
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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Kill the Current Bishop or Kill the Future Bishop?

In the dimly lit room, the air was thick with tension. Durandal, a figure of strength and resolve, was deep in thought. Her voice echoed softly, "Flame… Rock… Binding… Erosion…" Each word hung in the air like a cryptic puzzle waiting to be solved.

Beside her, Kallen, a companion and confidante, chimed in. Her voice was laced with a hint of frustration, "The records of the former civilization's constraints are rather incoherent. We only know that there were heavy casualties. The other Herrschers, they seem to know even less."

Durandal turned to Mr. Luo, her eyes pleading for more information. She asked reluctantly, "Mr. Luo, can't you provide us with more details?"

Mr. Luo, a man of mystery, responded with a nonchalant shrug, "I've already shown my sincerity. Besides, as long as you're willing to assist with the game, this information can always be revealed before the Honkai, right?"

Durandal started to protest, "But…"

Interrupting her, Luo Mo waved his hand dismissively and fixed his gaze on Durandal. His voice was firm, "This kind of thing has to be equaled. As the strongest Valkyrie of Schicksal, you won't go back on your word."

Durandal paused for a moment, then nodded her head in agreement, "Well, I'll dub it."

Meanwhile, Kallen was lost in her thoughts. The word 'erosion' reminded her of the black box from 500 years ago. Based on the information gathered and the characteristics of that black box, she was almost certain it was the same.

The term 'flame' seemed to refer to the Blight Gem, which was currently embedded in the blank key by the former civilization. This Armor was known as the God Slayer Armor

As for 'rock', Kallen wondered, could it be hinting at the next Herrscher? The thought sent a chill down her spine. The future was uncertain, and the stakes were high. But one thing was clear - they had to prepare for what was to come.


In the heart of Schicksal's headquarters, a unique gathering was taking place. The higher-ups of Schicksal, the decision-makers and strategists, were all assembled in what could be described as a reunion. However, this was not a typical reunion filled with reminiscences and laughter. Instead, they were huddled together in the dubbing room, engrossed in their work for two consecutive days.

Durandal, the stalwart Valkyrie, lent her voice to the project. Her lines, though few, were spoken with such conviction that they resonated throughout the room, leaving an indelible mark on the atmosphere.

The game, a labor of love and dedication, was finally rushed into production with Kallen Bishop and Theresa lending their voices to the characters. Their performances breathed life into the game.

Upon the game's completion, Luo Mo, ever the perfectionist, immediately set about updating it.

The first update was the much-anticipated Midsummer Sanguine Nights event. The event was met with rave reviews, creating a buzz in the gaming community. Players eagerly exclaimed,

[This game has finally been updated, quickly let me go in and take a look!]

The name 'Midsummer Sanguine Nights' itself was a melody, a beautiful symphony of words that promised an exciting adventure. It was a name that echoed in the minds of the players, stirring their curiosity and excitement.

As soon as the update was released, players flooded in, eager to explore the brand new event. The virtual world was abuzz with activity as players embarked on their new adventures, immersing themselves in the captivating narrative of the Midsummer Sanguine Nights.

"You… Do you know 'Urban Legend'?" The question hung in the air, a strange phrase that sparked a conversation between Rita and a man who introduced himself as the Captain. The words seemed to echo in the minds of the players, a cryptic riddle that left most of them puzzled. Only a handful managed to grasp the meaning behind Rita's words, their curiosity piqued by the concept of consciousness mapping she was discussing.

And so, the players embarked on their journey through the mystical world of Midsummer Sanguine Nights.

The narrative unfolded from the perspective of the Captain, opening with a scene featuring a young Himeko. She was depicted as a companion, journeying alongside 'you' to investigate a mysterious case. Her youthful energy and determination painted a vivid picture in the minds of the players.

The story then shifted to a young girl who bore a striking resemblance to Theresa from the original episode. Her blood-red eyes, the crimson roses adorning her temples, and her long black dress gave the impression of a beautiful, yet melancholic party-goer. Her soft voice echoed with a sense of discontent, like a caged bird yearning for freedom.

"She just wants to learn about the world as it is now."

Her words were a simple wish, a desire for a mundane routine that most people take for granted.

Yet, for her, this simple wish was nothing more than an unattainable fantasy.

As the narrative progressed, a shocking revelation was made. The narrator revealed that she was a vampire, a creature of the night striving to save her beloved sister-sama. This revelation cast a shadow over her existence, explaining why she couldn't lead a normal life or survive under the sun's harsh rays. Her existence was a paradox, a poignant reminder of the sacrifices she had to make in her quest to save her sister.


The narrative of the game was a rollercoaster of emotions, with the plot twisting and turning at every corner. Players found themselves caught in the whirlwind of events, their hearts aching for Theresa's heartbreak one moment, only to be thrown into chaos the next.

Suddenly, the narrative took a dark turn. Tericula, unable to control her primal instincts, lunged at the Captain. Despite his attempts to evade, he was unsuccessful. In a horrifying twist, Tericula sank her teeth into Himeko.

The scene shifted dramatically as Kallen, driven by a sense of urgency, rushed to the scene. In a tragic turn of events, Himeko was killed by Kallen in an attempt to control the situation.

What happened to the good storyline? You're giving me this?

[I just finished Honkai impact III for my best friend, he doesn't read tragedies!]

[Damn editor, I hope you don't go out for a while.]

And soon, the players again realized that the plot is not yet over, the plot under the moon is still continuing.

[Himeko didn't die?]

 The crowd gasped in shock. Despite Kallen's gunshot, Himeko was not dead. She was still alive, still fighting, still defying the odds.

In the episodes that followed, it was revealed that Kallen and Himeko shared a deep bond. Kallen, in a hushed whisper, confided in Himeko that she had been infected after being bitten by Theresa.

Despite the glimmer of hope, the story ended on a somber note. Himeko, despite her valiant fight, succumbed to her fate under Kallen's watch. The players were left with a poignant reminder of the harsh realities of the game world, their hearts heavy with the loss of Himeko.

Tucked away in the depths of a man's file, a tale unfolds. It speaks of a certain Theresa, known under the codename A-872. She was not born out of natural circumstances but was the result of an experiment, a desperate attempt to save Kallen's sister. Her existence was a testament to the lengths one would go to protect their loved ones.

This Theresa, however, was not your typical vampire. She was a harbinger of a bacterial type Honkai beast that spread within the body through the blood. Her bite was not just a mark but a catalyst for transformation, a symbol of the impending doom that awaited her victims.

The story was reaching its most exciting part when it suddenly stopped, keeping the players on the edge of their seats. But as one story ended, a new one began. The players found out that the Captain, an important character in the plot, had the power to experience the story's ups and downs repeatedly.

The Captain, in his determined quest for redemption, tried many times to save everyone. The players soon realized this wasn't the first time the Captain had entered this plot. He had been stuck in a cycle of hope and despair before.

However, each time the Captain started over, his memories of past experiences faded, and he only had bits and pieces left. It was like he was going through a maze, and every turn wiped his memory clean.

In the next cycle, just when everyone was about to lose hope completely, Kallen appeared. She gave the Captain a choice that could change their destiny. In her hand, she held a gun with a special bullet. This bullet was dangerous for both Theresa and Kallen herself.

Kallen couldn't bring herself to shoot Theresa, who was crying out for her sister. It was too heartbreaking and the decision was too difficult. So, she gave the responsibility to the Captain and trusted him to decide their fate. Now, as the player in the Captain's position, you had to make a choice that could change everything.


[What magical choice, must one die?]

[Is it really true that Theresa shouldn't have gone against her fate? Can it really only bring sadness? I don't want to do that.]

[No, no, no! What's wrong with her? She's just a normal teenage girl!]

[Great Aunt, you're so unhappy! I'll listen to you from now on.]

Then, in a familiar alley, the players saw a tense confrontation between Theresa and Kallen. They fought fiercely and were determined. At that moment, a window appeared on the player's screen, offering a chilling choice.

"There's only one bullet. If you shoot Theresa, Kallen will die too. If you shoot Kallen, Theresa might survive. Now, choose."

[It's the end of the day, scriptwriter. Be a man.]

[What grudge? What grudge? You're doing this to me!]

While the others dealt with their own problems, Ms. Rita faced a difficult choice. As a maid, she not only served, but also had to explain the game's story to Bishop Kallen and Theresa-sama. It was a responsibility she took seriously.

But now she found herself at a crucial crossroads, with no turning back. She had to decide between killing the current bishop or the future bishop. Those words echoed in the room, heavy with meaning.

Rita looked at her hands, usually clean and soft, now a reminder of the tough decision she had to make. It was the first time she disliked her own hands, a symbol of the harsh reality she had to face.

She couldn't help but wonder why the person who caused this situation didn't have to face the consequences. He was the one pulling the strings, orchestrating everything from behind the scenes. Naturally, he wouldn't dirty his own hands.

Theresa and Kallen watched silently, their eyes fixed on the screen. The absence of any sound or reaction only heightened Rita's stress. She felt a knot of anxiety forming in her stomach.

The question that loomed large in her mind was, who should she choose? The weight of the decision was immense, a burden she had to bear alone. The fate of the bishops hung in the balance, their futures resting on the choice she was about to make.

With a sense of trepidation, Rita's hand slowly moved towards Theresa's side. After all, Bishop Kallen was her superior, and she had to tread carefully to avoid any form of retribution. The weight of the decision she was about to make was palpable, a silent testament to the gravity of the situation.

Theresa, on the other hand, wore an expression of profound loss. Her face was a canvas of despair, the raw emotion visible to the naked eye. It was as if she was caught in a whirlwind of confusion and uncertainty, her world turned upside down.

Luo Mo, observing the scene, shook his head and muttered, "Is this the miserable part of being a sociopath?" His words hung in the air but never get into everyone ear.

Suddenly, the mouse cursor swiftly moved across the screen and landed on Kallen's position with a strong click. Rita had made her choice. The decision was final.

Rita found herself questioning her choice, "Is there any worse punishment than making Theresa-sama hate me?" She pondered, her mind filled with regret and self-doubt.

Kallen, seemingly oblivious to Rita's internal turmoil, chuckled softly and said, "Rita, I think the Immortal Blades only need one captain, the vice-captain is a bit redundant!" She continued, "It just so happens that you can also form another Valkyrie troop, as an S-class Valkyrie, you have the strength and the qualifications."

Rita, overwhelmed by the turn of events, found herself wishing for a do-over. "Can I take back the choice I just made?" she wondered aloud. But she knew deep down that there was no turning back.

Her decision was driven by loyalty to the Schicksal, a principle she held dear. Yet, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, the nagging doubt that perhaps she had made a grave mistake.