
Making My Dream Harem In Another World

No NTR and Yuri ... I was stabbed by a drunken man, trying to protect my 'Three Crushes' After getting stabbed, I finally mustered up the courage to confess to them. They also returned my feelings. I was happy and sad at the same time. Regretting my decision to not confess to them sooner. At my last breath, I asked them. "I am... dying... so...can I touch...some mel-" I could not complete my shameless request as I died. But that was not the end and as I reopened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I didn't know why but the words came out of my mouth naturally. "Please be my wife!" The goddess also took interest in me and told me if I become stronger than her she will accept my proposal. And as a Alpha male, how could I back down and so I accepted her challenge. As I embarked on my journey to become stronger and win the goddess's heart, I found myself in a world teeming with magic, adventure and beautiful girls. So will I be able to complete my goal? ------- Howdy readers, before reading do note that it's a wish fulfillment novel, so don't expect it to have logic. thank you -------

SomethingCringe · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Dream Girl

Who is she? And why do I feel, I have seen her somewhere? Why is my heart pounding just by seeing her?

As I woke up from my dream, my mind was still filled with the enchanting image of the silver-haired lady.

Her violet eyes seemed to peer deep into my soul, leaving me captivated and strangely drawn to her.

I took a deep breath, "Huff! Who was that woman?" I shook my head, feeling dizzy.

My mind was still clouded with the vivid image of the silver-haired lady from my dream. 

I couldn't shake off the feeling of familiarity that washed over me whenever I thought about her.

The dream had been recurring for the past three years, becoming clearer and more vivid with each occurrence. 

It felt as if I had known her before, yet I couldn't recall ever seeing her in my waking life. 

The sense of familiarity mixed with the mystery surrounding her only intensified my curiosity.

But I can't recall ever seeing her. 

Well anyways, it's been nine years since I started training.

"Oh! Look at my muscles, look at my charming face. It's about time, I should start making my dream harem." 

As I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but admire my reddish hair and piercing black eyes. 

My features had matured, reflecting the growth and training I had undergone in the past nine years.

A mischievous smirk formed on my face as I flexed my muscles and observed my reflection. "Look at me now," I exclaimed with confidence. "Any girl would be willing to jump on the bed for me, hehe..."

My years of training had sculpted my body, chiselling a well-defined physique that boasted a set of well-defined abdominal muscles, forming a noticeable six-pack. 

The contours of my torso rippled with strength and athleticism, a testament to the hours spent practising magic and engaging in physical exercises.

My jawline was strong and defined, lending a touch of ruggedness to my overall appearance. 

It added a hint of maturity to my youthful features, highlighting the transformation from a boy to a young man.

Smooth and slightly tanned skin covered my frame, with the occasional dusting of freckles adorning my cheeks, a reminder of the time I spent under the sun during my outdoor training sessions.

After finishing breakfast, I headed out, "Baby, be careful on your way and don't fight with your friends and play safely."

My mother said as I headed out. 'Did they seriously buy that?'

I know my parents are weird but I didn't think they would be stupid, stupid enough to believe that I am playing with my friends.

I mean, you become an adult at the age of eighteen in this world. At my age boys would be finding girls they could marry.


As I arrived at the mountain where I met with Aisha.

I looked around to see if anybody was there before I positioned myself.


I used the Haste skill that I developed and now I was running at 640 Km/H. It's a pity I can't control it easily.

And I sprinted across the forest in front of me, making the trees whiz by in a blur as I ran at an incredible pace.

 The wind rushed against my face, sending strands of my reddish hair fluttering behind me. 

Soon I reached the exit, it only took a few minutes to reach the end of the forest. 

I slowed down near a big mansion and as I approached the mansion, the guards standing there quickly bowed their heads. "Good morning, young master!" The guard said in alignment. 

As I entered the mansion I was welcomed by a sudden attack. 


I was quick and blocked the attack with my sword.

"As expected, you are truly a monster." Lucas said as he drew his swords back, "Why don't you become my son-in-law?" 

"But I am still too young." I was used to him asking me to become his son-in-law.

"Sigh~ you always reject this old man. Can't you be my son-in-law for the sake of my teachings?" He said with puppy eyes.

It's not that I don't like Aisha. I just wanted her to express her feelings to me directly. That's why I always reject his offer. 

"Don't pressure him, you should let him decide what he wants." The gentle voice came from the stairs, as Lady Celeste walked down. "But Frank, if you are worried about us, then don't, we will be happy to have you as our son-in-law."

'Sigh~ they never change.'

"Oh, right Frank, your evaluation ceremony is next week." Lady Celeste asked.

The evaluation is the ceremony where your skill is awakened. It happens mostly in church, where they give you a blessing on a specific day after you turn eighteen.

And in my case, it's a week later.

"I hope you awaken a magical skill like my illusion skill." Lady Celeste continued.

"No, he will awaken a swordsman's skill like my blade dancing." Lucas refuted.

'Both of them act like dum-dum around me.' Frank thought as he shook his head.