
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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295 Chs

Why are Otto's subtitles green?

"Ahahaha, Lord Bishop, you're joking." Rita's laughter echoed in the room, a stiff and forced sound that was far from her usual cheerful demeanor.

This time, her smile was different. It lacked the serene calmness that usually graced her features, a hallmark of her role as a maid. Instead, it was replaced by a look of sheer panic. The thought of saying goodbye to Lord Durandal due to her choice was terrifying to her. The gravity of the situation was sinking in, and the fear was evident in her eyes.

Was she really going to be separated from Lord Durandal because of this decision? The mere thought sent chills down her spine. It was a scenario too frightening to even contemplate.

Amidst Rita's growing panic, Kallen remained a picture of calm. She observed Rita with a steady gaze, her eyes reflecting a sense of understanding. Seeing Rita's distress, she offered a gentle smile and said, "Consider it a joke then, Rita. But Durandal is really growing to be able to hold her own, too, so you might want to consider forming a new troop."

Rita's heart skipped a beat at Kallen's words. "Ah, no, no, no, Lord Bishop…" she stammered, trying to regain her composure. She took a deep breath, attempting to calm her racing heart, and tried to explain her predicament.

She wasn't ready to leave Lord Durandal so soon. The bond she shared with her was too precious to let go of. The only circumstance under which she could consider leaving was if she was transferred to Lord Theresa's academy...

In the midst of the tense atmosphere, Luo Mo, a figure of authority and wisdom, broke the silence. He cleared his throat and began to speak, his voice steady and reassuring.

"Lord Bishop," he addressed Kallen with a respectful nod, "the Herrscher will only grow more powerful in the future. Therefore, the need for a top-notch elite Valkyrie unit is not just necessary, but crucial. The damage that the less serious Herrscher beasts may cause in the future will be minimal compared to the devastation brought about by the Honkai. Hence, it is not advisable to dismantle the Immortal Blade."

His words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the challenges they were yet to face. The room fell silent once again, the gravity of Luo Mo's words sinking in.

Kallen, the Lord Bishop herself, remained silent. She was deep in thought, her mind undoubtedly processing Luo Mo's words. Her silence was not one of indifference, but of contemplation, a testament to the weight of the decision she had to make.

Rita, on the other hand, found herself feeling a surge of gratitude towards Luo Mo. She cast him a grateful look, appreciating his intervention. However, her relief was short-lived as she remembered that he was the one who had put them in this predicament in the first place. A wave of depression washed over her, replacing her momentary relief with a sense of despair. The realization that Luo Mo was the instigator of their current situation was a bitter pill to swallow.

As the narrative continued to unfold on the screen, a heart-wrenching scene came into view. Kallen, a figure of strength and resolve, had collapsed on the floor. Her voice was barely a whisper, weak from the ordeal she had been through. Yet, despite her physical state, a smile of relief graced her face, a poignant contrast to the dire situation.

She began to explain, her words filled with a sense of resignation. It should have been her choice to make, her burden to bear. But she had left the dilemma in the hands of the Captain, an 'outsider' in their world. Despite the circumstances, she thanked him for his gentle choice, a decision that had undoubtedly weighed heavily on him.

As her life ebbed away, she uttered her final words, a soft yet firm "thank you". It was a farewell, a final acknowledgment of the choices made and the sacrifices endured.

Theresa, witnessing this scene, was lost in a blank stare. She watched as Kallen sighed, her breath a silent testament to the impossibility of blaming others for the choices they were forced to make. Was it fair that the self in the video still needed to rely on the choices made by others?

Then, under the haunting glow of the blood moon, Theresa's eyes turned a fiery red. Clutching a massive axe, she prepared to bring it down in a decisive strike. Her shout echoed in the night, "Blood… I want more blood!!!" Her scarlet eyes radiated madness, a stark contrast to the single tear that traced its way down her cheek. She didn't have the time to wipe it away, her focus solely on the task at hand.

But then, in a voice barely above a whisper, she pleaded, "Stop… Stop…" The words were weak and feeble, a stark contrast to her earlier shout. They tugged at the heartstrings, a plea for mercy in a world gone mad.

The player, witnessing this scene, gently closed his eyes. He could feel the specter of death looming in the game, a chilling reminder of the consequences of their choices. Should they be blamed for choosing Kallen and still not being able to save Theresa? Their decision had put more lives in danger, a heavy burden to bear.

But the question remained, were they willing to shoot that innocent and unsullied first embrace under the moon? The answer was not easy, the choice not simple. The game was a mirror, reflecting the harsh realities of life and the difficult decisions one must make.

The screen was filled with a flurry of comments from the players, their emotions running high. One player suggested a new option, their words echoing the desperation they felt,

"Suggest a new option, shoot yourself!".

"Ah ah ah ah, why must Tericula die ah, do you have that big disease ah, editor, I see you are a beautiful woman, but beautiful people can be more deceiving ah! The ancients really do not lie to me"

"I am a company insider, secretly tell you editor account *******, everyone quickly go to send wonderful greetings!."

In the alternate choice, Himeko survived, but at a great cost. Tericula was the only one who perished, but her death had dire consequences for Kallen. Kallen, who had been relying on Tericula's blood for survival, was left with no other option but to face her own demise.

"Human … You betrayed me!" Tericula's voice echoed in the room, her eyes filled with disbelief as she looked back at you. The look of betrayal on her face was haunting, a stark reminder of the harsh reality of their situation.

In a swift motion, she lunged at you, her hands reaching out in a futile attempt to grasp you. But before her hands could reach you, she whispered, "Stop… Stop…" Her voice was barely audible, but you heard it loud and clear. Even in her final moments, she was unwilling to hurt the one person she had trusted the most.

In the next instant, her body disintegrated, her form dispersing into nothingness. The sight was a chilling reminder of the consequences of your choices.

You, on the other hand, could only fall helplessly to your knees, your strength leaving you as darkness enveloped your vision. The weight of your choices and the lives lost weighed heavily on you, a burden you would carry with you into the darkness.

As the process of consciousness mapping came to an end, the room was filled with an electronic sound, a rhythmic "D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d" that echoed in the silence. It was a signal, a herald of the transition from one reality to another.

Suddenly, reflected on the screen in front of you was a man with blonde hair and a handsome face. His turquoise eyes sparkled with intelligence, and his white turtleneck added an air of sophistication. He was smiling, his arms folded over his chest in a relaxed pose, exuding an aura of confidence and charm.

Kallen, upon seeing the man, inquired with a hint of surprise in her voice, "This is, Otto?" She studied the screen, her eyes scrutinizing the familiar figure.

The man she saw was a far cry from the Otto she remembered from 500 years ago. Back then, he was just a shy boy with a passion for invention, a dreamer with a heart full of ideas. But the man on the screen was different. He was calm and collected, his eyes twinkling with a constant bemusement. There was an air of tranquility about him, a stark contrast to the energetic boy he once was.

Inside the game, the Captain, as if he had just woken up from a deep slumber, expressed his regret that he still hadn't managed to save them. His voice was filled with a sense of defeat, a stark reminder of the harsh realities they were facing.

In response, Otto replied, "It's not your problem… Regardless of the choice, the world line will eventually wrap up towards the end of Kallen's death." His words were clear and firm, leaving no room for doubt. He added, "And… I'm also used to waiting." His statement hinted at a patience born out of countless trials and tribulations.

Rita, intrigued by the conversation, wondered aloud, "Bishop-sama, Otto… Who is it?" Her question hung in the air, a testament to the mystery surrounding Otto's identity.

Kallen, however, dismissed her query with a shake of her head, "An old friend, no need to care." Her words were cryptic, leaving Rita with more questions than answers. As Kallen turned her puzzled gaze towards Luo Mo, the room was once again filled with a tense silence, each individual lost in their own thoughts.

"I find Otto's words intriguing," began a voice, filled with curiosity and a hint of concern. "But what truly piques my interest is why only Otto's dialog is highlighted in green. Is there a deeper significance to this?"

Luo Mo, caught off guard by the question, offered a hesitant response, "Uh… Respect for the original?" His voice lacked conviction, betraying his own disbelief in his answer.

Rita, who was well-versed in the symbolic meaning of the color green, merely responded with a knowing smile. She chose to remain silent, letting her smile speak volumes about her understanding of the situation.

Theresa, however, was not one to hold back her thoughts. "Then why did he say that the world line closes toward Grandma's death? Grandma is alive and well!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with exasperation and a hint of indignation. She was seeking justice for her grandmother, unwilling to accept such a grim prediction.

"Isn't that a curse on him?" The question hung in the air, a stark reminder of the gravity of Otto's words.

Kallen, however, seemed unfazed by the ominous prediction. Instead, she posed a question of her own, "You said earlier that this world can't be disassociated from Otto, which means he's been trying to resurrect… Me?" Her voice trailed off, leaving the question hanging in the air. "And, also tried clone experiments like that?"

Luo Mo, taken aback by Kallen's directness, fell silent. After a moment, he managed a noncommittal "hey", an attempt to deflect the question.

Kallen, not pressing the issue further, mused aloud, "Still the main thread yes?" She needed time to process the information, to make sense of the video's authenticity.

"Orientation to the closing of my death? If that's true of any world, then now, Otto, what have you done to keep me alive?" Kallen's voice was filled with determination, her resolve unwavering. She looked at her white hands, feeling the weight of life pulsating within them as she gently clasped her palms together. (Kallen.. he climbed a tree and became a false-god)

"No matter what, I will defeat Honkai, so that the Schicksal will always be a shield for the people, and fulfill our previous pact!" Her declaration echoed in the room, a testament to her unwavering commitment to her mission.

As the video continued to play, Otto's voice filled the room. He spoke of his only prayer, a wish that had brought him so much disappointment that he had become numb to the sting of it. He had experienced this bitter emotion so many times that he could no longer recall what disappointment truly felt like.

"All I want is a future where Kallen lives," he declared, his voice echoing with a profound determination. His wish was simple, yet it held a depth of emotion that was palpable.

"And for that," he continued, "even if it reverses the karma of all world lines." His words hinted at the lengths he was willing to go to ensure Kallen's survival, even if it meant altering the course of destiny itself.

He chuckled softly, a sound that was both melancholic and resigned. He summarized the Captain's actions, saying, "Because you are too gentle, and the world is neither gentle nor right." His words were a testament to the harsh realities of their world, a world that was far from gentle or fair.

Otto had evolved into an independent and idiosyncratic individual, completely different from the image of Otto that Kallen had in her mind. He had severed himself from his past, embracing a new identity that was uniquely his own.

Meanwhile, the players were actively commenting, their words flooding the screen. "Do you call this gentle? Maybe. It's just fulfilling the smallest wish of a young girl who ran away from home," one player mused, their words reflecting their understanding of the situation.

"As long as Kallen survives? I'm not sure why the subtitles are in green," another player commented, their confusion evident in their words.

"Freedom or survival? It's a good, tear-jerking episode. So where's the writer's address? I'd like to thank you in person," a third player chimed in, their words filled with appreciation for the emotional narrative.

"I'd like to thank you in person."

"I'd like to thank you in person too. Actually, I'd like to thank the writer in person. I've been cured of my dry eyes for years, so I have to thank the writer."


And then, the event was over.

It wasn't long, but that little figure had been recorded in everyone's heart.

She said she wanted to see the world she had never seen, that was her wish.

She said she wanted to taste the ice cream.

She wanted to go and touch the face of a Homu-O-My-Doll with her own hands.

But when she finally said she was satisfied, was she really satisfied?

There was so much anticipation in her eyes, so much longing.

A dance under the moon, a lifetime of memories, a scene that will never be forgotten.








I want to put the otto reaction mini series here but it ruins the atmosphere of the text above.

in the next chapter, I'll put it. (this text also ruins the atmosphere duh)