
Majesty's Journey 6: living Omnitrix in MCU(Natasha Romanoff x maleoc)

An earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! But Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. He didn't wish to be a Saiyan. He didn't wish to be a Kryptonian. He chose to be... a living Omnitrix! And with the power of his aliens combined, he will insure that his lover, Natasha Romanoff, will be safe and sound!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Movies
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43 Chs

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Hello, everyone, I just wanted to say that I've decided to change some things. The MC was supposed to be just a Necrofriggian (Big Chill), but then I decided to add the abilities of Echo Echo and Upchuck as well.

But then I thought "hey, why don't I just make MC a living Omnitrix?" so that's how it is. MC will have the appearance of a Necrofriggian, but he will have the abilities of other aliens that I've selected as well!

So I will upload a chapter about which aliens I have chosen, and separate chapters for each of their abilities. Also, he may not have some of the abilities that aren't so good, like Swampfire's bad smell. And some passive abilities will be active instead, like the intelligence of the Galvan and the two other aliens.

Again, he will only have the appearance of a Necrofriggian, and his reproduction will also be like a Necrofriggian because Natasha can't get pregnant and because I really like this ability for some reason. He will have sex with her though.

Another thing, MC will have the abilities of the evolved aliens AKA ultimate aliens after he himself evolves to a Evolved Necrofriggian. By the way, he won't have the abilities of Alien X, Clockwork, Atomix and Way Big till I say so. Because if he has those from the get go, that would be just boring.

By the way, I made this decision after CH 6: Natasha Romanoff, so don't be confused if he doesn't use any abilities till then.

Hope you enjoy!