
Magnets in Between

From a line of History majors and Professors, Pan is set to take the other track and aspire to be a Psychologist. Despite living a mere perfect life, Pan is hiding something in the closet-- he is gay... it's undeniable... and he is afraid to let his family know. His world orbits in Beach Town, in the fictitious world of Naruto Shippuden, and interestingly, to an Engineering guy named Claude. All were almost perfect except that Claude, who never had a girlfriend, knew nothing about Pan's existence in the university. However, fate became playful and confounding, Pan learned two most upsetting facts about his ultimate crush--- Claude is dating someone and he is HOMOPHOBIC! When his ultimate crush crushes his heart before their love story could begin, (as if they will have), decisions can be hasty and dense as he eats his own swear words. Pan transferred to his brother's university. Things went rowdy when he made a counterargument against the Program's most promising candidate, Ryo Sebastian Nine. And it is a shame... to the latter! Unexpectedly, either by chance or by choice, an "admirer" has surfaced, sending poems... elating him with words. With only known anonymity in identity and romance, ... Can he overcome the fears of telling that he lies Somewhere in Between? Can feelings be denied? Can he discover the identity of his secret "admirer"?

HushHushWindBlows · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Who's that?


Then the girl beside winked at me and straighten her hair. I keep on smiling then put my eyes to the stage. The girl is a Tourism major. I can tell it from the embroidered letters of her black blazer. I had goosebumps after she winked at me.

As the discussion goes on, I overheard the two girls in front of me chatting. I can clearly hear their high-spirited giggles. They are obviously blocking my vision but it seems they do not care that I sit behind them. They mentioned about someone famous from a partner university.

"I bet that guy could have the spot. He is so handsome!!!"

How does being handsome and getting the cut for the program related? I'm sure these girls are nuts.

"Yeah, girl! He is expected to be excellent! 😗😙😙"

"He is so oven-hot 😘!

"His hair is the best curls! I can't wait to comb it with my fingers." 😚😚😚😚

These girls are daydreaming... I guess all girls do like that and so do I sometimes.

I realized without thinking that this program is a bit sexist. I mean, I never heard my brother call a female in front. Nor call a gay to try giving a short lecture or talk to the crowd swarming inside the auditorium. I can, therefore, say that men majoring in History is a common concept. And this thing is boring me, making me laugh at nothing but the pale cheeks of the students wearing different uniforms.

Nee called another and I hope this person would make any difference, something that would make us entertained. I hope he brought the gift of gab and the ice breaker with him. I cannot hear Nee clearly, though the microphone is loud and clear. The screaming of the girls in front of me and in my every side has broken my eardrum for a moment. They must have seen Shawn Mendes or the BTS.


Everything is filled with yells and cheerings. A special performance is probably going to take place.

"Seb.....N..." That's all my ears can perceive. The students around me are standing, trying to stretch their necks for a better view. I looked small against the towering spectators because I was sitting. They are all cheering. I would definitely say he is popular. I sit on my seat and do not mind standing to see him at my place.

Nee stepped in to silence the wild crowd. They become ecstatic. It appears that this student brought a whole bunch of his community and his entire fan base with him, didn't he?

I cannot see his reaction. Normally, guys just give an awkward smile. The girl in front of me said, "He is blushing!!!!cuuuuute!!!!"

In me, I responded. " Oh, is he?". The ways the girls react when Nee called his name was wild and insane. I am still tired and my back is wet with sweat soaking my uniform. Now, I smell "yuck" when I sweat a lot. I use antiperspirant but no perfume. Mama taught me to use lemon or baking soda or alum powder to at least de-intensify the smell and to whiten my armpits. I don't want to try deodorants when I was thirteen. I stopped using lemon juice when I was 15 years old. My belief is that lemon juice is only for making lemonades not for whitening your armpits. Baseless arguments, still I potently held though the lemons in our house are just 5 steps away. Ok, I smell bad, but this time I can say the smell is lingering around the nostril of my seatmates.
