
Making My Dream Harem In Another World

No NTR and Yuri ... I was stabbed by a drunken man, trying to protect my 'Three Crushes' After getting stabbed, I finally mustered up the courage to confess to them. They also returned my feelings. I was happy and sad at the same time. Regretting my decision to not confess to them sooner. At my last breath, I asked them. "I am... dying... so...can I touch...some mel-" I could not complete my shameless request as I died. But that was not the end and as I reopened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I didn't know why but the words came out of my mouth naturally. "Please be my wife!" The goddess also took interest in me and told me if I become stronger than her she will accept my proposal. And as a Alpha male, how could I back down and so I accepted her challenge. As I embarked on my journey to become stronger and win the goddess's heart, I found myself in a world teeming with magic, adventure and beautiful girls. So will I be able to complete my goal? ------- Howdy readers, before reading do note that it's a wish fulfillment novel, so don't expect it to have logic. thank you -------

SomethingCringe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

High Expectations


Howdy readers, hope you have a good day, well Franks age is changed from 15 to 18.

Why? Because I can't write underage lemons.

Sigh~ I really wanted to write underage se— wait... I..I can explain)




A week has passed and today is my coming-of-age ceremony.

As I prepared for my coming-of-age ceremony, my parents couldn't contain their overflowing emotions.

The air was thick with a mixture of excitement, pride, and a touch of sentimentalism.

Tears welled up in my mother's eyes as she hugged me tightly, her voice trembling with emotion. "My baby, it feels like just yesterday you were taking your first steps. And now, look at you, all grown up and ready to embrace your journey."

My father stood by her side, a proud smile etched on his face, though his voice quivered with a hint of sadness. "Time flies, doesn't it? It feels like only yesterday you were a little boy, and now you're on the cusp of adulthood. We're so proud of the person you've become."

"Don't make it feel like I would never return." They ignored me.

"Yes, it feels like yesterday when he would pee on his bed-"

"Can't you remember something more wholesome like saying my first word?" I exclaimed, becoming embarrassed after hearing their remarks.

"Besides, if you're that worried, why don't you come with me?"

The couple took a few steps back. "Don't you want a little sibling, Frank?"

"We hardly ever get the chance to be alone and you're ruining it." My father said hugging my mother tightly.

"What do you mean, you don't get to be alone? Sis is at the academy and I am always out. You're always alone except for night. How much more time do you want?"

"Tsk, you're still young, you won't understand." James said, "Right, honey."

"Yes, honey." She said kissing him.

'They're really weirdos' I thought, shooking my head.

At least Uncle and Aunt are nor—

"Frank, which one would you like more a Magic skill or a sword skill?" Aunt Celeste asked me.

"There's no need to ask, he likes swords more than magic. That means I win." Uncle Lucas declared.

I take back my words.

"Tell us, Frank, which one do you prefer? Sword or magic?" Both of them said in alignment, leaning towards me.

"Well, Aunt Celeste, you might be surprised. I do have a fondness for swords, but magic has its own allure. I suppose we'll have to wait and see what skill awakens within me today."

Uncle Lucas interjected with a mischievous grin. "Oh, come on, Frank! Don't betray your old uncle. You know sword skills are the epitome of elegance and grace. Embrace the art of blade dancing, and I promise you'll be the most dazzling swordsman in the land."

Aunt Celeste rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, please, Lucas. Magic is a realm of endless possibilities.

Imagine the wonders you could conjure, the spells you could weave. It's a world of enchantment and mystique."

I couldn't help but smile at their friendly rivalry.

They had always been like this, engaging in lighthearted arguments about their preferred class.

"Why do you two always pressure Frank?" Aisha's voice came from upstairs, although more mature.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the hall. Aisha descended the grand staircase with an air of elegance.

Her lustrous blue hair Cascaded down her shoulder, complimenting her deep pink eyes.

Her slender figure accentuated her curves, and her radiant smile could captivate anyone who laid eyes upon her.

Wearing a form-fitting dress that highlighted her feminine charm, Aisha walked towards us with grace, her every movement captivating my attention.

"Let's go or else we'll be late." She gestured for me to follow her.

I also didn't want to get involved in their childish argument and followed Aisha.



As Aisha and I followed Aunt Celeste and Uncle Lucas, we stepped off the carriage and gazed upon a magnificent marble structure.

It stood tall and majestic, surrounded by lush greenery and adorned with intricate carvings.

The grand entrance beckoned us with open arms, and the sound of water cascading from a beautiful fountain added a sense of tranquillity to the surroundings.

This was the church where my coming-of-age ceremony would take place.

Its elegant architecture and serene ambience filled me with a mixture of awe and reverence.

As we approached the entrance, the massive wooden doors opened wide, revealing the interior bathed in soft, warm light.

The church's interior was breathtaking, with high ceilings adorned with ornate chandeliers and colourful stained-glass windows depicting scenes of sacred lore.

Pews lined the centre corridor, and the sweet scent of flowers and incense filled the air, creating an atmosphere of sanctity and peace.

I walked down the aisle with Aisha by my side, our footsteps muffled by the plush carpet beneath us.

The congregated nobles, dressed in their finest attire, turned their heads to catch a glimpse of us.

Their murmurs and whispers filled the space, filled with curiosity and anticipation as they saw me, accompanied by the esteemed Aunt Celeste and Uncle Lucas.

Noble A: "Who is that child?"

Noble B: "He must be someone special to be with them."

Noble C: "Yeah, he must be very talented."

"What are you making a fuss about? He's clearly a commoner. Look at his clothes." The remark was made by an 18-year-old boy. He was also here to get the blessing.

His name was Julius, the son of a baron. He also had a crush on Aisha and seeing her all happy and cheerful with Frank didn't sit well with him.

Meanwhile, the other nobles ignored him and were focused on the mysterious boy beside Lucas.

They were looking forward to how Frank would do in his evaluation.

"He would surely get at least 5th rank ultimate ability."

Skills are also divided into ranks 1 being the lowest and 9th being the highest.

Suddenly the room went silent, everyone's gazes were on Aisha.

They had high expectations from Aisha as she was the daughter of The Legendary Witch and the Sword Saint.

As she went ahead, towards a transparent crystal.

She stared at the crystal for a few seconds. She was nervous because of the people's high expectations.

She turned around to look at me, her expression was that of a scared cat.

I just give her a reassuring smile.

[Don't worry about others, Aisha. Just focus on yourself and let your abilities shine. You'll do great]

I used my sound transmission spell, that I recently developed. 'Hopefully, she heard me right.'

It was my first time using this spell, so I wasn't sure if it worked.

Meanwhile, Aisha was startled hearing my voice but she calmed and gave me a cheerful smile.

Before she placed her hands on the crystal.

As soon as she touched the crystal, it began changing colour from transparent to white then yellow, blue and lastly it began shining a bright light colour. Making it hard to see.

After a few seconds of shining, a few latter's appeared on the crystal.

[Ultimate Skill: Seventh Rank]

The pin-drop silence was replaced with an eruption of applause and cheers.

The nobles couldn't contain their excitement as they witnessed the revelation of Aisha's seventh-rank ultimate skill.

There were only a few people who have a seventh-rank ultimate skill in the entire Derexia empire.

It was a rare and extraordinary achievement, befitting the daughter of The Legendary Witch and the Sword Saint.

Aisha's eyes widened with astonishment, her hands trembling slightly.

She looked at the letters on the crystal, absorbing the significance of her newfound power.

The room was filled with a sense of awe and admiration as everyone recognized the magnitude of her potential.

Uncle Lucas and Aunt Celeste exchanged proud glances, their rivalry momentarily forgotten in the face of such an exceptional accomplishment.

Even I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and excitement for Aisha.

As the initial wave of excitement subsided, a hushed silence fell upon the room once again, anticipation filling the air.

It was now my turn to step forward and touch the crystal, revealing my own destiny.

'Phew, calm down.'

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. Aisha's success had raised the bar, and the expectations were high.

With determination in my heart, I approached the crystal, my hand trembling slightly as I reached out to touch it.

The crystal reacted immediately, its surface shimmering and pulsating with energy.

As I made contact, the crystal started to change colour, shifting through various hues.

The room held its breath, waiting to witness the revelation of my own potential.

The anticipation was palpable, and I could feel the weight of everyone's expectations resting upon my shoulders.

After a few moments that felt like an eternity, the crystal settled on a radiant golden glow.

Letters began to form, slowly spelling out the words:

[Unknown Skill: Tenth Rank]


