
Magical World: Equestria

There is a connections to all the magic found across the dimensions. And in her quest for revenge Sunset Shimmer will show it to different groups what it is. Even if she has to drag them kicking and screaming to do it.

madhat886 · TV
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29 Chs



Magix is a magical planet as well as the name of the major city located on it. Magix is located at the center of the Magic Dimension, making it its capital, as well as the "Crossroads to All Magical Dimensions." And home to Alfea College for Fairies where the Guardians, their families, and The Oracle came to see his old friend for help.

Mavilla the former headmistress of the school was waiting for them at the front of the school. She has fair skin and dark brown hair tied into a bun with parts that are turning white. When she heard from her old friend she quickly got everything ready for his party.

"Is that girl the Heart of Earth?" Mavilla asked looking at Lillian who is wearing a pendant around her neck that is a magic limiter that keeps her from using her magic. And she's holding a black cat in her arms.

"That's right she's the heart and I'm her familiar," the cat spoke up. "I was suppose to keep her from using her magic till she was older, but thanks to those Wizards of the Black Circle, unsealed her power. And seeing how they were after stealing the magic energy from the heart, they'll be back for Lillian magic."

"Napoleon is right and we need help," Cornelia said.

"I never heard of a heart of a world awakening at such a young age," Mavilla said looking over Lillian. Then she turns her attention to Will. "Heart of Kandrakar show it to me."

"Here," Will said giving her the heart.

"It's now filled with the magic from the heart of Earth. That explains why Lillian wasn't burnt out from her power unlocking as it did. Her magic was mostly drained into the heart. She will need to be trained in controlling her magic," Mavilla said.

"Does this mean I'm going to magic school?" Lillian asked.

"There are schools here for children your age," Mavilla said. "Now come inside we have much to talk about."

"Yes we do," Irma's father Tom said.

He revealed what his daughter and her friends have been up with the government after they return back to Earth. Now the current president Camilla Hombee who is also the superhero Victory is in talks with Elyon. His daughter and her friends are now part of the United HeroeZ, under the mentor system that will begin when a hero could be found to be their mentor. (1)


Elsewhere -

Inside the dorm of the school, the members of Winx Club have gathered together.

Bloom is the Fairy of the Dragon Flame, from the planet of Domino. She begins the series as a new student attending the Alfea College for Fairies. After saving Stella from an ogre attack on Earth, Stella realized that Bloom had magical powers and took her to Alfea in the realm of Magix. For the first few years, Bloom was essentially the newbie fairy, learning to use her powers. Bloom also wishes to know where she's from. While she has nice adoptive parents on Earth, she soon discovers that she wasn't born there, and is the last remaining survivor of the planet Domino. It is that moment she makes it her mission to learn the truth behind her home and family and find her missing birth parents.

Stella is the princess of Solaria, a place she speaks highly of. She is considered a delinquent at Alfea for her antics, which is why she's a year older than her class. Because she's so self-conscious about her physical appearance, Stella may come off as being vain, but still cares deeply about her friends. Her powers come from the sun and the moon.

Flora is the Fairy of Nature. Her powers come from plants and nature in general. Flora is very kind, gentle, sweet, and mature. She is able to keep her head on her shoulders in a crisis, and is not one to panic. She is known as the goody two-shoes of the group, a position she likes having.

Musa is the Fairy of Music. She puts up a tough front in front of others, but deep down, she tends to be the most sensitive of the Winx girls, and gets emotional the most easily. Part of that may be due to her sad family life. Musa's mother died, and her father is often away doing tours, not having much time for his daughter, leaving Musa feeling lonely.

Tecna is the Fairy of Technology, with powers that come from computers and technology in general. Tecna is highly intelligent. Like any good nerd, Tecna thoroughly enjoys math and science. She spends a lot of time doing things on her computer. As intelligent as she is, though, she does not always understand non-technical things, like manual labor. Some of the simplest things, like brooms and buckets, are completely foreign to her. Tecna is not very good at expressing emotions. She looks for logic behind everything and is not good at understanding emotional-based decisions. She also does not outwardly show a lot of concern for her friends, though deep down, she truly cares for them all and would do anything to help.

Aisha is the princess of Andros. She has the ability to rearrange a substance called Morphix (sometimes referred to as plasma) into all sorts of objects and weapons. Aisha is extremely opinionated and open-minded. She is quite athletic and is also a linguist. Her bold personality causes her take more independent actions, so she often doesn't ask for help. She has proven to be just as skilled as the Specialists when it comes to fighting.

Roxy is the last fairy on Earth and the focus of the fourth season. She has power over animals, able to sense when they are in danger and heal them.

Since the news of the Wizards of the Black Circle reappearing, the girls have been on high alert. The wizards would be coming after them, as they're the ones who stop them last time. They been watching the news from Earth and we're surprise at all the stuff that's been happening there. From the five young girls who were forced to revealed themselves as the magical guardians of the Veil, who were attacked by the wizards. The recording of that troll or goblin that broke into a boys room, to the monster attack on a coastal town. And those pictures and videos of those three walking and talking frogs that showed up in California.

"No news of the Wizards anywhere," Bloom said as she looks through the online videos hoping for something. She and the other fairies are busy searching online for any information thanks to Tecna opening a small portal that connects their smart phones to Earth's internet.

"Got a nut job saying that he managed to capture a demon but a woman know him out and freed it," Stella said looking at the post.

"Hey those girls who are the Guardians of the Veil are now junior members of the United HeroeZ," Flora said.

"Maybe we should reveal ourselves, the princess of Meridian has already open that door and Earth does have superheroes after all," Musa said.

"Many rulers and some of our parents would be against it. As they view Earth not to be important enough to reveal themselves to," Tecna said.

"Tell me about it. My parents think that humans aren't ready for the magic world," Aisha said.

"I'm really disappointed that the magic world is like the Harry Potter books where muggles and magic users can't be together because of the magic world viewing muggles not ready for them to reveal themselves," Roxy said.

"Ewww don't compare us to that. Those books are a hack job," Musa said.

"I found The Worst Witch series to be more real than that trash," Tecna said.

"Really? What about the magical girl shows?" Roxy asked.

"No," all the fairies but Bloom said.

"Their outfits are nice but it's just plain embarrassing to watch," Bloom said.


Elsewhere -

Domino is a vibrant realm that was created by the Great Dragon and chosen to be its resting place once it had completed creating the rest of the the Magic Dimension. Since then, the Dragon has entrusted a spark of its miraculous flame to the realm's royal family, where it had been passed down through generations from heir to heir. It is also thanks to the Flame that Domino's monarchy has seemingly maintained high importance when compared to those of other realms. Beneath the castle is the Vortex of Flames that not only contains the Dragon's power but also it's remains.

The skies darken as clouds covered the sky and snow began falling. The snow at first fell lightly but as the hours passed, the snow kept falling forcing people to seek shelter inside as it grew colder and colder. The magic users of the realm tried to stop the storm with their magic but the storm just kept on snowing. The magic users were finally forced to create a barrier around the castle city to protect everyone within the walls from the cold.

Far from the city, the Ice Queen watch as the kingdom in the distance is covered by snow and ice. Snow Queen is being helped by her nieces, Elsa who has mastered her ice powers under her mentoring and Anna with her wind magic. They're joined by Hina Amano who has weather powers and the one who created the storm that the two ice users are powering up. And Lala-Ru who controls water, fueled the snow storm. All but the Snow Queen is wearing something that covers their faces. (2)

A portal opens up and a woman in a military uniform came out of it. She is also wearing a ski mask to protect her from the cold.

"How are things going?" the woman asked.

"Everyone is now huddled up inside, Abelia," Snow Queen said.

"And the snow and ice golems are all placed?" Abelia asked.

"Yes all the plans you came up with are all setup," Snow Queen said.

"Good for this plan to work we need everything to be in place," Abelia said.

"And shows that all the teachings you had with Sun Tzu wasn't wasted," Snow Queen said.

"I gotten to the point where, I end up being his teacher," Abelia said. Thanks to the umbrella and going into books with a strategist, with her learning from them. She has become a master strategist, with thousands of years of experience under her belt thanks to time working different while in the book worlds. (3)

"Building up skill and experience using an hour outside and a lifetime inside. I haven't read any books where that is used," Snow Queen said.

"Well there is that time chamber in Dragonball but other than that. I can't think of anything. Also you should be wearing your helmet. Sunset doesn't want any of us to be recognized," Abelia said.

"Very well," Snow Queen said putting on her mask that's a fancy ballroom mask that is colored white.

"That better. We can't have the plan ruin because you're not wearing your mask," Abelia said.

"But my skin is pale ice blue when I use my powers and like yours when I'm not using it. They would be looking for a blue skin woman," Snow Queen pointed out.

"Yes but we can't afford not to be careful," Abelia said. "We wait here till Sunset gives us word that she's done on her end."

"Hey aunty," Anna said running up to her.

"Yes Anna?" Snow Queen asked.

"Looks like they're sending out people to locate us," Anna said bringing up an image from a spy drone of soldiers dress for cold weather heading out of the city.

"Create ice barriers and make the snow thick, slow them down and make it colder. They either freeze to death or be force to turn back," Ablia said.

"You heard her we need to make it colder," Snow Queen said as she powered up the storm more, causing the soldiers venturing out into the storm to turn back.


Underground -

In the chamber where the Vortex of Flames is located. The walls of the chamber opened as Korra and Kuvira bend the earth to open a tunnel for them. The chamber is protected by magic but not against non magical powers, which Korra and Kuvira could do, bypassing the protection spells that are only good for magic and nothing else. They're followed by two others.

"Just like when we broke into Fort Knox," Emily said.

"That's the thing about magical worlds, they seem to never guard against non magic," Uniscorn said.

"And that the snow storm has everyone too busy," Kuvira adds.

"Seal the entrance," Uniscorn said to Kuvira and Korra who earth bend the stone walls to make it like the entrance to the chamber was never made at all. So that there is just a thick wall that's been made to resist magic.

"Shouldn't we be hitting those other worlds as well?" Korra ask.

"Don't need to bother, this is all I need," Uniscorn said looking down into the pit. Uniscorn raised the golden guitar and played a tune, bringing to life the remains of the great dragon.

The members of the royal family who used it before suddenly felt the dragon magic suddenly cut off. The great dragon had been brought back to life and under the control of the one who held the golden guitar that can bring anything that was ever alive back to life. Causing a undead dragon to crawl up from the pit so that it's head poke out from it, causing the party to back away from the dragon expect for Uniscorn. The dragon sniffs her and recognized what she is.

"You're a Equestrian, a pony," the great dragon spoke as he haven't seen a pony for thousands of years.

"And you great dragon are the legendary dragon from Dream Valley, Spike," Uniscorn said staring at the great undead purple dragon with green spikes before her. "And now with you under my control. You're going to be telling me what happen to Megan Williams and the Rainbow of Light."


Later -

After hours of breaking through the magic resistance wall using tools where the entrance to the Vortex of Flames use to be, the guards finally broke through. Bloom who came home after feeling something happen to the dragon magic, burst in with her family and the castle guards. They found the chamber empty of magic, the vortex was just a pit. All that remain are the bones of the great dragon which without the glow of magic around it, revealed that the dragon is purple and has green spikes. The magic the great dragon once had having been taken and leaving the royal family cut off from its magic.


Author's Notes -

1 - The main reason why Ladybug and the other heroes aren't seen as too strange or have government agents around is because the world setting already has superheroes and supervillains running around.

2 - Weathering With You

Now and Then, Here and There

3 - Seeing how it takes at least a thousand hour give or take to master a skill. Using something that gives you time to learn that skill, like the Time Chamber in Dragonball or that Teen Titans Go Space Adventure where that space probe thing put the Titans into a mental world where they got a lifetime to learn a musical skill. Would allow just about anyone to have the skill and experience to beat even the old master. It doesn't do anything for your body if it's just a mental thing or when you get out you have the body that you had going in.

It doesn't show up that much where only Dragonball, Teen Titans, Star Vs Evil, has that happen with something that has a lifetime pass inside and just a short time outside. It would give a reason why a less than 20 year old has the experience and skill to beat an old master.

And Time Travel or Time powers, like in Bill And Ted where the two using the time machine took a year off to think up a plan to save the day, don't count.
