
Nothing good comes EASY

There are new pills in the bottle today bright yellow ones, and the juice tastes weird.

To be honest, it always tasted wierd, like dried roots.

Somewhere in the past

A family of four sits around a table having a simple meal, they look normal enough on the surface or maybe they are.

The oldest of the two girls struggles with a pair of chopsticks amidst the amused stares of the older members of the family.

"Abi just use the fork, you clearly don't have the talents for chopsticks" the younger girl teases, her laugh sounding like pig snorts.

The girl called Abi slams her fist onto the table and stares dagger at her sister.

"Why does everything have to be talents" she yells in an angry voice and storms off.

"Jessy why did provoke her on purpose" their father scolds.

At first sight Abigael or Abi as she would rather be called is beautiful, but the more you look, the more her imperfections stand out.

Like how her nose is a little too big for her narrow face and how her eyelids seem to drop, even her mouth can appear too wide if you just spent half as much time staring at her as she does in front of the mirror proclaiming doom on her innocent appearance and its creator.

Now she is curled up in bed her wide mouth drawn in a frown.

She fishes out a big brown diary from under her pillow and proceeds to write.

"Why am i good for nothing?

Can't even use the stupid chopsticks. Even the chopsticks mock me".

An alarm clock rings maniacally on a bedside table and Abi stares awake.

She picks up her cellphone and begins scrolling through it.

Something in the phone makes her unhappy and she hisses tossing it unto the bed.

Someone knocks lightly and walks into the room.

Her father, a man with spots of grey on his head sits himself down on her bed and turns to her.

"Why don't you try getting another job? Its been 8 months since you quit your last job. You can't stay holed up in this apartment all your life while others are moving forward.

I can't support you all your life.

It might not be easy but nothing good comes easy.

I can't do more than i have already done for you which is give you a good education, now you must do the rest for yourself".

He looks at Abi's pained expression and sighs heavily before leaving the room.

It is not his intention to hurt or burden his little girl but she needs to realise she isn't little anymore.

It used to be so easy with her as a child, everything was a wonder.

She never really made friends because she had always been shy but it never bothered her, she could make magic on her own.

She laughed alot and loved alot but the older she got the more she got carried away in her own little world.

As a child it didn't bother anyone, infact they were relieved that she could play on her own and be happy alone.

She never felt sad when she wasn't invited to a party and didn't mind going when she was.

But the older she grew, the less she talked, the less she laughed and the less she even left the house.

She rarely went to the grocery shop, rarely went to church and hated it when her phone rang.

She spent all her time reading novels and watching tv or shut up in her bedroom doing god knows what.

But something is changing, he can't tell what exactly, but something is happening to his little girl and he doesn't know how to help her.

"There's nothing wrong with her. I just birthed a wierd one" his wife is saying.

"If she can stop being so lazy and go out there to fend for herself like her sister.

She has always wanted the world to be made of roses, but even roses have thorns" she says sternly as she throws dirty laundry into a basket.

"They don't understand" Abi scribbles in her diary.

"The eyes follow me everywhere. Everyone turns to stare at me and laugh."

"Why am i like this, why am i like this. Why do people always talk about me, why won't they let me be?"

She closes the journal and shuts her eyes, the light hurts them.

She goes to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of her favourite drink, it is orange flavoured and always helps her relax.

She would rather drink it direct from the bottle but that would upset her mother.

Her mother walks past her with her basket in hand.

"Can't you even say good morning to your mother" she scolds her

"And hope you used a cup" she says.

Abi picks up the cup she had just tossed into the sink and waved it in front of her mother smiling.

"See? I did before you start your nagging"

Her mothers face relaxes into a warm smile.

"Is it laundry day?" Abi asks noticing the basket of clothes.

"You're old enough to do your own laundry Abi"

"But you've been doing it" Abi pouts

"Well, I'm stopping today. I and your fathers over indulgence is probably why you can't do a thing for yourself at 26"

"Is this your way of telling me to pack up and live your house?" Abi smiles at her mother.

"Yes" The mother replies bluntly.

"Well, what if i told you i had a job interview in an hour?"

Mrs Robert let her smile blossom like a daisy on her wilthered face.

She puts her basket down and goes to embrace her daughter.

"Where is it?" She questions.

"Brentford elementary" Abi replies dutifully

"Oh, its closeby. I'll go change and give you a ride"

"What about laundry?"

"I can do that some other time" the older woman replies with a wave of her hand.

Time Flies

The man sits at the busstop as stiff as a stone.