
Man made of dreams

The power to bring your wildest dreams to life, but piss him off and you’ll live out your worst nightmare. That’s the power that little Aku awakened. How will this power affect the world of Gaia.

Jokers_Wild · Others
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2 Chs

Chapter one

How? When? Where? All these questions unanswered, but the most important was, who am I? Trying to remember only leaves me with a headache and more questions. Trying to see my surroundings doesn't help as I'm surrounded by darkness, the only thing I can hear is a steady thumping. I don't know what's going on, maybe...maybe I'll sleep, I'll try again later.

It feels like the walls are closing in squeezing trying to push me out. But...I don't want to go...I'm scared the steady thumping that always calmed me is erratic...I don't like the new thumping it's to fast but also slowing I feel if it stops I'll never hear it again...please..don't..stop.

In an old hut a Beautiful woman could be seen covered in sweat with tears flowing nonstop down her face. The only other person in the room was an old medicine woman, both had tanned skin with white hair and red eyes,


"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" With one last scream the young woman pushed with the last of her strength.

"WWWWHHHHAAAAA, WWWHHHAAAA!" And with her final scream, the cry's of a new born filled the room. As the old medicine woman took the child and wrapped him with furs, she looked to the young mother with sad eyes for she had passed before she could hold her son. As if the child knew his mother had passed he wailed even louder.

After she was able to put the young boy to sleep the old medicine woman called for some near by villagers to come and bury the body the next day. Then went to the room where the baby slept and went to bed her self.


After the body was buried she went with the villagers back to the village and headed to the local church. After getting an audience with the head priest,

"I thank you for taking in the child father, I feel he will bring changes to the world but unfortunately I'm not long for this world and little Aku will need someone to guide and teach him until he can make it on his own." She said with her head bowed in respect.

With a chuckle the head priest responded "There's no need to bow your head, we at the church of Light take in all that need our help. You can rest assured that he will receive the best care we can give until he's grown and can make his way in the world." He said with a smile on his face "But if I may ask why Aku? And what about the Tribes, aren't your people Nomadic?" He asked

The old woman looked up with a relived smile on her face "He was Born last night under the full moon, and while you can't see them right now his eyes are a bright silver that reminds you of the light of the moon, unlike the red of our people. As for the tribes it is our tradition for the old to live out the rest of our life in one of the many villages in the plains. As for pregnant women normally the mother would set out with her child to rejoin their tribe but if the mother passes during childbirth then the child is left in what ever village they were born in. That's why you can find our people in a lot of the villages." She said While looking at the small bundle in her arms.

The head priest looked at the small bundle with a thoughtful look on his face "that explains a question I had for a while actually, But I might know the perfect place for him, not a lot of people know this but the church of light has a sister faction, the temple of night. While we follow the sun god Rao, they follow the the goddesses of the moon Artemis. Normally they only expect woman who can't give birth of take a vow of chastity, they will on occasion take in men or young boys with a strong tie to the moon. After hearing you explication I believe this will be the perfect place for him to grow." Said the head priest " Actually as funny as this may sound the head priestess is my younger sister so I will be able to keep an eye on his progress and help if he ever needs it."

The old woman thought about what was just said and couldn't help but agree with him. Pulling the furs that wrapped the small child she took one last look at him, he had the tan skin, and white hair that were customary of her people and with his unique eye color she was sure that he would grow to be a handsome young man. It was with a heavy heart that she handed him to the man in front of her. "If I may ask Father where is the temple of night located? If it's not to far I may visit him one last time before I leave this world." She asked

With a sad smile he answered "Unfortunately it's located on the other side of the mountains in the city of Skógur in the sea of mist." He said "just to get there and back in a short amount of time I'm going to have to use a gate in the next city over."

With a sad face and a heavy heart the old woman bid her goodbyes and left the church.

With a heavy sigh the head priest left to find transportation to the next city.




After traveling to the next city and sending word to the temple, the head priest was finally ready to go through the gate.

The gates are magik artifacts of unknown origin, each one is a giant stone arch with a giant blue crystal set at the top and archaic writing on the edges. When the gate has magik pumped into it, it opens a portal to the gate that shares the same inscription.

After waiting in line it was finally their turn, when they got to the gate a soldier collected the fee of 3 bronze coins per person going through the gate. After stepping through the head priest looked around for a few minutes before walking into the city. After walking for 15 minutes he finally made it to the temple of night where his sister was waiting for them. "Welcome brother it's good to see you again." She said while giving her brother a hug

"You as well Lisa its been far to long since my last visit." He said returning the hug while being mindful of the small bundle in his arms.

After separating Lisa looked at the small child held in her brothers arms and what she felt shocked her to the core. "Brother you were right to bring this young one here, his connection to the moon is as, if not stronger then my own!!" She exclaimed in shock quickly looking around she ushered her brother inside, and straight to her office, on the way they past many people wearing the robes of the temple, Simple black robes with silver trim. As soon as they were safely in her office were the head priest explained the conversation he had with the old medicine woman.

Lisa looked at her brother then the baby "we will gladly take him in, I feel he will make grate changes in the years to follow." Calling in one of her followers she had her take young Aku to a room, and told her to watch over him until Lisa her self comes to collect him.

I don’t own any of the gods or goddesses used in this story nor do I own all the powers they all belong to there respective creators. I also don’t own any books, manga, anime,cartoons, tv shows that may appear in this FANFICTION the only thing I own is the MC and the plot for the first half of the story.






200 copper=1 bronze

150 bronze=1 silver

100 silver=1 gold

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