
Magical World: Equestria

There is a connections to all the magic found across the dimensions. And in her quest for revenge Sunset Shimmer will show it to different groups what it is. Even if she has to drag them kicking and screaming to do it.

madhat886 · TV
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29 Chs



The reporters having had spells fired to their side had run in the direction that the magic soldiers wanted them to go, leaving the path clear to Shimmer their target. Shimmer just cross her arms behind her back as she stoically stares at all the soldiers before her.  The reporters continue to film everything, capturing the event unfolding before them. 

"Really now?" Shimmer said staring at the hundred or so fairy and specialist soldiers from a number of magical worlds. All of whom are the top ranking soldiers of their kingdoms, sent to capture her.

"You're under arrest stand down in the name of the magic alliance," the lead soldier said. 

"Sparkle," Shimmer said.

Popping up from beneath the pavement around the soldiers, pop up lightning rod like devices. The rods created a forcefield around the soldiers trapping them inside. The soldiers tried to blast their way out but found their magic useless, as the forcefield actually fed on the magic becoming stronger. The forcefield glowed causing the soldiers to grow weak as they lost their magic, till they completely lost it, leaving them barely standing on their feet.

"Thanks for all the magic," Shimmer said before turning her attention to another portal appearing and the Wink's Club came flying out followed by the Specialist. . "Ah the ones who actually do anything. Bloom the Fairy of the Dragon Flame, from the planet of Domino and its princess. Prince Sky one of the Specialists of Red Fountain, school for warriors. And is the boyfriend of Bloom."

"What?" Bloom asked stun by Shimmer calling her and Sky by their names and saying that they're a couple.

"Stella the princess of Solaria and her boyfriend Brandon who lied to her about being Sky," Shimmer continued listing each of them off. 

"How did you know that?" Brandon asked. 

Flora the Fairy of Nature and her boyfriend Helia. He's a pacifist, and does not believe in fighting. He likes Flora and has put aside his pacifist ways to save her. And has her model for his paintings," Shimmer said. 

"Have you been spying on us?" Flora asked. 

"Musa the Fairy of Music and her boyfriend Riven who is the sitcom dumb boyfriend who has no idea how to treat or even talk to a girl," Shimmer said. 

"Got you there," Musa said looking at Riven who blushed. 

"Tecna the Fairy of Technology, and Timmy who is the smartest of the Specialists, and the team's strategist and is in love with Tecna," Shimmer said. 

"You are?" Tecna asked looking at Timmy who blush looking away. 

Aisha the princess of Andros and her boyfriend Nex who is a Paladin. They were in a love triangle," Shimmer said. 

"She's been spying on us," Aisha said. 

"And Roxy the last fairy on Earth and her boyfriend Manuel," Shimmer finished.

"So you know who we are," Roxy said.

"Yes, I made sure to study every single one of you. You Winx Club are the only ones who actually do anything to fight the villains who cause chaos in your magical worlds. The soldiers...," Shimmer said waving to the powerless soldiers from many of the magical worlds. "Are useless in doing anything to help. How many times has any of them appeared to help you during any of the attacks by villains?"

"She's right," Aisha said turning to the others. "We're the ones who stop the villains and the soldiers don't do anything at all." 

"It's the same for Equestria. The soldiers there are all completely useless in anything but basic police duties that doesn't involved in anything that actually has them putting their lives in danger. I'll be replacing them with soldiers who actually do their jobs. Like surrounding a bunch of foolish kids who are easily distracted," Shimmer said. 

The magical heroes looked around and found themselves surrounded by the security guards who are armed with heavy weapons. 

"You fairies with your magical transformation, have some protection but they're mainly for magical attacks. None of you have ever had to deal with gunfire, which I know that you all always evade any arrows fired at you. Meaning that you're not protected from non magical projectiles. Even then your boyfriends while having magical armor, it doesn't cover them head to toe," Shimmer explains. (1)

"We're not here to fight," Sky said. 

"Said the one holding a sword," Shimmer pointed out. "Your soldiers came here to arrested me, using magic to drive the reporters away, who are still here filming this live by the way. You all, the ones who fight the villains while no one else does anything, just showed up after I had your soldiers easily handle, showing that they're just a red shirt army of cannon fodder. Saying that you're just here to talk?"

"I know we came here to talk and, I don't believe us," Roxy said to the others. 

"We watch the news and I got everyone here once, I heard you stole the dragon fire," Bloom said.

"Which your family stole from Spike who your family had him tortured to death. I brought him back to life and he willingly gave it to me, to keep it out of your family's blood strain hands," Shimmer explains. "Sparkle. Code Frank."

Another forcefield appeared around the Winx Club and drained them of their magic like the soldier's.

"There, all of you are drain of your magic and any magical items you have on you are also are drained of their magic," Shimmer said. 

"So what now?" Bloom asked. 

"The police arrest you all for appearing in another nation with armed soldiers and thanks to them casting spells to drive the reporters away, assaulting citizens of said nation," Shimmer said as police cars and vans came in to arrest the soldiers. 

"What?" Bloom asked seeing all the French police. 

"The way things are done in the past isn't sustainable anymore. Things have changed too much and magic is now known to be real. Of course with all this and your people not even entertaining the notion of just talking to me instead of show up with an army to arrest me," Shimmer said. 

"What?" Bloom asked.

"I forgot, I'm dealing with… 17 to 18 year olds. Who are still living with someone else taking care of their needs. Heading into straight into things without thinking ahead. Plus some of you are princes and princesses, all the power of being royalty but none of the real responsibilities that comes with it. But seeing how your parents sent soldiers after me, the apples haven't fallen far," Shimmer said leaving the area for the police to do their jobs, heading for the boardroom to take care of some other matters.


Inside the Shimmer Export building - 

Stepping inside the boardroom where meetings take place in, are the heroes of Paris who had been waiting for Ms. Shimmer who came in holding a umbrella and a thick book. Ladybug and her team and Mammoth Queen and her team, who are all employees of Shimmer's company. They're not alone as the kids all have their families with them, who all know about their kids being heroes now.

"I trust that everyone here is up to date with everything," Shimmer said to the group.

"We are," Gabriel Agreste said standing with Emilie and Adrien, who revealed that he's Chat Noir to them. 

"I asked for all of you to gather here to clear up something's and explain myself for all of the distractions I had setup. As you can see with what's happening outside. The magical world works like Men In Black, the only reason why they haven't acted before with the kwamis was because of how pubic things are. And yes they would either erase your memories or make it look like an accident. That's how they work and will always make sure that the reason why they do what they do will always be there," Shimmer said.

"Was everything you did just an act?" André asked, worried about Chloe who is very attached to her boss.

"The villains who are just my employees. Yes it was just all apart of the distraction to keep everyone's attention elsewhere. For making Chloe a better person no that's not an act," Shimmer said walking to the table in the room and placing the book on it.

"Is that the magic umbrella that takes you into book worlds?" Sabrina asked remembering the umbrella that Ms. Shimmer was holding when she was zapped into the tv world.

"It is and I'll be taking all of us into the book world of Dork Diaries. So that we can have all the time to talk and settle things," Shimmer said. (2)

"Inside a book world?" Jagged Stone asked who came along as while he wasn't in Luka and Juleka lives because he knew he wouldn't be a good father to them, they're still his kids.

"Yes as I said a totally real world of the setting of the book. And I pick a safe book for all of us to be in. And yes if you had a book where Elvis is in it you can rock out with the king of rock and roll. It's like the Star Trek hologram room but safer. If you're killed in it you just find yourself out here. Nothing that happens in the book world will have any lasting effects. I been in enough Lovecraft books where my sanity should had been broke, but wasn't because of the way the umbrella magic works. Enough horrors that can break minds just by standing in front of you found their powers didn't work on me or anyone else I brought with me. Also time works differently while in the book world. I have spent lifetimes in a book world and just a few minutes have pass in the real world at the longest," Shimmer said. 

"Can't we go someplace else then?" Gina asked who came along with Rolland after both learned that their granddaughter is Ladybug. Which earned her looks. "What we can have fun while in a book world, like a vacation."

"Yes, seeing how all of you having learned that your family members are superheroes. There be lots of issues to talk about," Shimmer said teleporting away and came back with another book. "Here we are a book about Disney World." 

"Eeep!" Etta and Ella shouted along with the other kids.

"The kids can enjoy themselves at the park and you parents can relax. After we have a long talk and work things out," Shimmer said as she used the umbrella magic zapping all of them into the Disney World. 

The book lay on the table for a minute before all of them came back out after spending a month or so in the book world.

"As you can see hardly anytime has pass in the real world," Shimmer said to the crowd of people. 

"You really should rent that umbrella out. I haven't had any time off like that in years," Audrey said who got to relax without any calls from work or having to setup things. 

"It's good for mental stress. With my job of running the company and all the planning I have to do. My day planner is always pack, leaving me little free time. This umbrella allows me to release lots of stress," Shimmer said. 

"I always did wonder what you did on your free time. All I saw was you working and having meetings," Chloe said.

"The price of being the boss of my own company. Whenever, I have some minutes between my heavy workload, I used the umbrella to have some mental R&R to keep me fresh. Besides I have been too busy planning and preparing to take up a hobby. I'm married to my job and my plan at this point. And I trust you kids all won't be having problems with what my plan?" Shimmer asked.

"I don't like it but they didn't even try to work things out peacefully," Marinette said. She and the other heroes had learned all about Shimmer's plan and why she did things after a sit down with her.

"Good, I hate to have the heroes not having the full picture and making things worst," Shimmer said as she looks to the side. "Cheshire, Kitty."

"We're here," Cheshire said appearing with her daughter Kitty. Both holding their miraculous letting out both Duusu and Nooroo .

"The meeting went well and they all understand my plan and why I did things," Shimmer said.

"Good, now you can talk with the others. Drake and the others who weren't in the plan were really surprised with everything. Drake was wondering why with him being the kept out of the plan. Seeing how he's been with you the longest," Cheshire said.

"Ms. Shimmer aren't you worried about what the magical worlds will do next?" Chloe asked worried.

"No, I have made the changes needed to my plan and ready to end all of this," Shimmer said.

"Also I like to use the umbrella," Kitty said.

"Going to another book world for some adult fun time?" Cheshire said.

"Oh mom," Kitty giggles.

"Yes, you can use the book worlds for some more adult fun type things. Everything you do just reset with nothing you do matters. Like in videogames were you can go on a mass killing spree and in the next new game nothing from the old play through will effect the new game at all," Shimmer said looking at the adults in the room. (3)

"So you can do anything and it won't affect anything?" Marinette asked. 

"I burn down the wizardly world of Harry Potter enough times where I'm just bored with that now," Shimmer said shocking the kids who are fans of the book series.

"Wow you really don't like the Potter books," Zoe said.

"There's a reason why I never befriended or brought any cast member from that series to life. It's just too silly and dumb for me to take seriously," Shimmer said.

"I still can't believe we been working with people from Disney worlds," Chloe said.

"And that Korra is really Korra," Sabrina adds.

"Please keep this a secret till things are over. I don't want people from the magical world finding out…," Shimmer said as her phone began to ring and she answers. "I'm coming."

Without a word Shimmer teleported away.


In Sparkle's Lab -

Shimmer appeared in the lab and walk to where Sparkle is. Who is standing in front of the horse statue with devices connected to it. Sparkle has been trying to send drones in to find out what's happening but found the Equestria side of the portal is blocked off. So she's been using the remaining drones that are still working on that side of the portal to spy around.

"What did you find out?" Shimmer asked. 

"My counterpart has lost it and has destroyed the mirror and has locked up your aunt after learning that Discord failed. Seems that her blind devotion to your mom and her learning the truth has broken her mind. She freed Celestia claiming that everything is just one of her secret tests on her to show how devoted she is to her teacher. And abandoning her daughter, you is just all part of her plan that is a secret test for both of you," Sparkle said. (4)

"Ok then we just have to open a portal and I claim my throne and put an end to this madness," Shimmer said. 

"But how?" Sparkle asked. "With you revealing that you would have used the entire European power grid. I'm guessing a lot of countries would had taken steps to keep that from happening."

"Because I have the Cosmic Key from the live action He-Man movie. That can open any portal anywhere or when," Shimmer said.

"Does it work?" Sparkle asked. 

"Yes it does all I need is the right musical notes. I'll call the Dazzling sisters and the other singers," Shimmer said.

"Wait how does that work?" Sparkle asked.

"The Cosmic Key uses musical tones to open portals. It also has a scanner that can lock in the vibrations of different worlds give off. I used it but because of the barrier the vibrations aren't all coming through. The Dazzling sisters and the other singers just have to figure out the missing tones. The key is calculating the missing notes to open a portal. But it's better to have other people work on it and they might get lucky before the key figures it out," Shimmer explains. 

"So what about the magical worlds?" Sparkle asked. 

"I already setup the anti portal field. There is no why for anyone from the magic world being able to portal into Paris. I already informed the government about it and they approved it as they didn't like a foreign army just being able to teleport anywhere they want," Shimmer said. 

"Well most people are on your side around here," Sparkle said. 

"Good to hear," Shimmer said pulling out her phone to make some calls.


Author's Notes -

1 - From what, I remember from Winx Club they always duck from any projectile like arrows thrown at them. So I'm going with their magical forms not protecting them from melee projectiles. Meaning that bullets will work on them. 

Like how in Naruto no matter how powerful someone is, they will always duck when a knife is thrown at them. Even when they can survive being punch with the force that can make a hole in a mountain. Which makes no sense whatsoever when you think about it. It be Superman being hurt be a normal knife, no magic or anything just a normal knife.

2 - Dork Diaries is a series of books directed at tween girls by Rachel Renee Russell. They follow the misadventures of Nikki J. Maxwell, a slightly bratty and shallow but still well-meaning and likable fourteen year old girl.

3 - Like in Star Trek Lower Decks where it's revealed that the holodeck is mostly used for sex. Why wouldn't you used a umbrella that can take you into the world setting of a book as a way to have consequences free sex.

4 - Ok show of hands. How many people out there would really be that surprised that Twilight would have a full mental breakdown and would go in full denial mode to keep the mindset that Celestia would never be that bad as she is in this fic and that she would always have a good reason for anything she does. No matter how cruel or evil it is?
