he had with his father was beautiful, but it was words and not actions, but today, with this action, he set his heart on that goal, he would dedicate his power and energy for the good of humanity.

And while floating in the sky, just below the stratosphere, he said in his heart 'I swear, until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice become a reality that everyone shares, I will never stop fighting, Never '

With those words, he sped back to an alley, close to his home, and took off his costume as he entered the building.

He greeted the doorman, who smiled and returned the greeting.

Leaving the elevator, while he was still thinking, about what happened today, he saw his neighbor, Jessica Jones, leaving her apartment while staring at her cell phone.

When he approached, something she didn't notice because she was looking so intently at her phone, he saw that she was watching a video of her filmed by a person who was on her 'debut'. He saw that the caption was "Flying boy, who calls himself a man, captures two bandits and takes the princess home" when he looked at that caption he frowned and pretended to cough, something that scared Jessica and made her look at him with a little anger, because after a while, it became shock and then curiosity. "It's You ... You're Superman" Jessica said with wide eyes.

Clark heard that and his eyes widened so comically it looked like they were going to jump out, stammering he said "who who? I didn't see who you are talking about" as he turned to leave, Jessica grabbed his shoulder and said it in a way hurried "wait!" "Look, I don't know what you're talking about, I just got back from work and I'm really tired, so if you can excuse me" said Clark as he tried to release her hand from his shoulder

Jessica looked deeply into his eyes and then looked him up and down, as if she were analyzing him "it's not really you, right ?!"

And Clark said "yes, it's not me, excuse me, I'm going to take a shower and sleep"

Jessica Jones looked at him and huffed "Hmph, you're not from here, are you? You're too polite for a young man. Young people in New York aren't even 10% as polite as you are, let alone hell's kitchen, okay, I'm going believe for now that it's not you "she said as Clark quickly entered the apartment.

Jessica looked at the young man who ran away as if his life depended on it and thought 'so it means that the' superman 'is my neighbor…. Hmph, I just hope he doesn't bring me any more trouble '

Clark closed the door and took a deep breath, of course someone would notice, did he really think that a different hairstyle would fool anyone? 'by god, how could i be so stupid, i need a better disguise' that was when an old memory came to mind, when his family was looking at old photos. he saw one of his father, from school, wearing glasses and he realized how different he looked with those glasses, an idea came to his mind immediately.

next morning

Clark left the apartment while eating a toast hurriedly, when he turned and locked the door he heard "hey, guess what, wearing glasses to hide his identity? It's a good idea" Clark gave a spin, which thanks to his impressive control, was at the human speed limit, until he saw Jessica leaning against his door while looking at her cell phone. Looking around to see if there was anyone. Clark simply ignored her and headed for the elevator.

Jessica frowned and thought 'ignoring me now? Hmph '

Jessica got into the elevator with Clark who was still ignoring her, Clark just didn't know what to do in this situation, so he just didn't say anything.

"You know, when you took off after giving your name it was something impressive ... How fast did you go? Mach 1? Or 2? A lot of people theorizing on the internet ... Oh come on, will you ignore me now? Pretend I don't exist? This will not work for me, flying boy "

"I don't know what you're talking about, look, today is my first day the work officer and I'm a little late, "Clark said.

"With your speed, are you still late? Hahaha" said Jessica and at that moment the elevator opened and Clark left without looking back, leaving Jessica with a malicious smile on her face while thinking 'Hmph, let's see how long it will deny or me ignore, boy '

Clark walked to work while trying to think about what had happened 'she knows' he thought regretting the carelessness 'if I had been wearing glasses, she wouldn't recognize me, putting on the glasses now just raised more suspicions, damn it!'

'calm down, Clark, so what if she knows? What could she do to you? Stay calm, don't let anxiety over something you can no longer control affect you '

as he thought, he entered the daily bugle building, arriving at the newsroom floor, he saw that it was much louder than yesterday. The televisions were all filming from different angles of what happened yesterday, they were all talking about what happened, discussing possible possibilities, some saying that Superman is a mutant, others saying that he was the result of an experience that worked and even some saying he was God.

Clark looked at the televisions while he was surprised by such a commotion that he caused with his actions while watching the filming, he heard someone shouting "CLARK" and he looked and saw his boss looking at him, from the door of his office, Clark went in. direction from your boss's office.

"Sit down, Kent" said jj Jamerson, and Clark felt "Clark, did you see the videos and reports on the internet? It looks like we have a 'hero' in town" said Jamerson, with the word hero barely coming out of your mouth.

"Yes, boss, I saw the videos, it looks like he arrested two thugs and saved the daughter of the New York police captain," said Clark

"Yes, the wretch made a big entry," said Jamerson as he placed the video on his monitor and watched the part that Clark said his hero name and flew "well, at least he's got style" said Jamerson through clenched teeth.

Clark frowned slightly and said "you don't seem to like superman"

"I just want to know things before I assume whether I like it or not. Kent didn't call you here to talk about whether I liked Superman or not, I called you here because I want you to gather clues and information about this superman"

"Sir, I'm just an intern, I'm sure there are others who want this job" Clark said, not believing that he gave this job to him

"Kent, I read your story, I like the way you write, you're young, and this hero is too, I know you can do that. Now get out of here and go do that story"

"Okay, Mr. Jamerson," said Clark as he left his boss's office 'man, how am I going to do this story about myself' Clark thought.