
Everything good

"Have you ever thought of crossing over?" The voices in the wall asked today.

I sat still on my armchair for a long time pondering the question.

'Why don't i ever go over? Is it because the traffic light never changes? Or am i scared of the man.

I should go over and at the very least sit with him, he must be lonely to sit there dutifully every time i close my eyes.

I hear voices from the corridor, angry and whispering.

I shrink back into my chair.

Somewhere in the past

"The voices are getting worse , i hear them everywhere now. When i look around i see no one. I know they are real... They are real...." She snaps the journal shut frantically looking all around her, her bedroom stares back at her.

Abi pulls at her hair until it hurt her scalp.

Everything seems to be against her, trying to get her.

"She hasn't left her room all day" Mrs Roberts is telling her husband out in the hallway.

"She barely started working at the school, why would she quit again?"

Mr Roberts sighs heavily and walks towards his daughters room dragging his heart with him.

He is beginning to admit that maybe he didn't know his daughter as much as he thought he did.

The daughter he knew had never been impulsive in the past, she was meticulous and calculating.

Now she just does whatever, whenever she felt like.

He knocks on her door and tries the handle, only to discover that it is locked.

Not in the over twenty years that he has known his eldest daughter has she locked her room door.

"Abi" he calls out. No answer.

"Abigael" he trys again with her full name.

Still the immense silence of the house greeted him.

He turns to look at his wife who has come to join him in front of the door of Abigaels room.

"Did she go out?" He questions incredulously even though he knew better.

His wife ignores his question and shakes her head in resignation.

"Lets let her be for now. She'll open up when she's ready".

Abigael turns her head away from the door and the retreating voices, she pulls out her journal again and opens it up.

She seems to have calmed down. She begins to write.

"They think i don't know their secret, they believe i am clueless. I Can't trust them, the voices are right,of course they are, they always were".

"They are jealous of me, they want me dead, i know their secrets, i know the plans... I Can't let them".

She puts the book back into its place under her pillow then she walks to the door and unlocks it.

A cool draft beats against her skin and she shivers returning back to the safety of her bed and its warmth.

In here she knows she is safe from the many eyes, from the murmurs and conspiracies.

In here, she had no fears but out there, she had no security.

She feared everything especially everything good.

Time flies

In here she feared everything just as much as she feared out there.

But she felt safe at the busstop with the strange man.

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