
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 77

At this time it was evening and the students were starting to go home, at this time Akira was walking home with Akeno and Yubelluna on his left and right, at first, Akira wanted to visit Sona in the student council room or Rias in the occult research club room, but it was a pity Rias and Sona and their peerage members weren't there due to a sudden problem.

So he thought about going back, but just when Akira was not far from arriving at his villa house, he suddenly saw Issei who had just walked out of a house, he smiled and immediately greeted Issei:

" Good afternoon, Issei." (Akira)

Hearing someone calling him, Issei turned around and saw that it was Akira, he immediately hesitated for a moment and answered:

" Good afternoon too, Akira." (Issei)

However, his previous hesitate turned into excitement, after seeing Akeno and Yubelluna who were on Akira left and right side, then he looked at the two women and bowed with a perverted fantasy in his mind, then said:

" Good Afternoon, Akeno-Senpai and Yubelluna-Sensei." (Issei)

Akeno and Yubelluna just smiled and nodded at Issei, but a cold glint flashed in the eyes of the two women.

Right at that moment, Akira pointed towards the house where Issei came out and asked:

" Issei, do you live here? " (Akira)

Issei who heard Akira withdrew his gaze from Akeno and Yubelluna, then looked at Akira and said:

" No, I don't live here and it's Motohama's house." (Issei)

Akira nodded, then he heard Issei ask him:

" What about you? Do you live near here? " (Issei)

Akira smiled and replied:

" Exactly, we live near here." (Akira)

Issei nodded, but suddenly he caught Akira's words and immediately looked at Akira, then said:

" We? Don't tell me you, Akeno-Senpai, and Yubelluna-Sensei..." (Issei)

After saying that he accidentally looked at Akeno and Yubelluna who were on Akira's left and right.

The corner of Akira's mouth lifted after seeing the response of Issei's gaze, immediately with a friendly smile Akira said:

" That's right, I, Akeno-Senpai, and also Yubelluna-Sensei live under the same roof, it's because we are family." (Akira)

Issei who heard this started to look at Akira with envious eyes, the smile on Akira's lips started to widen after feeling Issei's envious gaze and said again:

" Issei, Since you're already here, then why don't you stop by my place for a while? It's only a few minute's walks, how about that? " (Akira)

Issei hesitated for a moment, he wanted to refuse and didn't want to come even though he didn't know why, but his intuition told him not to come near or have anything to do with Akira.

But seeing Akeno and Yubelluna then thought he could get along well with these two beautiful women, Hyoudou Issei finally nodded and accepted the offer to go to Akira's house.

Seeing that Issei nodded in agreement, Akira smiled while Akeno and Yubelluna on the other hand had an excited glint in their eyes, then the four of them started walking towards the direction of Akira's villa.

They walked for 10 minutes and finally arrived, Issei couldn't help but be dumbfounded after seeing Akira's big luxury villa.

Regardless of Issei's dumbfounded face, Akira, Akeno, and Yubelluna walked over and opened the door, then said in unison:

" We're home." (Akira, Akeno, and Yubelluna)

After that, the three of them went inside followed by Issei.

But upon entering the villa, inside were Shuri and Jeanne who stood up to greet the three of them, then said:

" Welcome back."

Shuri and Jeanne then saw Issei behind Akira, Akeno, and Yubelluna, they both frowned because Shuri and Jeanne could feel Issei's lecherous gaze.

However, Shuri quickly put on a smiling face and asked Akira, Akeno, and Yubelluna:

" Is this young man your friend?? " (Shuri)

Akeno and Yubelluna looked at each other before doing voice transmission magic to Shuri and Jeanne so Issei wouldn't listen, then they told them everything Akira said this morning at school.

On the other hand, Issei who was fantasizing silently stared at Shuri and Jeanne woke up after hearing Shuri's question, she immediately bowed and introduced herself:

" Sorry I'm being rude, my name is Hyoudou Issei, I'm Akira's classmate." (Issei)

After hearing the voice transmission explanation from Akeno and Yubelluna, Shuri smiled at Issei's introduction, while Jeanne just snorted at Issei.

Akira just shook his head and said to Issei:

" Alright Issei, come on in and you don't have to be shy." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira took Issei inside with Akeno, Yubelluna, and Shuri following behind, while Jeanne who saw that everyone had entered immediately closed the door and didn't forget to lock the door.

At this time, Issei didn't know that something would happen to him after entering Akira's villa, and there might be no way to go out.

At the same time in a place not far from Kuoh Academy, there were a large number of people gathered and they were Rias, Sona, and their peerage.

Rias, Sona, and their peerage were now staring at a woman and a man in front of them, both of them had black wings behind their backs.

Rias looked at the two people and seriously said:

" I'm very curious about what the 2 fallen angels did in our area? I hope you two answer us honestly." (Rias)

After saying that, a hint of red aura started to emit from Rias's body, while on the other side, Sona's body gave off a blue aura and each of their peerages took a vigilant stance.

Unfortunately, the two fallen angels did not answer Rias's question, instead, the fallen angel man looked at Rias and Sona, then said:

" A red aura with the power of destruction from the Gremory family and a blue aura with the power of water from the Sitri family, it seems what Uncle Kokabiel said is true, in that school, there are two noble families that control the school as well as this Kuoh Town." (Male fallen angel)

Seeing that the two fallen angels didn't answer their questions, Rias began created several softball-sized bullets with her destructive power, and Sona on the other hand manipulated the water element which then created several hawk water.

After that, without saying anything else Rias and Sona attacked the two fallen angels at the same time with the red bullet ball and water hawk they created.

However, when Rias and Sona's attacks were about to hit the two fallen angels, suddenly a metal disk appeared in front of the male fallen angel and an invisible shield was created from the metal disk which then blocked Rias and Sona's combined attack.

However, at the end of the combined attack, the invisible shield cracked and shattered which then emitted a lot of smoke from the metal disc, seeing this the male fallen angel blinked and said:

" Fortunately I took this metal disc in the laboratory secretly without Uncle Azazel knowing." (Male fallen angel)

Different from the male fallen angel, on the other hand, Rias and Sona started to stare intently at the male fallen angel, after seeing a metal disk device that appeared in front of the male fallen angel to create a shield that could withstand attacks from the two of them.

Sensing serious gazes from the two women, the male fallen angel looked back at Rias and Sona with a smile, then said:

" As expected, the heir of the Gremory family and the heir of the Sitri family, actually I want to continue our game, but I can't play long enough, for now, so I just want to test your strength now, but it seems stronger than my first thought. Especially you, who contain destructive power the heir of the Gremory family." (Male fallen angel)

After saying that, the fallen angel looked at Rias with a look of intense desire at Rias destructive power, then said:

" Someday I'll get that power. Let's go back Raynare, we've had enough for now." (Male fallen angel)

After that, a transmission circle appeared and the two fallen angels disappeared.

Rias, Sona, and each of their peerage sighed, after seeing the two fallen angels leave and Sona said in a serious tone:

" Looks like there's going to be big trouble soon." (Sona)

Rias could only put on a forced smile after hearing Sona's serious tone, then she said:

" It seems so and we have to prepare for it, for now, let's go back and report to Oni-Sama." (Rias)

Sona nods in agreement with Rias, then a large transmission circle appears and takes them all away.