
Make Don Quixote Great Again

In the Holy Land Mariejois, the World Summit was held as scheduled. When Don Quixote Doflamingo set foot on this piece of red soil, a large number of reporters surrounded him enthusiastically. "Master Doflamingo, how does it feel to set foot on Mariejois again?" Doflamingo smiled coolly: "Not bad." "I heard that you were kicked out of Mariejois by the Celestial Dragons. Is this true?" "Of course not." Doflamingo shook his head. "If not, why did you leave here?" "Because I realized that with these insects, how could I ever realize my ideals?" Doflamingo said disdainfully. "Then what is your ideal?" "Make Don Quixote great again!" ======== You can read up to 50 chapters ahead on my Patreon: pat reon.com/Mr_Deadalus Note: This is one of my favorite One Piece fanfictions of all time, you can find the complete machine translated version on mtlnation under the same name - Make Don Quixote Great Again. I wanted to make it more readable and do it justice, so here I am :). I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient.

Mr_Deadalus · Anime & Comics
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124 Chs

Chapter 110: Chaos At Little Flower

Katakuri swept his gaze, and quickly locked onto Beckman, Doflamingo and Olvia beside him.

Both Beckman and Doflamingo were dressed in local costumes, which made Katakuri a little confused at first, damn it, is this Alabasta really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!?

Can you meet this kind of powerhuse in any market at the port?

It is indeed a world-class military power, with a strong martial spirit!

But as soon as the idea came up, Katakuri saw Doflamingo's face clearly.

He may not have any impression of Beckman, but he still recognizes Doflamingo.

Especially since the Donquixote Family had been in Whiskey Peak before and nearly beat their own brother Oven to death!

"Doflamingo!!!" Katakuri looked over there angrily, and said in a deep voice: "Our Big Mom pirates have no grievances with your Donquixote Family, why did you attack my brother in Whiskey Peak first, and here in Alabasta you attack me out of the blue again!?"

Doflamingo grinned at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Katakuri, in broad daylight, you dare to kidnap a beautiful lady, this is simply outrageous! I, Don Quixote Doflamingo, can't see you being so despicable and let it go in good conscience!"

Katakuri: ? ? ? ?

For a moment, he even thought that Doflamingo was a f**king Marine!

No, why didn't you have such a sense of justice when you sold Neko in North Blue?

What's more, everyone is a pirate, what are you pretending here?

"Are you kidding me?" Katakuri's eyes darkened, and he said, "Is this your Donquixote Family's declaration of war against our Big Mom pirates?"

"Oh...." Doflamingo raised his eyebrows, and said with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, "Don't be so naive, the war started as early as Whiskey Peak... Katakuri."

"Hmph!" Katakuri snorted coldly, and then his arms surged rapidly.

Then, under everyone's gaze, a trident gradually grew out of this guy's arm!

"Logia!?" Beckman raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"No, it's not Logia." Doflamingo denied this statement, and then added: "This guy is a special Paramecia Mochi fruit capable person... The situation is a bit similar to Logia, but it's not really a Logia. It is said that he is very famous in New World , known as the perfect man, he has never been defeated in the Big Mom Pirates since his debut!"

"Never defeated!?" Beckman was even more surprised. Is this guy so good?

But when I kicked him just now, why didn't I feel he was anything special?

"Fufufu, never defeated...It sounds very powerful, but it also proves that he rarely challenges people who are stronger than himself." Doflamingo mocked.

After Katakuri heard this, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, what was this guy implying, is Katakuri the kind of person who bullies the weak and fears the hard?

This 'explanation' of this bastard Doflamingo is somewhat of a personal attack!

So without any nonsense, Katakuri instantly imbued his powerful Armament Haki on the trident in his hand, stomped on the grounf, and rushed towards Doflamingo.

At this time, Katakuri's aura was very fierce. With his five-meter-tall physique with a strong sense of oppression, he charged with a heavy weapon, and he was extremely fierce.

Olvia, who was standing beside Doflamingo, exclaimed and was shocked!

Look again, Doflamingo is still drinking milk beer on the stake!

"Hey!" Olvia shouted nervously.

Doflamingo raised his hand to signal her to be quiet, and said softly: "Don't panic, my subordinates are also very strong..."

As soon as Doflamingo's voice fell, Beckman took the lead and turned into lightning, blocking Katakuri's attack in an instant. He also landed with one foot, and the lightning flashed!

Unlike before, this time Katakuri is not unprepared, his Advanced Observation Haki is always on!

Katakuri's talent in Observation Haki is truly very powerful, he is only 26 years old now, but Advanced Observation Haki has already awakened!

Directly enter the state of foreseeing the future, the naked eye cannot judge the trajectory of Beckman's kick, but he has already seen through the future!

The trident in his hand blocked forward, a powerful force erupted, and then he saw Beckman's strike finally arrived, kicking Katakuri's predicted trajectory, with a bang, their Armament Haki clashed.

Then, without saying a word, Katakuri pushed and swept the trident in his hand, caught Beckman's leg, lifted Beckman into the air, and pointed his other hand in the direction, growling: "Mochi burst..."

However, before he finished his sentence, he seemed to see something in his eyes again. He immediately ignored Beckman, held his trident, rolled forward, and quickly dodged from the spot.

In the next second, a huge iron fist descended from the sky, and the person who made the strike was none other than Hajrudin!

"Elbaf Blast!!!" Hajrudin roared angrily.

Although the punch missed, the power was indeed terrifying. Hajrudin's heavy punch first smashed a huge deep pit tens of meters into the ground, and then a violent explosion followed, detonating the deep pit on the spot, and the blasted rubble was chaotic. Gunpowder and smoke flew everywhere.

Katakuri dodged the blow, his feet were not yet steady, but his future vision had been activated again, and he jumped high on the spot!

Sure enough, a tiny little girl like a little human was right where Katakuri was originally!

The little girl held a fork for eating, and swiped across, originally intending to slice Katakuri's ankle.

Don't underestimate such a playful blow, you must know that Lily is a giant, if this blow hits the ankle, Katakuri will definitely be injured!

As soon as the blow was missed, Lily's reaction speed was also very fast, and her figure immediately swelled up, and the fork in her hand also became bigger, and stabbed Katakuri's stomach from bottom to top.

Katakuri was in the air, but his movements were not slow, and the trident in his hand slammed down.

The gigantic fork collided with the trident precisely!

At the same time, Diamante appeared out of nowhere, and with a long sword in his hand, he slashed out, aiming for Katakuri's head!

Katakuri held up the trident in his hand, and then performed a handsome backflip in the air, dodging Diamante's slash.

From Beckman's shot to Diamante's slash, it sounded like it took time, but it was fast, everything seemed to be completed in just a split second!

And Katakuri's performance has to be called 'excellent', he avoided all the offensives perfectly.

After landing, Katakuri spun the trident half a circle in his hand, pointed at Beckman and said, "It's useless, numbers are meaningless to me!"

Should I say it or not, this guy already looks very cool, coupled with the series of gaudy operations just now, it seems that he is more than capable. When he opened his mouth at this moment, everyone just felt... Damn it, you're really good at putting on a show!

Beside Doflamingo, Vergo moved to grab his swords from his waist, and then said in surprise: "Oh, I lost my saber..."

Senor at the side couldn't help but say: "Wake up, you are not a swordsman at all!"

Vergo froze for a moment and said, "Ah yes... Where is my bamboo?"

"You just took it to the skewers." Senor said again.

Listening to this weird conversation, Olvia didn't know what to say... Can they really win?

She looked at Doflamingo suspiciously and said, "Aren't you going to make a move?"

Doflamingo glanced at Olvia and said, "Stupid woman, don't underestimate my subordinates! This was just a test..."

If Beckman, Hajrudin, Diamante, Lily, Virgo, Senor, Gladius and others make a move together, and they still can't take down one Katakuri...

Then he might as well just not go to the New World!

Beckman and the others ignored Katakuri's words, and the eyes of several people met for a moment, as if they were "connected with each other".

In the next second, Diamante took the lead and slashed at Katakuri with the sword in his hand!

Katakuri moved forward with the trident, accurately blocking Diamante's sword, and at this moment, Diamante roared: "Melting Slash!"

A scorching heat erupted instantly from Diamante's blade, and Katakuri felt the sting from the trident almost at the same time!

That's right, in just a split second, Katakuri's trident was burned!

And this scene also made Katakuri furious, and asked: "You just ate the hot fruit that should have belonged to Oven!?"

No one answered him, and an arc flickered past Katakuri's side.

Under Katakuri's rage, he still had the vision to foresee the future, and as if following unseen direction, he kicked out using Armament Haki!

Beckman's figure also happened to appear within the range of Katakuri's kick at this time.

With one kick, Beckman's figure suddenly exploded, but Katakuri frowned, thinking to himself: "Phantom!?"

On the other hand, Beckman stood on Hajrudin's shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, this guy can see the 'future'. If there is no accident, it should be Advanced Observation Haki...It's a bit tricky!"

Katakuri's maneuvers had already made Beckman suspicious, so the phantom just now was Beckman's confirmation!

Now he knows that this guy Katakuri can really foresee the future!

"What do we do!?" Hajrudin asked in a deep voice.

"Connect to my 'radio' network!" Beckman said softly, and then, at the end of his braid tied behind his head, a small ball formed by the convergence of electric arcs quickly appeared, hanging on the tail of the braid.

This is the ability developed by the combination of Beckman's Observation Haki and Thunder Fruit. It is equivalent to an "internal local area network". People who enter this "network" can be said to be able to "spiritually communicate"!

Katakuri also seemed to feel something, his brows were frowned, and the trident in his hand was tightened, his gaze kept scanning the crowd surrounding him.

In the network, Beckman's thoughts said to everyone: "That guy may be able to foresee the future, but only his eyes can see, and his body may not be able to fully follow. Next, let him see what is called top tacit understanding!"