
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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Welcome, noble and pure souls?

"I understand. But the World Serpent still holds all flame chasers in high regard, correct?" Luo Mo asked, seeking confirmation.

He was uncertain about the duration of his journey to the Elysian realms. It wouldn't be fair to have Fu Hua wait indefinitely. Apart from bringing Fu Hua along for his protection, Luo Mo also hoped to utilize the technology of the former civilization to heal her.

He would have been uneasy leaving anyone else at the World Serpent's headquarters, but Fu Hua was an exception. He knew that the World Serpent would not betray the flame chasers unless it contradicted their plan.

"Wait..." Fu Hua, sensing Luo Mo's concern, was about to suggest accompanying him. However, Luo Mo silenced her with a gesture. He knew that her priority should be healing her wounds.

"Indeed, the flame chasers are still the purpose of our World Serpent. We remain the eternal followers of the heroes," Gray Snake responded promptly.

"In that case, I request that the World Serpent use the technology of the former civilization to heal Fu Hua's old wounds," Luo Mo proposed.

Gray Snake paused before responding, his mechanical voice taking on a note of amusement. "Of course. It seems you are quite confident in yourself."

His confidence in the agreement grew. After all, Luo Mo had willingly surrendered his own protective charm. Gray Snake found it intriguing how an ordinary man could display such confidence about journeying to the Elysian realms.

"I look forward to your return! In the meantime, we will do our utmost to treat Lord Hua's injuries."

With that, Fu Hua and Gray Snake watched as Luo Mo ventured alone into the depths of the passageway, embarking on his journey to the Elysian realms.

"Yes, why do I feel so confident? It's clear that I'm just an ordinary person," Luo Mo mused aloud, his voice echoing in the vast emptiness of the passageway.

He pondered over the lord that Gray Snake had mentioned. It must be Mobius, he thought. She was a formidable figure, and Fu Hua, if she were a bit stronger, might have been able to assist him.

"But why? Is it because I trust her? I can't quite pinpoint why I have such faith in her," he confessed to the silence.

His thoughts then drifted to the game he was playing. "Perhaps I should use the crystals to draw something. Even though I haven't collected the crystals for the main plot, and Himeko's storyline seems to be more of a buildup, I've managed to gather a few hundred crystals. Combined with my previous balance, it should be enough for ten consecutive draws for the normal card banner."

He decided to postpone his decision. "I'll make the draw at the door. I need to believe in myself, and… in her!"

The rhythmic tap-tap-tap of his footsteps echoed through the eerily quiet passageway. The path seemed to stretch on endlessly, with the same scenery repeating itself over and over.

Time seemed to lose its meaning in the depths of the passageway. It could have been minutes, hours, or even an entire day since he started walking.

But Luo Mo continued his journey at a leisurely pace. He wished for the passageway to be longer, for his steps to be slower. He wanted more time to recall each of her forty opening lines, to guess which one she would use, and to plan his response.

A wave of worry washed over him. She had a fondness for pretty girls, and there was no guarantee that he would encounter her just because of her curiosity about his game. Yet, he found himself still contemplating her opening lines.

Why? Luo Mo found himself grappling with this question, echoing it internally, over and over again.

He had been in this world for what felt like an eternity. Ever since he had laid eyes on the Elysia stigmata, he had been consumed with the desire to meet her.

She was a vision of perfection, a radiant being who had never known true happiness or a fulfilling conclusion to her story. The group of flame chasers she had founded had never received the recognition it deserved, and its members had never managed to remain united.

The only falsehood she had ever uttered had failed to save mankind, and all her efforts had not been enough to rescue the world. Yet, she held an unwavering belief in humanity, dedicating herself to the prosperity of the next civilization.

She saw the beauty and goodness in humanity and aspired to be human herself, even though humans might not be as perfect and virtuous as she perceived them to be. She might not have been human, but she outshone any human in comparison.

The former civilization had let her down, and all that the current civilization could salvage was her legacy. As these thoughts swirled in his mind, Luo Mo's footsteps grew louder, and his mood became increasingly agitated.

He felt a twinge of annoyance. He didn't know his origins or who his target was. Yet, he was here, in this world, driven by a purpose he was still trying to understand.

Luo Mo found himself longing for the simple childhood game of kicking stones. However, the passageway was immaculate, devoid of a single pebble. He exhaled deeply, shifting his gaze forward.

Suddenly, he realized that the once dark and seemingly endless passageway had transformed. The monotonous scenery had given way to a sight he had been yearning for…

A solitary figure sat in the glow of a flickering candle flame, its warm orange light gently illuminating a young girl with flowing pink hair.

Her hair, long and slightly curled, was gathered into a ponytail at the back of her head. Her bangs, cut straight across, framed her slender eyebrows, which were delicately arched, evoking a sense of compassion and delight.

She sat cross-legged, her opaque black stockings revealing a glimpse of the fair skin of her thighs. Her face was serene, adorned with a playful, mischievous smile, as if she was eagerly waiting for her visitor to notice her.

Her beauty was undeniable, but what truly captivated one's attention were her elongated elf-like ears. They were thin and pointed, giving her an air of lightness and agility. Hidden amidst her pink hair, they piqued one's curiosity, inviting a closer look.

She was dressed in the distinctive uniform of the flame chasers. The white blouse struggled to contain her mature and attractive figure. The black sleeves and shawl, trimmed with purple, along with the intricately patterned skirt, lent her an air of majesty without compromising her youthful spirit. The outfit was further adorned with cute, girlish embellishments.

In her right hand, she held a slightly glowing, purple crystal. But it was her eyes that were truly mesmerizing. Her pure sky-blue pupils, each adorned with a pink oval point, radiated innocence, brightness, and an unwavering sense of hope.

At that moment, her fingers delicately touched the corner of her mouth, and she spoke. Her voice was as clear and ethereal as a lark's song, imbued with a lively undertone.

"Welcome, noble and pure soul," she greeted, "You have come to explore the past, so can you guess who I am?"

Luo Mo was taken aback. "Love… Love… Elysia!" he exclaimed. He hadn't expected to encounter her so soon, the very person he had been longing to meet on this journey.

"Elysia!" A sharp voice echoed through the space, and from a distance, Mobius slowly approached. "Who told you to replace all the clothes in my closet with pink dresses?" she demanded, her voice laced with exasperation.

Mobius was a striking figure, her green hair adorned with a small crown, and soft curls cascading down the back of her head. She wore a skirt that was cinched tightly at the waist. Luo Mo couldn't help but think that Elysia probably wouldn't be able to fit into it.

Luo Mo looked at her, a hint of sympathy in his eyes. So, she didn't get to wear a pink skirt after all!

"Uh huh! Dr. Mobius, it's unhygienic to wear dirty clothes after a bath!" Elysia retorted, a soft smile playing on her lips. "This is your punishment for calling me fat!"

Elysia, the Miss Pink Elf♪, was known for her vindictive nature, especially when it came to matters like these.

"Who do you think you have to blame for this!" she added, her voice echoing in the place.