
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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315 Chs

Meeting Gray Snake

Just a few moments ago, Luo Mo found himself engaged in a serious video communication with Bishop Kallen. The air was thick with tension as Luo Mo, his face etched with gravity, addressed the Bishop.

"Lord Bishop," he began, his voice echoing the urgency of his message, "I must embark on a journey. A journey that is crucial for us to triumph over Honkai. It's a place we cannot afford to ignore!"

Kallen, taken aback by Luo Mo's solemn declaration, queried, "And where might this place be? You know we need to file a special report for such missions."

Without missing a beat, Luo Mo responded, "The Elysian realm - the very heart of the World Serpent's headquarters. We must make haste!"

Kallen, understanding the gravity of the situation, acquiesced. She reached for her weapon, ready to accompany Luo Mo, and declared her intent to join him immediately.

Luo Mo was deeply moved by her gesture. However, he couldn't bear the thought of the Bishop personally escorting him. So, he quickly ended the video call and turned to Fu Hua, urging her to bid their farewells swiftly.

In truth, Luo Mo had been contemplating this for a while. The Elysian realm was a destination they had to reach, and the sooner, the better. If Kevin were to return from the Quantum Sea, it would be a Herculean task to venture there and back.

As for Gray Snake, he was a mere annoyance, something they could handle. So, despite their current lack of combat power and Fu Hua's ongoing recovery, Luo Mo believed that now was, paradoxically, the most opportune time to Go!.


Luo Mo and Fu Hua, accompanied by Dodo Raven, disembarked from the aircraft. They trudged through the harsh desert winds for what seemed like an eternity, until they were met with an imposing door, surprisingly left ajar.

Guarding the entrance was a figure, not quite human, but a mechanical entity. He stood there, clutching a large black umbrella, patiently awaiting their arrival.

"Welcome, guests from afar," the mechanical man, known as Gray Snake, greeted them in his unique, unmistakable voice. "Though, you have not been formally invited."

No sooner had these words left his metallic lips, than Luo Mo and Fu Hua noticed a multitude of identical figures emerging from the shadows. Each one was a replica of Gray Snake, surrounding them from all sides.

It was clear that Gray Snake wasn't going to let them pass without a challenge. He was a creature of principle, after all.

As a creation of the lord, he had provided the World Serpent's address and extended an invitation. However, as a high-ranking member of the World Serpent, he was not about to let anyone enter their domain without a fight. His loyalty was unwavering.

Dodo, with an air of innocence, threw her hands up in resignation. She had anticipated this standoff. After all, how could they expect Gray Snake let someone in so easily?

Standing beside Luo Mo, Fu Hua braced herself, ready to launch a defensive counterattack if necessary. Luo Mo, however, was left in a state of confusion.

"Wasn't it you who invited us here?" he asked, his voice laced with bewilderment.

Gray Snake, the mechanical entity before them, responded in a slow, deliberate manner. "The one who extended the invitation was the mechanical creation known as Gray Snake, not the World Serpent Cadre Gray Snake. However, if you can convince me of your intentions, you may enter without any conflict."

Gray Snake's words were devoid of any human sentiment. His actions and thought processes were purely mechanical, devoid of any human morality.

Luo Mo, undeterred by Gray Snake's cold demeanor, spoke up. "I wish to travel to a place within the World Serpent's headquarters, a place known as the Elysian realms, where Heroes exist."

Gray Snake let out a mechanical chuckle, his large black umbrella remaining motionless in his hand. "Do you really believe that's possible?"

"Of course," Luo Mo replied confidently, stepping forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with Fu Hua. "I came prepared. The World Serpent's Venerable Lord doesn't necessarily have to be Kevin, correct?"

Gray Snake fell silent for a moment before continuing. "While I'm unsure how you learned of the Exalted Lord's existence, if you're suggesting that Lord Hua should inherit the World Serpent, I can assure you that no one would agree to that, not even she herself."

"Luo Mo ...." Fu Hua turned to Luo Mo, her eyes filled with worry. She had no recollection of her past civilization, and she had never interacted with Gray Snake before. This was uncharted territory for her.

With a reassuring wave of his hand, Luo Mo signaled to Fu Hua that there was no need for concern. He then turned his attention back to Gray Snake and began to speak.

"I am well aware," he started, "that while the World Serpent has not specified any particular candidates for the Venerable Lord, the options among the thirteen flame chasers are indeed limited."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing. "Therefore, my intention is to extract Dr. Mobius from the Elysian realms and propose her as the successor to the World Serpent Exalted Lord!"

Upon hearing the name 'Dr. Mobius', Gray Snake fell silent. This proposition presented a genuine conundrum for him. Yes, Kevin was undoubtedly qualified to be the Exalted Lord, but the name 'World Serpent' clearly indicated its true origin. There was another flame chaser who was arguably more suited to assume the role of the Exalted Lord, both publicly and privately, than Kevin.

But was it even possible?

For the first time, Gray Snake found himself truly considering the man standing before him. The proposition Luo Mo had put forth was compelling enough to pique his interest.

Dr. Mobius held a significant place in Gray Snake's existence. If he were to be given a choice between Kevin and her, his decision would undoubtedly lean towards his creator, the founding mother, Dr. Mobius.

And that meant Luo Mo's offer was indeed substantial enough.

In a leisurely tone, Gray Snake voiced his thoughts. "The former civilization from 50,000 years ago failed to achieve this, and the current Exalted Lord of the World Serpent has likewise been unsuccessful."

Luo Mo retorted, matching Gray Snake's calm demeanor. "The civilization of 50,000 years ago failed to foresee a victory over the Honkai, and no one in the present day has managed to do so either, not even by the slightest margin."

A heavy silence fell upon them, the tension in the air palpable. It seeped into every corner of the scene as the clear wind blew, carrying with it swirls of yellow sand. The uncertainty hung in the balance - would the next moment bring a successful negotiation or the onset of a war?

"Welcome, then, guests from afar," Gray Snake finally broke the silence. He bowed and stepped aside from the door, extending an inviting gesture for them to enter.

The tension in the air dissipated as if it had never been there. The multiple figures of Gray Snake that had previously surrounded them retreated into the distance and vanished. He repeated his initial greeting, but this time, he was no longer obstructing the entrance but standing beside it.

Luo Mo let out a sigh of relief. Convincing Gray Snake had been a significant hurdle, but they had managed to clear it. At least their entry into the Elysian realms would now be unimpeded. The next challenge was to meet the flame chasers and convince them of their cause.

With that, Luo Mo, Fu Hua, and Gray Snake stepped into the passageway, heading towards one of the most significant remnants of the ancient civilization and the headquarters of the World Serpent.


After navigating through a labyrinth of intricate mechanisms and hidden passages, Luo Mo, Fu Hua, and Gray Snake found themselves standing before a deep, dark passageway. Its depths were shrouded in mystery, offering no hint of where it led or what lay within.

Luo Mo recognized this as the final passage to the Elysian realms, a detail that mirrored its depiction in the game. Just as they were about to proceed, Gray Snake halted them.

"Lord Hua," he began, "No member of the former civilization of flame chasers has ever ventured into the Elysian realms."

He continued, "You may not recall this, but the former civilization had a rule. The Elysian realms served as a testing ground for the flame chasers, a trial place for successor, a sanctuary where they could isolate themselves from the world. It was their rightful place, and the future downfall of Honkai was not their concern."

Luo Mo, taken aback, questioned Gray Snake's earlier agreement. "But didn't you agree to let me in, and also allow me to bring Dr. Mobius out?"

Gray Snake responded calmly, "I merely agreed to your trial as a successor to the thirteen flame chasers. That is all. And that, in itself, is compliance."

His mechanical eyes bore into Luo Mo as he spoke, his tone leaving no room for argument. Luo Mo fell silent, realizing that the responsibility ultimately fell on him. Gray Snake had cleverly absolved himself of any accountability before the task had even begun.

However, Luo Mo also gleaned a crucial piece of information. The flame chasers of the former civilization did not want their memories to interfere with the afterlife, regardless of the reason. This revelation presented yet another hurdle in his quest to bring out the flame chasers.