
Magnets in Between

From a line of History majors and Professors, Pan is set to take the other track and aspire to be a Psychologist. Despite living a mere perfect life, Pan is hiding something in the closet-- he is gay... it's undeniable... and he is afraid to let his family know. His world orbits in Beach Town, in the fictitious world of Naruto Shippuden, and interestingly, to an Engineering guy named Claude. All were almost perfect except that Claude, who never had a girlfriend, knew nothing about Pan's existence in the university. However, fate became playful and confounding, Pan learned two most upsetting facts about his ultimate crush--- Claude is dating someone and he is HOMOPHOBIC! When his ultimate crush crushes his heart before their love story could begin, (as if they will have), decisions can be hasty and dense as he eats his own swear words. Pan transferred to his brother's university. Things went rowdy when he made a counterargument against the Program's most promising candidate, Ryo Sebastian Nine. And it is a shame... to the latter! Unexpectedly, either by chance or by choice, an "admirer" has surfaced, sending poems... elating him with words. With only known anonymity in identity and romance, ... Can he overcome the fears of telling that he lies Somewhere in Between? Can feelings be denied? Can he discover the identity of his secret "admirer"?

HushHushWindBlows · LGBT+
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22 Chs

The Open Discussion


My classes are very interesting in the day but my dreams ruin my REM sleep at night.

I walk with Nee to school. He talks a lot, of course about History and Civilization. He is great in teaching, Papa taught him thoroughly. What I mean for "a lot" is that Papa is rigidly pushing Nee to bury his nose in different references and encyclopedia-thick Historical volumes. This kind of mentoring is a bit traditional, I believe, but that's my grandfather's way.

Mama said he's teaching Nee rote learning and this kind of training is a century-old teaching strategy used by medieval educators and even by the 19th and 20th-century teachers. Papa had to disputably support his ways. It is his style and all teachers have their own styles. None was wasted, and the best fruit was picked ripe on top of the tree. Nee became an expert; he's always seen on the top. I really salute his love of History and General knowledge. He succeeded in my grandfather's legacy and would expectedly surpass his terms and achievements as a professor.

I am also interested in History, no lies! It was actually my first choice but then I realized it's not only about the Inca Empire, but it's also about the world with long tangled accounts, dates and weird names that often cause me headaches.

On the other side, Psychology pushed me to rethink my major. It's way difficult than what I bargained. I am taking some pre-requisites. The load is quite heavy and my brain will surely explode any moment if the exam dates are posted on the bulletin board. However, I tried to like it just the way I like Naruto Shippuden.

Mama taught me how to study hard, just study hard. I am not saying to learn fast or to pack everything in my long-term memory. Learning takes time and there is no need to digest everything in one night. The brain has to encode everything so that details could be remembered.

Nee knows that I am gay. He is accepting but we never talked about seriously. He once joked that he might have the chance to become converted, but I do not think he will become part of the "Pride". Nee is too ugly to be gay. He has this "not-so-good sense of fashion which I believe too "Professorial" though I don't have that good sense of fashion either. Between us two, he should remain straight.

"Got your eye to someone..." he tried to tease me.

"No!" I answered. The people here are weird and they are really different". I added. "I have Standards you know that".

"Standards?? I thought you do not have?"

"I have, of course, I have. And if you are a stranger and I am going to examine you, I'm sorry but you'll fail. Standards are Absolute!"

"Oh, is that the trend?"

"Nope, I made it myself as guidelines!"

"Nonsense!" he laughed.

"Terrific!!!!" I smirked.

Before he enters his office, he told me to wait for him in the school's auditorium.

"Let's go home together." He reminded me. "And Pan, please stop placing your bag on your front and stop holding it securely. The whole university will think you're from the countryside and they will think you're being so protective with something valuable inside, something catchy to those who have bad intentions. You should hang it on your back..."

"Mama said I should do this in case..."

"Pan we are in the university. Don't you trust our security?"

I gave him a grin. I did not listen to him.

In the afternoon, my class ends at 4 pm. So I can go to the auditorium to wait Nee. I invited some of my friends to check the auditorium but none of them is interested. The gym is a better place to relax. Handsome athletes are having their practice there every afternoon. It is still early. The sun is still reigning hot outside. My feet brought me to the drinking fountain; my throat is so dry. I remembered Mama's health advice and it suddenly stopped me.

"Never drink the water from the faucet nor from an unknown source". Drinking fountains are no exceptions. However, my mouth is already dry and my saliva can no longer moist my throat. I don't want to get sick by drinking unsafe water.

I am still not familiar with the buildings including the cafeteria and the auditorium. That's one reason I invited my friends over so they could somewhat give me a tour around the campus. I chatted Nee but he did not reply, as expected. No choice but to ask. A student pointed out the building beside the library. I happen to discover the cafeteria and I drop by there to buy water to quench my thirst. I bought a liter.

My sense of direction brought me to the Administration building and to the gym. My friends were right. It's a center where you can find all the fittest and attractive guys on the campus. It's like an Olympic ground where you can find the likes of Apollo and Adonis wearing Nike, Adidas, and Reebok.

I also discovered the Engineering department. Oh, I remembered an aspiring engineered who troubled my heart so much. (Claude suddenly popped inside my head). The Medicine department with lots of students wearing white catches my attention as I walked pass through the covered court. For the nth time, some girls are staring at me flirtatiously. Their eyes showed interest and I could do nothing but smile back. They giggled. Oh! it creeps me. I still don't understand why they do that. 😰

Finally, the auditorium with the university's logo is in front of me. That was a long walk. I am sweating all over. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my handkerchief or my face towel. I am about to use my uniform to wipe my face when Nee sees me, smiles at me and throws a face towel towards me. I catch it with my two hands but I still missed it. It lands on my head. That was a good shot!

Other students are looking at me and I could tell based on Nee's gestures that he is introducing me to them. The number of people is increasing and I cannot count their number one by one. Some are wearing school uniforms; others are wearing their P.E uniforms. I spotted Professor-like individuals because of their attires. They all wear glasses except Nee whom I think is one of the youngest in their line.

Nee signaled me to find a seat and he signaled me not to go. I find my place near the stage of the auditorium while I wipe the sweaty gross on my face.

The professor next to my brother took a few steps forward in the center. He is wearing a dark tweeted jacket and glasses. The oldest in line, his stance is firm and strict. He looked at the students who are indistinctly chatting to each other and looked at them fiercely. They noticed him and they stopped talking. His distinguishing posture gave me the impression that he holds a higher position in the department. He is holding a black folder on his left hand and when he feels that everybody is ready to listen to him, he started speaking. His deep voice echoed to the whole auditorium.

"I thought there would be few who wish to gather here. Not everyone is informed about this but it appears that the memos we posted in all the department bulletin boards were effective and the information spread like wildfire. I guess you were all wondering why the event is held here. Do not bother to ask because I won't tell you why..hahaha" the crowd laughed.

He continued speaking.

"The Social Science department and to be specific the faculty of History has screened potential upper-division students who can enroll in graduate courses for undergraduate credits and a privilege to work with an advisor for an independent study and research. We received...uhmm.... 1, 715.... applications both from students of this department and from partner universities. Well, that number excludes the ones we rejected because of some academic reasons. Is that correct Professor Kpacota?" he turned to Nee who nodded to him politely.

"Our department, as for those who do not know, selects five undergraduate students who are taking majors related to the area of Social Sciences like History and Sociology. And another FYI these spots will go down depending on the applicant's qualifications. I am confident that we can manage to select at least one this year. At least one!"

"Whoa! This can be very tough. One in a thousand applicants?" I commented.

The professor turned his head and asked the female professor to step in and continue the talk. She wears her glasses and composes herself.

"As Professor Salvadori had mentioned we have 1, 715 applications this year. The final part of this selection process is an open discussion." She has a strict tone though her face tells you she is calm and approachable.

She continued talking. "We are tangled with the past events that undoubtedly shaped the arguments of the present. There are still parts of history that continue to baffle historians. In this open discussion, our candidates will discuss or confer about something in front of the students and the faculty. I am sure they are curious and passionate to find out things." Her face beamed as she smiles to the audience.

I cannot understand why she is thrilled. She mentioned an "open discussion". I guess she finished talking because my brother stood in front. He was a bit tensed but he tries to hide it.

"Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know, Nee." I laughed at him in secret.

In front of the crowd, Nee opened a binder. I cannot clearly figure out what's inside but I know it has something to do with the program. As students and spectators continue to fill the seats in the auditorium, the more curious I became about these things. I hope they will discuss something cool like pop culture, or animes or gender equality.

Nee called some weird names which I think very international. I heard Asian and American names. And each person talked about something and nobody has ever raised their hand to bother them asking a question, even the most trivial ones. I think the term "open discussion" is not appropriate. Each student is given time to speak about a topic. Some speak eloquently; others have tremulous voices.

My brother asks the crowd to give their opinions about the candidate's discussion. Some professors added some points. The senior students ask questions which turned the applicant pale and sweating. But I think it is not the very highlight of their "convention" thing. The girls sitting next to me were so intentionally touchy. They pretended to casually hit my black shoe to cause attention to them. I faked my smile telling them it is fine.

Grrrrrrr. I'll slap you with my shoes if you keep on bugging me. I spent thirty minutes shining my shoes! I'm listening and they are persistently calling my attention to them.

Sorry, I'm not into girls! 😝