
Majesty's Journey 6: living Omnitrix in MCU(Natasha Romanoff x maleoc)

An earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! But Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. He didn't wish to be a Saiyan. He didn't wish to be a Kryptonian. He chose to be... a living Omnitrix! And with the power of his aliens combined, he will insure that his lover, Natasha Romanoff, will be safe and sound!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Movies
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43 Chs

CH 4: Necro Frost, Iron Man and War Machine P1

"Ladies and gentlemen, the presentation of Justin Hammer will begin shortly in the main pavilion." Someone announced in the microphone of the Stark Expo.

Ali was sitting on a chair nonchalantly with one leg over the other and an orange flavored lollipop in his mouth, waiting for the excitement to begin.

While he waited with a rather bored expression as he rolled his tongue around the lollipop and sucked on it, two ladies walked towards the seats on his right :"excuse me, young man, but is it alright if we sit here?"

Ali glanced up at the ladies and was immediately shocked when he saw one of the ladies, but he just returned to normal to not look weird.

Who were the ladies? Well, one of them was Virginia "Pepper" Potts, Tony Stark's wife. And the other was Ali's future wife, Natasha Romanoff!

She was simply gorgeous! With red hair tied into a bun if sort behind her and wearing a black dress that hugged her equally gorgeous body!

He flashed them a small smile as he nodded gently :"mhm, please go ahead." His change of emotions were quick, so Pepper didn't notice it.

However, Natasha wasn't the best spy in the world for no reason. She immediately noticed how Ali's eyes landed on her and he seemed to have been taken aback before he calmed down.

But she was also a little shocked when she saw him. Not just because of his beauty, but also because she recognized him. The teenager sitting on the chair was suspected to be the infamous Necro Frost!

The same Necro Frost that S.H.I.E.L.D has been keeping tabs on. They had paid close attention to him ever since he had shown up, and tried their best to uncover his identity.

And luckily for them, this Necro Frost was apparently quite young and inexperienced. He had left quite a few trails, trails that they had used to search for him.

In the end, they had a few suspects. They didn't want to arrest him or get rid of him, Fury wanted this superpowered being as one of his men.

There were quite a few scientists and politicians that wanted to capture him and experiment on him, but Fury wanted to get him to join the team that he wanted to make. So he disagreed with all of them. And well, there were only a handful of people who could argue with Nick Fury.

Even though they had a few suspects, they still weren't completely sure as to who this Necro Frost exactly was. So they waited till they knew his identity before doing something. Waited till Necro Frost slipped out.

But of course, the reason why they even had these suspects was because Ali wanted to. Ali could literally turn invisible with his Necrofriggian (Big Chill) abilities or literally duplicate himself with his Sonorosian (Echo Echo) abilities! <Ali is a Necrofriggian (Big Chill), Sonorosian (Echo Echo) and Gourmand (Upchuck) hybrid, because according to one of my dear readers, "the combined appetite of Big Chill and Upchuck is disrespectful. And you know that I'm all in for disrespecting. By the way, did you know that Upchuck can actually eat To'kustars (Way Big) and even Celestial Sapiens (Alien X)! Let that sink in. But it has to have To'kustars chopped to pieces to be able to eat it but can't swallow Celestial Sapiens>

If he wanted to, nobody could find out his identity. But he wanted them to know his identity because he wanted to know Natasha.

And well, he wanted to give the final clue to Natasha today that he was Necro Frost. Not by telling her of course, but by letting her "accidentally" see him use his powers when chaos breaks out.

Pepper smiled and nodded before sitting on the chair near her and leaving the chair between her and Ali's empty :"thank you very much. Come on, Natasha, sit."

Natasha nodded calmly before sitting beside Ali. Ali didn't stare at her, but she would glance at him from time to time :'is it him?

The records say that Necro Frost is a real fan of lollipops, he has one in his mouth 90% of the time. A small detail, but still a lead. But could a kid seriously be that Necro Frost?'

After waiting for a little longer, music started to play as a logo showed up on the huge screen on the stage, HAMMER ADVANCED WEAPONS SYSTEMS.

And Justin Hammer walked to the stage... Scratch that, the motherfucker danced to the damn stage...

Ali seriously got goosebumps as he rubbed his muscular biceps with a look of disgust as he took in a sharp breath through his teeth :"oh god... Can somebody actually have the face to be this cringe in front of so many people...?"

He had whispered it to himself, but Natasha beside him heard it and sighed :"Well, some people just don't know how to act."

After watching the mentally torturing scene for a few more seconds, Hammer finally had mercy on the innocent souls present and stood being a desk <or whatever that is> while the said poor souls actually cheered :"yeah!

That's what I'm talking about. Thanks for coming. Ladies and gentlemen, for far too long, this country has had to place its brave men and women in harm's way, but then the Iron Man arrived, and we thought the days of losing lives were behind us.

Sadly, that technology was kept out of reach. That's not right. That's not fair. And it's just too bad. Regardless, it was an impressive innovation, one that grabbed headlines of the world over. Well, today, my friends, the press is faced with quite a different problem. They are about to run out of ink."

Only a few people clapped for him as two people ran to the stage and took away the small desk as Hammer continued :"ladies and gentlemen, today I present to you the new face of the United States military! The Hammer drone!"

The logo on the huge ass screen disappeared and the video of an army started to play with music as the stage opened and robot-like drones rose from under it while the people except Ali, Natasha and Pepper cheered as Hammer introduced :"Army!

Navy! Air Force! Marines! Yeah! Yeah! Wooo! That's a hell of a lot better than some cheerleaders, let me tell you. But as revolutionary as this technology is, there will always be a need for man to be present in the theater of war.

Ladies and gentlemen, today I am proud to present to you the very first prototype in the Variable Threat Response Battle Suit and its pilot, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes!"

"What?" Pepper whispered, but with how sharp Ali's senses were, he heard the confusion in her voice.

The floor of the stage opened once more and an Iron Man suit, but with more visible guns rose from the ground before he saluted everyone and the drones behind him also saluted along with Hammer before he let out his annoying voice again :"For America and its allies, Hammer industries is reporting for..."

But just as he was talking, the sound of a rocket blasting came and stole everyone's attention as they looked back to see the real Iron Man flying towards the stage. As he landed in a superhero landing on the stage, everyone got up and cheered while clapping for him.

But Ali just sat with just a smirk as he waited while Iron Man walked towards Rhodes and stood beside him while waving at the people. Tony and Hammer exchanged a few sentences before Rhodes' mini gun on his shoulder aimed at Tony!

Ali smirked as Natasha and Pepper got serious :'Time for the fun to finally begin~.' The drones also pointed their hands at Tony causing the people to start running.

Pepper also ran, but Natasha waited for a moment when she saw that Ali wasn't panicking like everybody else.

As Rhodes and the drones started shooting at Tony, a few bullets flew towards Ali. But he immediately enveloped his right arm in ice and shielded himself.

Nobody noticed, except Natasha who looked at him with wide eyes. Ali smiled at her after putting his hood over his head before he put his index finger over his lips :"shh."

And then he opened his palm and a dark blue ice masquerade mask was created in his hand before he put it over his eyes.

Tony took to the sky and the drones along with Rhodes started shooting at him. As he and some of the drones started flying and chasing Tony, Natasha followed Pepper while Ali smirked at the drones that dropped down the stage :"you know, I'm not one to play around with my food. But today, I'll make an exception."

A black and dark blue light flashed from Ali's fingertips before it traveled to Ali's wrist. As the light traveled, Ali's hands turned black and his fingers got a lot longer and got a lot sharper :"let's get this party started."

As the drones aimed at Ali, he opened his mouth and three dark blue tongues shot out from his mouth like whips and went towards one of the drones.

The moment the tongues reached the drone, they tied him up before squeezing it and breaking it and then pulled it towards Ali's mouth.

The tongues squeezed even more as Ali's mouth opened to an impossible degree and actually bit the whole ass thing!

As the drones started blasting, Ali jumped towards his side and dodged them momentarily before his stomach glowed a dark blue color and he opened his mouth and shot dark blue light at the drones!

The moment the light touched a drone, it exploded and took a few drones with it, causing Ali to chuckle smugly :"oh yeah, I seriously should consider doing parties."

But the drones didn't consider his actions impressive, so they kept shooting him before he created an ice wall in front of him.

He took a deep breath, and then screamed. But it wasn't a normal scream. It was a Sonic Scream that destroyed the ice wall and some of the drones!

He jumped from side to side while swallowing some more drones and slashing at the others with his long and sharp nails before he spat an Explosive Vomit at them.

After he destroyed or ate all of the drones, he noticed that some of them were running to a direction, and he followed.

As he kept destroying them, he noticed one of them aiming at a kid with an Iron Man mask on his head while the kid pointed his hand at the drone :"Oh no, you don't."

Kicked the ground and came to the child's side before he pointed at the drone with his hand and an ice beam was shot at it.

The moment the ice beam touched it, it froze entirely in a split second. The drone fell to the ground and immediately shattered into ice dust.

Ali smiled at the kid and patted his head :"Nice job, kiddo. But you should get out of here now before shit hits the fan even harder."

When Ali noticed Iron Man flying in the sky with the drones on his tail, he unleashed his dark blue wings and took off to the sky.

"Hey! Need some help?" Ali said as he flew next to Iron Man who turned to him :"And who the hell are you? Wait, you're that ghost guy... What was it...?"

Ali chuckled :"It's Necro Frost, but we should leave it to another time. It seems that you're in quite a trouble. Need some help?"

Iron Man snorted and probably rolled his eyes under his mask :"I don't need anybody's help, but feel free to help if you want.

Look, Rhodes and these drones systems have been compromised and they've locked down on me. I will fly around so nobody will get hurt. While I'm doing that, you try and take down as many of them as you can. Don't hurt Rhodes, by the way."