
Make Don Quixote Great Again

In the Holy Land Mariejois, the World Summit was held as scheduled. When Don Quixote Doflamingo set foot on this piece of red soil, a large number of reporters surrounded him enthusiastically. "Master Doflamingo, how does it feel to set foot on Mariejois again?" Doflamingo smiled coolly: "Not bad." "I heard that you were kicked out of Mariejois by the Celestial Dragons. Is this true?" "Of course not." Doflamingo shook his head. "If not, why did you leave here?" "Because I realized that with these insects, how could I ever realize my ideals?" Doflamingo said disdainfully. "Then what is your ideal?" "Make Don Quixote great again!" ======== You can read up to 50 chapters ahead on my Patreon: pat reon.com/Mr_Deadalus Note: This is one of my favorite One Piece fanfictions of all time, you can find the complete machine translated version on mtlnation under the same name - Make Don Quixote Great Again. I wanted to make it more readable and do it justice, so here I am :). I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient.

Mr_Deadalus · Anime & Comics
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124 Chs

Chapter 109: I Was Walking On The Street And Got Struck By Lightning?!

On the Market Street of Nanohana, Doflamingo had a kebab in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other, enjoying himself.

"Hey, this roasted camel meat is really good!" Doflamingo took another big bite of the meat and said to Vergo beside him.

Vergo's face was covered with oil at this time, he stuffed a bunch of grilled scorpions in his hand to Beckman who was beside him and said, "Try it, it really tastes amazing!"

Beckman looked at the grilled scorpion in his hand with disgust, his face twitched for a moment, and he called: "Gladius."

"What's the matter?" Gladius was drinking fruit juice to quench his thirst, and asked Beckman after hearing this.

"Come on, these are high-calcium products, eat to grow tall, don't you always want to grow tall like the young master? Then come and eat more..." Beckman said with an evil smile.

Then he gave Gladius the grilled scorpion in his hand.

Gladius innocently looked at the Doflamingo, who was chatting with the stall owner at this time, and was about to add two more skewers of roasted kidneys. Finally, he but the bullet and ate the grilled scorpion.

After all, it might be really delicious. As soon as he took a bite, Gladius said excitedly: "It tastes really good!"

"Then have another skewer!" Vergo, the Official Grilled Scorpion Corp. Ambassador, immediately distributed another skewer to Gladius, and then said: "There are also grilled lizards here, this is also a local specialty, I tried it and it was delicious!"

After speaking, he stuffed Gladius' hands with a bunch of grilled lizards.

Doflamingo ate the mixed skewers of camel and mutton, and couldn't help but say, "I didn't realize that you have such strong tastes before, Vergo."

"I've always believed that whenever you go to a place, you must taste the local specialties." Vergo responded bluntly.

"Alabasta's specialty is roasted camels...not scorpions or lizards!" Doflamingo retorted without hesitation.

"That's not right, scorpions and lizards are also featured!" Vergo insisted.

Doflamingo was too lazy to argue with him, and after drinking the beer in his hand in one gulp, he spread his hands and said, "Give me another bottle of this camel milk beer."

"No problem!" the stall owner said happily.

After eating and drinking, Beckman went to a small shop selling local specialties and bought some desert clothes.

Looking at this guy's attire, Doflamingo thought he looked a bit like an Arab walking in the desert in his previous life.

"Envious?" Beckman asked with a smile, wrapped in a turban.

Doflamingo rolled his eyes at him, and then asked, "Shopkeeper, is there anything I can wear at my height?"

"Yes, it just so happens that there is!" The shopkeeper said excitedly: "Last month, there was a man who was taller than you, and he ordered a set from me. After that, there was material left over so I made another set. The set is about the same shape as yours. I originally wanted to keep it for an exhibition."

Not long after he finished speaking, the shopkeeper actually got a set of Doflamingo clothes.

Doflamingo was very happy at this time, so he bought it and changed into it.

How should I put it, it is actually nothing great to look at. This kind of special clothing is actually mainly functional. The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is very large, and the intensity of direct sunlight is very high, so you have to wrap yourself up to avoid sunburn and resist the cold at night.

If you want to talk about good-looking, it's actually not.

Doflamingo just wears it for fun.

But, this kind of material is relatively breathable, and it is also thick. Not only does it not feel hot, but it also has a feeling of heat insulation, which makes Doflamingo, who hates the sun, comfortable.

When several people were chatting, laughing and having fun, Beckman suddenly saw a tall figure walking towards the port in the distance, raised his brows and said: "Hey... that guy looks like he's taller than both of us combined!"

Beckman's height is over two meters, and Doflamingo's height is more than three meters, adding up to five meters.

Doflamingo was curious for a moment, and followed Beckman's line of sight to look there.

Sure enough, a strong man with a struggling woman under his arm was walking that way.

Doflamingo was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise, "Katakuri!?"

"Katakuri?" Beckman was a little confused [then he seemed to think of something and said, "Charlotte Katakuri? That guy named Oven that I met at Whiskey Peak before was his brother, right?"

"Speaking of which, I saw the Big Mom pirates' ship at the port just now." Gladius moved closer to Doflamingo and said.

Doflamingo: ? ? ? ?

"Why didn't you tell us when you saw it?" Doflamingo said, hitting Gladius on the head.

Perhaps because of Doflamingo's disguise, Katakuri didn't notice them at all, just thinking these guys in heavy desert clothes were locals.

"Put me down, you damned pirate, I won't translate Poneglyphs for you people!!!" Olvia struggled to get out of Katakuri's control.

But it was obvious that with her small body, it was impossible to break free.

On the other side, Doflamingo squatted on a stake, took a sip of milk beer, and said with some doubts: "Nico Olvia...why would she mix with Katakuri?"

It looks like this woman was kidnapped by Katakuri?

From the current point of view, Katakuri should have come to Alabasta to do something... Then he may have discovered the specialness of Olvia, so he is going to capture her and bring her to the Big Mom pirate group?

In his memory, in the original story, there shouldn't be such a situation. It is estimated that something was changed by the flap of this little butterfly.

But these don't matter, what Doflamingo is thinking about is... Should Katakuri be captured when he is not in New World and is out of touch with the main force of the Big Mom pirates?

Charlotte Linlin, that damn old woman, takes Katakuri very seriously, and Katakuri can also be said to be a person who has a deep influence on the Big Mom Pirates, all his younger brothers and sisters respect him very much.

If Katakuri is captured, the first plan is to use him as a hostage in New World to negotiate with the Big Mom pirates or something...However, Doflamingo doesn't think this will work.

Sometimes Charlotte Linlin is very cold-blooded and ruthless. As a big pirate, she may not be willing to talk to Doflamingo.

But there is a second plan. It is estimated that the Seven Warlords of the Sea plan will be implemented soon. Doflamingo intends to fight for this position. With the identity of Seven Warlords of the Sea, many of his follow-up plans can be quickly completed.

The government of the world needs Seven Warlords of the Sea to fight against the increasingly powerful pirate forces in New World. Doflamingo captured Katakuri of the Big Mom pirates at this juncture and gave it to the world government...Then is it not a logical conclusion to give this position to him in exchange?

Of course, there is another factor, that is, when he finally goes to New World, the Big Mom pirates must settle the old score on Whiskey Peak with their Donquixote Family, and Doflamingo also needs to build a place for himself in the New World.

At that time, there is a high probability that the two sides will have a fight. Before that, take advantage of Katakuri's single status, and get rid of him first. When the time comes to fight the Big Mom pirates, you can also lose one opponent.

No matter which way he thinks about it, the end result is all good!

While drinking milk beer, Doflamingo thought about these gains and losses rapidly.

At this moment, Olvia, who was struggling, tilted her head and froze for a moment, and her and Doflamingo's playful eyes just converged.

After a moment of surprise, Olvia shouted: "Help me!!!"

Although she had a bad impression of Doflamingo when she was in Ohara, but in the end, Doflamingo did not do anything bad to Ohara. After a long time, it can be proved that this guy did not tell the secret to the world government.

So for Olvia, this guy Doflamingo, no matter what, is much better than this Katakubu who wanted to kidnap her at the slightest disagreement.

Katakuri thought that Olvia was calling for help to those passers-by in the market, and said indifferently: "Give up, woman, no one can save you, at least here in Alabasta, there is no one who can defeat me!"

At the same time, Beckman also suggested to Doflamingo: "This is a good opportunity. Get rid of Katakuri here first. When we come to New World, we will face less pressure when we face the Big Mom pirates."

"Then let's do it..." Doflamingo responded softly.

On the other side, Katakuri had just finished speaking cruelly to Olvia, and then, from the corner of his eye, a dazzling thunder seemed to appear!

This caused Katakuri's pupils to dilate instantly, and before this guy could react, the lightning had already stuck to his face!

"Lightning Kick!" Beckman's figure flashed out from the lightning, and with a whip kick, he flew directly to Katakuri's face!

Katakuri really never expected that in Alabasta, there would be people who would dare to attack him!?

At the same time, Beckman attacked first, and coupled with Thunder Fruit's speed, Katakuri really couldn't keep up!

There was severe pain on the face, and then the feet were pulled up by the powerful kicking force, and the whole person was 'lifted' from the ground. The huge body was like a cannonball, and was kicked away with a bang!

At the same time, Beckman stretched out his hand and took Olvia, who was originally held under the armpit by Katakuri, in his hand.

As soon as this sudden situation appeared, the bustling market suddenly fell silent, and then, a large number of customers and stall owners all fled away screaming.

"Fufufufufufufufufu, long time no see, Olvia... You are really embarrassed." Doflamingo squatted on the stake, and tapped Olvia who had just been put down by Beckman said hello.

Olvia looked a little embarrassed at this time, hesitated for a moment, and thanked Doflamingo: "Thank you...Thank you for saving me."

"No...it doesn't have much to do with you, so you don't have to take it to heart." Doflamingo frowned, and then asked: "Speaking of which, how did you get involved with that guy?"

Thinking that Doflamingo is considered an 'insider', Olvia didn't hide anything, and said: "We were originally looking for the Poneglyph in Alabasta, but somehow, I was targeted by this guy. He asked me about the red Poneglyphs, and then he wanted to force me to join the Big Mom pirates."

At the same time, Katakuri covered his cheeks and rose up from the ruins, a stream of bright red blood flowng out of his nose.

At this time, Katakuri's face was very gloomy, and he was extremely furious!