
Majesty's Journey 6: living Omnitrix in MCU(Natasha Romanoff x maleoc)

An earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! But Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. He didn't wish to be a Saiyan. He didn't wish to be a Kryptonian. He chose to be... a living Omnitrix! And with the power of his aliens combined, he will insure that his lover, Natasha Romanoff, will be safe and sound!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Movies
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43 Chs

CH 5: Necro Frost, Iron Man and War Machine P2

Ali nodded while flying beside him :"Alright, you keep them distracted and I will take care of the rest." And then he stopped flying forward as he stood in the air before flapping his wings forward, causing him to fly backwards and headed straight towards the drones.

However, Rhodes eyes went wide when he saw Ali heading straight towards him :"What the fuck, WHAT THE FUUUUuuck... Oh, I'm safe..." But his screaming stopped when Ali phased right through him and punched a drone so hard that he blew its back out.

As he started flying on the drones tails, he moved his tongues again and started eating the drones before spitting them out at other drones.

But he just simply ate some of them as well. Hey, nobody said he couldn't have some mid fight snack. Some drones did manage to fly elsewhere though. After he got rid of all the drones, he noticed Rhodes grabbed Tony and they both dropped to a small forest.

As he stopped and looked at the ripped metal leg of a destroyed drone in his hand, he shrugged as he threw it inside his mouth and ate it while flying towards where they had landed.

When he finally reached them in the rainy forest and landed on the ground gently, he saw that Rhodes was laying face down, motionless.

Ali took out a lollipop from his pocket and ripped the cover off before putting it inside his mouth as he walked towards Tony :"so it's taken care of?"

And Tony answered after a few seconds of talking to someone else :"no, we still have a Hammeroid attack to fend off."

Ali snorted with a smirk :"well, more food for me I guess." Tony's head tilted as he pointed at him :"Are drones in your menu most of the time?"

Ali chuckled as he shook his head and flipped Rhodes around with his foot :"not drones exactly, but metals. ANY metal. So you better watch yo ass, or I might just take a bite."

He didn't wait for Tony to say anything as he squatted down and tapped on Rhodes helmet :"hey! You awake there? I don't think this is a good time to take a nap."

And Tony walked to Rhodes' other side as the mask of his helmet rolled up :"Rhodes? Snap out of it, buddy. I need you. They're coming. Come on, let's roll. Get up."

The mask of his helmet finally rolled up as well and he opened his eyes as he looked at Tony :"oh, man. You can have your suit back."

Tony smirked as he and Ali grabbed Rhodes hands and pulled him up :"you okay?" And Rhodes nodded :"yeah, thanks." There was an awkward moment of silence before Rhodes turned to Tony :"Tony, look, I'm sorry, okay?"

Tony :"Don't be."

Rhodes :"No. I should have trusted you more."

Tony :"I'm the one who put you in this position. Forget it."

Rhodes :"No. It's your fault. I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

Ali couldn't help but chuckle on the side as he shook his head in amusement :"mood." While Tony comforted his best friend :"Thank you. That's all I wanted to hear. Partner."

Ali put his hands over his shoulders as he exhaled :"aww, isn't that nice? You two made up. Look, I don't wanna ruin this beautiful moment, but we still aren't done yet."

Tony nodded in agreement as he looked around :"the kid's right. They're coming in hot, any second. What's the play?"

Rhodes nodded as he looked at a rather high place :"well, we want to take the high ground <ah, a man of culture, I see>, okay? So let's put the biggest gun up on that ridge."

Tony :"got you."

Ali :"*two finger salute* understood, Lieutenant."

And they all started walking towards the ridge.

Rhodes turned to look at Ali and Tony :"Where are you two going?" And they all stopped as Tony turned to him :"what are you talking about?"

Rhodes :"I meant me."

Tony :"You have a big gun. You are not THE big gun."

Ali shrugged as he nodded :"yeah, the one who should go up there is obviously me." And Rhodes turned to him with confusion :"you don't have ANYTHING on you..."

Ali put a hand over his chest with an offended look :"excuse me, you're talking mad shit for two walking foods. In case you didn't know, I can freeze anything, and I can swallow each and every one of those drones."

Rhodes spread his hands as he looked at Ali :"that's even more of a reason for you to stay here and fight them. How are you going to eat them like before if you're standing up there?"

Ali raised his index finger, looking like he was about to say something before he moved his hand and pinched his chin :"you know what? You're right. Alright, I'll be staying here then."

Rhodes nodded and looked at Tony :"then it's settled. Tony, you draw them in, Necro Frost will stay here and fight them while I will fry their ass from over there."

Tony nodded with a sigh :"fine." But just as he took a step, a drone landed on the ground a few meters away from them."

And it seemed like it wasn't one for solo plays, because it brought its buddies along as well as they landed around them one by one. Ali gave a tilted nod with smiling pursed lips :"guess we're gonna be doing this the old style then."

As the masks of Tony and Rhodes' suits slid down, the drones opened fire as did the duo while Ali froze the drones!

But with how annoying the bullets were, he went intangible, but was still visible so that the two wouldn't think that he had run away. After becoming intangible, he got back to doing his thing, freezing them, eating them, Sonic Screaming them.

However, after a while, Tony's shout came :"get down, you two!" Rhodes listened and got on his knees while Ali went completely invisible as the back of Tony's fists glowed red and he shot lasers around him!

Cutting all the drones in half and some poor trees as well. Ali turned visible as he nodded with an impressed look :"well damn, ain't that a sweet move." Rhodes nodded, impressed by the attack as well :"wow. I think you should lead with that next time."

But Tony's disagreement came immediately :"Yeah. Sorry, boss. I can only use it once. It's a one-off." And there was a clicking sound as two chip-like items fell off of Tony's fists.

There was a ringing sound as they all looked at Ali's pants. Ali smiled at them as he held his index finger up and took out his phone :"one second. Hey, mom, what's up?"

"What's up with me? What's up with you?! Where are you? Are you safe? Your dad called and said that chaos broke out in Stark Expo! Something about the drones of Hammer or someone going rogue and attacking everyone. Are you alright?"

Ali looked up as he turned around while Tony and Rhodes looked at him :"seriously? That's crazy, I didn't even make it to Stark Expo!

I was on my way there, but Mary Jane suddenly called me. Said that she is going to a party and everyone has a date except her, so she begged me to be with her. You know how kind your son is. I gave up in the end and went with her. And now I'm outside talking to you."

"Well, isn't he a good lier." Tony mused as Ali's mom sighed in relief on the other side :"thank God, me and Gwen were worried sick so I immediately called you.

Alright, stay safe and send my regards to Mary Jane. By the way, you should consider dating her like I've told you. She's pretty and she's polite. I honestly don't know why you aren't dating her already."

'Because she's the movie version of Mary Jane Watson, there ain't no way I will consider dating that bitch.' Ali thought, but obviously didn't speak it up :"yeah, yeah, mom, forget about it.

I might have a thing for redheads, but there ain't no way I will go with her. Anyways, I should go back to the party. Bye now."

"Bye, baby. Take care of yourself." Helen kissed Ali goodbye from the other side of the phone as Ali hung up and shook his head in amusement.

He closed his phone, one of the many advanced ones he owned thanks to the thugs that gifted them to him for leading them to the right path in life, and then turned around with a smile on his half covered face :"sorry to keep you waiting, gentlemen. Where were we?"

Tony gave a tilted nod as he looked up :"Where the boss would show up, kid. Speak of the devil." Another man in a suit came flying down from the sky before a hulking suit stood a few meters away from them.

The helmet uncovered and a rather old looking man smiled at them and spoke with a Russian accent :"good to be back."

They all looked at him as Rhodes spoke :"this ain't gonna be good." The Russian man crossed his hand over his shoulder before he brought them down to his sides and two long ass electrifying whips came out of his hands.

Ali curled his lips and gave a tilted nod :"well ain't that a sweet main weapon. I wouldn't wanna get hit with that."

As the three stood side by side, Rhodes snorted :"don't worry, kid. I got something special for this guy. I'm gonna bust his bunker with the Ex-Wife."

"With the what?" Tony and Ali said at the same time as something came out of Rhodes shoulder and started charging to fire.

However, the Russian dude just stood in place and waited for Rhodes' big attack. But when he finished firing it, a rocket a little bigger than a pen was shot at him.

You would think that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but it just hit the Russian dude's chest and fell to the ground and sizzled in the water.

Tony :"Hammer tech?"

Rhodes :"yeah..."

Ali sighed with slumped shoulders and his hands on his hip bones :"can I sue this Hammer bitch for getting my hopes up?"

Tony patted him on the shoulder as he looked at the Russian dude :"don't worry, kid. I've got this." And two things came out of his shoulders and small explosives were shot at the Russian dude's face.

But the bastard's helmet came back right at that moment and protected him before he moved his whips and brought them down on the three guys.

And unfortunately for Vanko, Ali had a mood swing. His smile disappeared and he reached out at the whips as Tony and Rhodes jumped away.

"Kid! Watch out!" Tony shouted as the whips came down with a punishing force. However, shockingly, Ali just grabbed them and didn't budge.

Even as the whips electrocuted him, he didn't budge. One of the weaknesses of Normal Necrofriggians is lightning, so Ali should be careful when fighting against lightning.

But unfortunately for Vanko, Ali was not a normal Necrofriggian. He was stronger. He was tougher. He was better. He outclassed the normal Necrofriggians!

So even though it did hurt, Ali just held the whips harder as he stared at Vanko with an unkind gaze :"you're in big trouble now, because I'm annoyed now."

Vanko tried to move away the whips, but Ali had an iron grip on the whips. Ali snorted as he suddenly pulled on the whips with enough force that Vanko came flying at him.

Ali raised his foot and Spartan kicked him in the chest, sending him flying back! Vanko slid on the ground and created a rather big trail on the muddy ground.

As Vanko rose back to his feet, Ali cracked his knuckles and tilted his neck till he cracked it as well as he glared at Vanko :"unfortunately for you, buddy, my bipolarism decided to act up. So you better get ready for the ass whooping of a lifetime."