
Make you mine forever

Isla Jones is a very hardworking women. she graduated from the most prestigious university of her country. she wants to work for Lee group and be a professional women who could support herself. she is hardworking, intelligence, kind hearted, has helping nature, but speaks very less due to which she has nearly no friends. Daniel Lee , who has just taken over Lee group from his father is a very formidable person. famous worldwide , he is workoholic and very intelligent. The one who are his enemies are never spared and shown mercy. He has a big family but he is close to no one . what will happen when Daniel will meet this distinguished lady called Isla? . will his frozen heart ever melt ? how both of them will fight against difficulties to live with each other. ALERT ( MATURE CONTENT) AS THE STORY GOES ON THERE WILL BE SOME EXPLICIT SCENES. SO BE ALERT. Enjoy reading and please support me. I am new to writing so I need your support and your reviews to improve myself. thank you...and lots and lots of love......

feathers_11042002 · Urban
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49 Chs

Chapter 15. Girls would desperately chase after them ........

After having breakfast Grace took Isla to the flower garden beside the mension.

Isla was awestruck. She could not believe that a flower garden could look so massive. There were varity of flowers and hedges grown there and a huge fountain in the middle of the garden.

Many gardeners were working in garden. Some were watering and others were cutting ,sowing and planting . Somewhere in the middle of the garden, Old Madam Lee was instructing a gardener in sowing some certain seeds

" Old madam Lee loves gardening. All the flowers are planted here under her supervision. She has a great knowledge of plants." told Grace to Isla smiling at her expressions. She looked cute with her awestruck face.

When Old Madam Lee saw Isla comming with Grace , she told somthing to the gardener to which gardener nodded . She walked towards them.

"Child , what do you say about this? " she smiled and pointed towards the garden.

"I am mesmerized, Grandmother." Isla said politely. And, she truly was.

" Your grandfather and I sometimes do gardening here. You can always come here when you want. You can walk here, you can even sit here on those benches when you want fresh air. The air here helps in calming you down. Don't you think so?" asked grandmother excitedly.

" I agree with you , grandmother." Isla said smiling at her. They took a stroll in the garden for about an hour .

"Do you like animals?" Grace asked Isla.

"Yes! i absolutely love them." she replied excitedly.

Grace chuckled at her reaction and said "come I will take you somewhere you will really love to go."

Grace took Isla towards meadow at the foothill at the back of the mansion. Isla saw a beautiful grassland a the foothill. It was a very large peace of land. Isla could not believe that someone could own this all. "The hill at the end is also our property. There is a beautiful church at the top of the hill. I will take you there some day." said Grace lovingly to Isla.

"look over there." Grace said pointing at the right end of the the meadow. There Isla saw a group of cows grazing the field. "Those are the cows of our farm. They graze from morning to evening and return to their shelter before sun sets. In the shelter the workers extract their milk that we consume. Come I will take you some where else. " Then Grace took her to a stable . There Isla saw many horses in that stable. " The Lee family's men have this hobby of riding horses. The black one you see over there is Daniel's horse, Joe. It is very powerful. And the white one over there is Jasper's horse. Jasper is my younger son that you met in the dining hall during breakfast. Look , the brown one over there is William's horse , sabastian. " Isla was very excited all the time listening to Grace. They had a long conversation in which Grace told her many things about the Lee's.

"Let's go back . I know you must be hungry by now. Lunch must be ready. Generally, I supervise the meals prepared for the family. But today father made an exception. And your aunt Tina is supervising the lunch making. " said Grace smiling at her.

"In the evening I will ask Jasp to accompany you to your apartment along with some helpers so that you can pack your belongings and bring them here. " said Grace to which Isla quickly refused.

"No aunty, I can go on my own. No need to trouble brother Jasper for this."

"What trouble ! You are like a younger sister to him. He will accompany you . Moreover, in the evening he remains free. You just go back, pack your things, and come back quickly." she said seriously to her.

She saw a little hesitation on Isla's face. And she understood quickly the reason of her hesitation. "Are you scared of him? " she asked with a chuckle. This was very new. Generally ,girls would flock around the three brothers Daniel, Jasper, and Andrew. Even when they looked intimidating, girls would desperately chase after them. But this girl was so different. She was so innocent that she was scared of Jasper. She thought 'if she was so scared of Jasper then what will she do in front of Daniel?'.