
Malron Awakening: The Demonic Curse System

[Greetings, The Damned One] [You are in agreement to be part of the Demonic Curse System] [Please perform your duties until the end] [Hell always awaits you] The evil demon named Malron accidentally forges a binding pact between demons and humans involving the innocent teenager named Kieran. Thus the Demonic Curse System is born. It is a system that reduces Malron's power along with his demonic nature, and replaces it with Kieran's natural gifts. Malron can't escape his oath; he forced protect Kieran to death. Or until Kieran releases him from the demon's service. Little does Malron know that Kieran plays a pivotal role that jeopardizes his life. Whether he like it or not, Malron must ensure Kieran's safety for the ultimate goal: becoming the world's Supreme Priest. #noharem #noromance #system #sidekick #villain #demon #reverseoverpowered

Lifebegin · Fantasy
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29 Chs


"You're like a girl who catches her playboy boyfriend cheating and whines." Malron said casually, his sharp eyes glancing briefly at Kieran. "I have no obligation to be honest with you."

Although technically I do. Until you order me to. Which I hope you won't do, Malron thought to himself.

Kieran was stunned, looked uncomfortable and immediately turned to look out of the car window. "I'm not like that."

"And now you're sulking like a little kid who wants Colonel White-Moustache Chicken."

The seventeen-year-old's lips curled, he sighed deeply, and then said nothing more. Malron promptly put his palm on the keyhole and the car started. Soon the car was pulling out of Gemma's diner.

They still had a long way to go, and in Malron's mind, it would be a winding one. If eleven other demons followed Nesses into the world at the same time, things would get complicated and chaotic.

The effect on nature when an old demon is summoned can cause storms, floods, phenomena that seem natural to humans. After all, the great negative energy of high-level demons could disrupt the course of the universe.

If thirteen demons came at or around the same time, the effect would be very bad. That's why, since ancient times, great demons rarely met when they were fulfilling agreements. Whether it was a coincidence or perhaps the intervention of the highest powers above.

Actually, if the world were to be destroyed or various catastrophes were to happen when the Stygian Lords came into the world, it wouldn't be a problem for Malron. It's just that Malron didn't like meeting them all at the same time.

It's more or less like a circus, that's the situation.


[Greetings, The Damned]

[Third Quest: Find Your Master's Legacy]

[Please complete your task and receive your reward]

[Hell always awaits you]



Malron's voice slipped out as he had just received a mission from the Curse System. The damned demon already suspected that whatever the curse reward was, it wouldn't be useful. It would only make Malron's condition more difficult while he was in the world.

Malron swore in his heart that whoever had caused this cursed system to fall upon him, Malron would finish them off as soon as he found the culprit.

"I didn't say anything," Kieran interjected.

"No, you didn't."

"But may I say something?" Kieran asked immediately.


Kieran sighed again. "Well, okay."

"The thing is," Malron cleared his throat, "let's just stick to finding the house your uncle and aunt mentioned."

"I don't want to know any more, Lord. Maybe it's better if we leave this state or even this country," Kieran looked at Malron for a moment. "What do you think?"

"There is something you need to know about your relatives' inheritance."

Kieran bit his lower lip and shook his head quickly. "We're fugitives! What if we get caught?"

"Pennsylvania is our destination. I don't want you to argue anymore."

Kieran reached for a bottle of drink by the door, but stopped. Their take-out drinks and food were left behind in Gemma's diner.

"I think if we..."

"Kieran, I don't want—"

"Just listen, damn it!" Kieran interrupted, emotionally.

Malron felt his palm burning and tried to ignore the pain. The sting in his palm was the demon's punishment for defying his master's wishes. It made Malron really angry.

"I apologize for speaking harshly, but I want you to hear me out, Lord," the silver-haired young man softened his voice.

Malron nodded reluctantly, though he was forced to.

"If we go to the border, Mexico for example, maybe we can stay there," Kieran said. "I can work, maybe as a waiter. Or we can start a small business with Mrs. Guasch's money. I mean, the money we borrowed."

"A business?" Malron raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, like selling tacos."

"I can't cook."

Kieran blinked. He sighed softly. "Neither did I."

Malron shook his head in disbelief. Having a master like Kieran was as difficult as keeping jellyfish. They seemed harmless, but they stung.

"Pennsylvania," Malron pointed out.

"What if the cops know where we're going? Then they'll set a trap and catch us there."

"Kieran, even Billy the Kid was a fugitive. That young man broke all the rules and dared to face the law."

"Billy who?"

"What year were you born? You don't know this legendary criminal?"

"I was born in 2008."

Malron groaned. "Oh, okay."

Summoned in the late 80's, Malron was still unaccustomed to the changes in the world. Humans had short life spans and short memories. Things that were once important would be forgotten by humans over time, because that's the way it is.

Unlike demons, who have long memories, even of unimportant things. Because for demons, things that seem minor to humans can be one of the ways to ensnare mortal beings bound to their temptations.

"And by the way, I'm not a criminal," Kieran corrected.

"Right." Malron just nodded. "You better get some sleep, Kieran."

Kieran looked at the demon. "Thank you, Lord. You watched over me so I could rest. I apologize for causing you so much trouble."

"I just want you to be quiet and not disturb me. I'm driving."


Their conversation ended and Kieran immediately closed his eyes. Malron drove the car at high speed through the midnight. Maybe they could reach Pennsylvania in a day or overnight, because Malron didn't want to be intercepted by the police who were trying to catch them.

Of course, Malron would have to find a new vehicle, since Mrs. Guasch's license plate and car had been confirmed missing. The police would use surveillance cameras to track them down and then spread the information to other police departments in different cities.

Not only the mission system that Malron had to accomplish, but the demon was also curious about the figure of Solomon. There was something that Malron wanted to investigate.

Actually, it didn't have to be about the late High Priest Solomon. Malron could find another High Priest to interrogate, one who was still alive.

Demons do not have the ability to summon the spirits of deceased humans. In fact, there are no human spirits that can be summoned into the world. It's the demons that disguise themselves and toy with people to make them believe in such foolish things.

"Kieran, I want to ask you something," Malron said suddenly.

But there was no response from the figure curled up in the seat next to Malron. When Malron turned around, he saw that Kieran was already fast asleep.

Malron shook his head and sighed, but what surprised him was that a smile crept to his lips.

"Oh, shit!" the demon cursed in disgust.