
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 78

At this time in the villa where Akira lived or rather in the dining room, there were Akira, Issei, Shuri, Akeno, Jeanne, and Yubelluna who were sitting on chairs with lots of food on the dining table.

Right now, they were all eating and Issei on the other hand felt that he was in heaven because he could eat and secretly used his vision to linger on Shuri, Akeno, Yubelluna, and Jeanne to be precise his vision focused on women's bodies.

However, when Issei was eating while fantasizing about the bodies of the four women, he was suddenly awakened by Akira's voice saying:

" Issei, actually I invited you to come here for an important reason." (Akira)

Issei also looked at Akira while blinking his eyes and asked:

" Important reason? What important reason? " (Issei)

However, in his mind Issei was thinking:

' Is it possible that Akira wants to ask about beautiful women? Or maybe he wants to introduce the women in his family to me?! ' (Issei)

Thinking up to this point, Issei suddenly felt excited in his heart, but on the outside, he was looking at Akira with a serious face.

Akira smiled with Issei's words and serious look, then he extended his hand to Issei and said:

" Issei, what do you think about this item? " (Akira)

After saying that, in Akira's palm there was a white crystal ball which was shown to Issei.

However, on the other hand, Issei was truly disappointed because what Akira wanted to say was different from what he thought.

Under disappointment, Issei pursed his lips and replied to Akira's words in an ill-humoredly tone said:

" Isn't that just an ordinary white crystal ball? Don't tell me the important reason is that you want to give me this thing? And say that this crystal ball is a magic item? " (Issei)

Shuri, Akeno, and Yubelluna smiled gently and gave Issei a pitying look, Akira just shook his head and smiled strangely, while Jeanne on the other hand couldn't help but give Issei a despises vision.

Akira looked at Issei for a while before he said:

" This white crystal ball is one of many Artifacts - Sacred Gears and is also a weapon with great power created by Gods in Bible books and legends that grants power to humans." (Akira)

Too bad Issei didn't believe what Akira said, on the other hand, Akira also saw that Issei didn't believe it at all and he smiled strangely, then said:

" Issei, it seems you don't believe what I'm saying, then how about I make you experience it yourself." (Akira)

Just as Akira's voice fell, suddenly Issei's vision became blurry and then he fainted.

After ten minutes later Issei woke up and opened his eyes, then he found that his hands and feet were tied with ropes on a chair and couldn't move.

After that, Issei looked around and only saw that this room was empty without anything, except for himself who was sitting tied to a chair and a door at the front end, getting a bad feeling, Issei immediately shouted:

" What exactly happened?! Please let me go! Please let me go! " (Issei)

Too bad no one heard or responded to his screams, until when 20 minutes had passed the door opened and a man walked in with four women following behind him, they were Akira, Shuri, Akeno, Yubelluna, and Jeanne.

Akira who just entered with Shuri, Akeno, Yubelluna, and Jeanne suddenly saw that Issei had woken up, he immediately smiled and said:

" Oh, you're finally awake, Issei? " (Akira)

Issei didn't answer Akira, instead, he looked nervously at Akira and with a forced smile on his face, then said in a scared voice:

" Why am I being tied up like this, Akira? Could you please untie this rope? " (Issei)

Akira walked closer to Issei, then he smiled and said:

" Unfortunately no, haven't I told you before? I'll make your experience and take out the Sacred Gear that is in your body, Issei." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira suddenly put a black pill into Issei's mouth directly, Issei accidentally swallowed the black pill.

Issei who accidentally swallowed the pill suddenly felt hot and like something was about to come out of his body, he immediately asked in horror:

" What did you give me?! " (Issei)

Suddenly the heat in his body grew stronger and something that was about to come out of his body became more obvious, Issei was getting more and more scared and the bad feeling was increasing and he instinctively struggled to break free from this rope.

Hearing this and seeing Issei struggle to break free, Akira just smiled and replied:

" Issei, don't panic and don't waste your strength anymore, just wait and you'll know. Whereas the pill you just ate was the Awakening Pill, a drug that can forcefully awaken your potential and also bring out the hidden power within you. like your Sacred Gear." (Akira)

But in his heart, Akira also added:

' Even so, this Awakening Pill had dangerous and troublesome side effects, but it was quite useful if it were for all of my troops going forward. By the way, where did Lark get that pill...' (Akira)

Thinking about the pill Awakening, Akira suddenly remembered the pill notification screen.

[Awakening Pill

Rank Grade: -

Type: Drug

Description: A pill that can unlock the potential in your body forcibly. Not only potency, but this pill can also forcibly awaken the hidden power in your body as well.

Warning: For those who have used Awakening pills, please be careful, because these pills have some side effects or drawbacks as follows.

- The potential in the body that has been opened still has to do intense training.

- The potency that has been forcibly unlocked by the Awakening pill will only reach a certain level and cannot eat or use heavenly treasures to increase strength.

- 50% chance that the hidden power will lose control and take over the body if the physical body and souls are not strong enough to control the hidden power unless the owner of the body has the luck to control the power.]

Exactly what Akira said, the black pill or Awakening pill was a pill that Akira got in a different dimension space arena after killing Lark there.

Although on Akira's face was a friendly smile and explained what he had just given, but inside Issei's heart right now there was a feeling of fear, at this moment where he didn't understand that something wasn't right and immediately he shouted frantically at Akira:

" Exactly why and what do you want from me?! let go, please let me go! " (Issei)

After saying that Issei was worried because he felt his crisis instinct getting bigger.

Unfortunately, Akira just shook his head and then he smiled, then said:

" Impossible and I already told you, I will help you experience it because in your body also stores the power of a Sacred Gear, but one of the powers I need." (Akira)

" At the same time, that's the reason why I invited you to come to my house. That is to get the Sacred Gear in your body, my friend Issei." (Akira)

Just when Akira's words fell, Issei suddenly fell silent, and a few seconds later focused on Issei, an endless wild energy diffusion was instantly generated from Issei's body to fly Shuri, Akeno, Yubelluna, and Jeanne away from their positions.

While Akira on the other hand didn't move and remained standing, then narrowed his eyes staring at Issei seriously.

Suddenly the rope that tied Issei was cut and he floated in the air standing up, his eyes filled with a green light while staring at Akira with an angry expression on his face.

Within seconds, Issei's body was completely covered by a red armor with a pair of broad dragon wings on its back, then a voice from nowhere resounded in the villa's basement saying:

"Are we going to do it?"

"Yes, we will."

"It's time for us to rise again."

Akira who heard the echoing voices fell silent and said:

" These voices..." (Akira)

However, the next sentence was a chant that resounded and that chant too made Akira immediately cursed:

" Damn it! " (Akira)

Because the chant says:

'I, who is about to awaken.'

'Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from God.'

'I laugh at the "infinite", and I grieve at the "dream".'

How could Akira let the chant finish, so without thinking he threw [Nullification Magic Dice] and then said:

" Damn it, to think his Awakening would go straight into Juggernaut Drive." (Akira)

After that, both of Akira's arms were covered in scales and had golden dragon claws and it didn't stop there, he also entered the [Hellfire Phoenix mode] mode which coated the two claws with phoenix black flames.

Without wasting much time, Akira immediately shot to air like an arrow towards Issei who was wearing red armor in the air, he didn't forget to activate [Critical Strike] and immediately hit the green crystal ball in the middle of Issei's red armor, then said:

" Give me a break! " (Akira)

The attack from Akira's claws penetrated Issei's red armor and broke the armor, then from there, Issei's form with Akira's hand pierced through his heart.

On the other hand, Issei seemed to have returned to normal with the green light in his eyes disappearing and regaining control of his body, but with Akira's hand pierced through his heart, he couldn't say anything which then closed his eyes and died.

Akira pulled back his claws which then Issei's corpse fell from the air and lay on the ground, then Akira began to slowly descend to the ground and stood near Issei's corpse.

Not long after that [Dragon Transformation] and [Hellfire Phoenix Mode] disappeared, then Akira saw a green crystal ball lying next to Issei's corpse.

Akira also took the green crystal ball and saw that there was a small gauntlet shape inside the green crystal ball, a second later a notification screen appeared.

[Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet (Boosted Gear)

Soul: Red Dragon Emperor of Domination (Sleep)

Rank Grade: Half-Divine

Type: Gauntlet (True Sacred Gear)

Special ability: [Boost], [Transfer], [Penetrate], [Scale Mail] ]

[Do you want to fuse this Sacred Gear into your body?]

Without thinking Akira immediately said:

" Yes." (Akira)

[Balance Breaker Boosted Gear Scale Mail]

Within a second, Akira's body was suddenly covered in red armor like Issei before and the four women who saw Akira's appearance in red armor were immediately happy, they knew that Akira had managed to get the Sacred Gear, Gauntlet Boosted Gear.