
Magical World: Equestria

There is a connections to all the magic found across the dimensions. And in her quest for revenge Sunset Shimmer will show it to different groups what it is. Even if she has to drag them kicking and screaming to do it.

madhat886 · TV
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29 Chs



Having traveled to the Crystal Empire Princess Twilight was nervous as she stood in front of the mirror that leads to the human world. She had studied everything she could get her hands on that had anything to do with the human world, the world where Megan Williams came from, the heroine of Dream Valley where all ponies came from. And is where her former mentor Celestia had abandon her daughter to die.

Once the news reach her, Twilight view of her former mentor was shattered. She thought the world of her former teacher, and to find out that she had a daughter who she abandon to die in another world… it question everything. She searched everywhere but it seems that Celestia had erased that Sunset was ever her student. 

"We're here," Luna said entering the room with her sister in tow.

Celestia from the looks of her didn't want to be here and would rather be anywhere else. 

"Celestia," Twilight said frowning at her former teacher. "We have much to talk about."


Earth - 

Celestia felt strange with the lost of her wings and horn but she settle herself as she looks around the room and then to the mare sitting at the desk in front of her. Without a word she walks over to the desk and sat down on the chair in front of it. Staring at the mare in front of her, memories of the young filly now replaced by the mare in front of her flashed through her mind. 

"Really is a surprise that you came instead of having someone else do it for you," Sunset said.

"I can handle my own messes," Celestia said.

"You never before," Sunset said. 

"I have changed since we last saw each other," Celestia said.

"Not from what Flurry Heart told me about what happen in Equestria since you abandon me here. You didn't do anything to help with any of the villains that showed up, and not even going into what happen with aunt Luna. Funny you did so much to save your sister, but did nothing to save your daughter. No matter how many times I wrote to you to save me. Not once did you answer back. And now only when I'm preparing to take the throne that's mine by birth right do you actually start caring about me," Sunset said.

"I sorry for not being the mother you needed," Celestia said putting on her best poker face.

"At this point, just apologizing for what you did isn't enough," Sunset said.

"I know that, I will do whatever I need to to stop you from crossing the line," Celestia said.

"I wondered why you abandon me for so long. But now seeing how I put it all out where everyone in Equestria knows that not only you had a daughter but you abandon me to die, for some reason that is only known to you. I wasn't born as an alicorn? I wasn't the one who would save aunt Luna? You simply value what other ponies thought of you having a daughter. It doesn't matter, I'm going to take the throne and you aren't going to stop me," Sunset said.

"If you do it by force, many innocent ponies will be harmed," Celestia said.

"There you go, caring more for others then your own flesh and blood. It's no wonder aunt Luna became Nightmare Moon because of you and why you found it easier to just banish her to the moon. You value others before your own family," Sunset said.

"I do care," Celestia said.

"You never once wrote back to me. But then again you never once even bother reading what I wrote to you," Sunset said surprising Celestia.

"How did… know that?" Celestia asked.

"I have my ways, as in the drones I sent aren't the only ones I sent over to Equestria. They been spying and gathering information for me so, I know how much has changed. They're also like before making this talk between us a public display so you can't hide things," Sunset answers. "I know that Twilight refused to talk with me and Luna force you into the mirror. Both of them refuse to take care of anymore of your messes. They made it clear that you have to deal with me yourself and fix your own mess. Which they still had to force you through the mirror to do it. You actually think you have any chance in making this right between us?"

"I'm… I… have… no right to ask you for forgiveness," Celestia's said before blinking as that's wasn't what she wanted to say.

"Surprise? You think I haven't prepared for anything that could had happen? I place a truth spell in this room, anyone inside the room can only tell the truth and must answer any question asked to them," Sunset explains. "Like why you even had me in the first place?"

"I had hope that you would be the one who would save Luna, but your cutie mark wasn't a match," Celestia said her eyes widening as the realization of what's happening dawns on her.

"Why hide that you have a daughter?" Sunset asked.

"You weren't born as an alicorn and I have an image to maintain with my subjects," Celestia said to her horror.

"So you just got rid of me because I wasn't an alicorn and wasn't what you needed to save aunt Luna?" Sunset asked.

"You're nothing but a tool and you weren't what I needed so i got rid of you," Celestia said unable to stop.

"If to save aunt Luna was to take my life would you?" Sunset asked her face remain cold.

"Of course, I love my sister more then you," Celestia said trying to stop herself.

"Does anyone matter to you, besides aunt Luna?" Sunset ask.

"No, they're nothing but tools," Celestia said.

"The pony who you replaced me with, does she mean anything to you besides being a tool?" Sunset ask.

"She's just a tool that I shaped into what I needed to replace me so I would no longer need to rule and spend my time with Luna," Celestia said.

"For all of your talks about friendship. You have no friends do you?" Sunset ask keeping a poker face.

"No, I don't have any or view anyone as a friend," Celestia said.

"Did you ever wanted me? Or loved me?" Sunset ask.

"I never wanted you. I never loved you. You were nothing but an accident," Celestia said not wanting to say anything else.

"Any other reason why you got rid of me?" Sunset ask her face remaining neutral but cold. 

"I had a dream of you shortly before you were born, as an alicorn conquering Equestia. With you being born as a unicorn, I did everything, I could to stunt your growth so that future would never happen," Celestia explains. 

"One of those dreams of yours that predicts the future," Sunset grunted. "I have forgotten that you never heard of self-fulfilling prophecy and that your prophetic dreams are flawed because, they never show you everything, instead just enough to make vaguer guesses at best." (1)

"My dreams have guided me for years and you have proven it true. You have become the very thing, I feared," Celestia said. 

"Yes because instead of raising me as a mother and love me. You instead treated me horrible for all of my childhood living with you and never once treating me like your daughter. That would never create your own villain, as treating me like that would never make me hate you and all that you stand for, that I wouldn't never become the very villain you feared, I would become. Because treating any child like that would never cause anything wrong to happen," Sunset said sarcastically to a stun Celestia. "Tell me if this had nothing to do with a prophecy and a child was treated as badly as you did to me. Would it be a surprise that the child would turn on their parent?"

"No of course not," Celestia said truthfully to her horror as she realized what she did to her child. 

Celestia just stared at Sunset in frozen horror as the full weight of what she had done hits her. She had created the very thing she feared, because she hadn't been the mother Sunset had needed. Sunset on her part just stared at Celestia before letting a puff of air. 

"Just makes things a whole lot easier for me then," Sunset said.

"Sunset, I am a horrible mother but it doesn't mean you can take it out on others," Celestia said.

"You're not a mother you're just an egg donor and a walking womb to me," Sunset said as she pulls out the same device that Sparkle used to take the magic of the Trix and blasted Celestia with it before she knew what was happening.

Celestia had scream as her magic was pulled out of her, robbing her of her alicorn powers. When it was over she gasped for air as she stares at Sunset who pulled out a tube that glowed from the device. To her shock Sunset uncapped the tube and drank what's inside, making Celestia realized that she's drinking up her power.

"I rob you of your magic and powers. Fitting since you took everything from me," Sunset said as she glowed with her new found power.

"My magic. Sunset, I'm your mother," Celestia said.

"No you're not, never were. You made that all too clear. If this was happening to someone else. Would you say the one doesn't deserve it?" Sunset ask.

"They deserve it and more," Celestia said unable to lie even to herself. She looks up at her daughter. "You can be better than me."

"Or I can be just like you. Only that unlike you, I do have friends, that I made while here. They're my army, I have made an army of friends who will help me in my quest to take what's mine. That you denied me, all because I wasn't an alicorn or have the right cutie mark or being your puppet. Isn't that right Celestia?" Sunset ask.

"Yes you weren't what I wanted," Celestia said.

Celestia found herself lifted up into the air by Sunset using telekinesis and flung into the statue's base.


Equestria -

Celestia found herself on the cold floor of the room that held the mirror. She couldn't feel her magic anymore, her powers were all gone. She looks up to meet the cold hard looks from Luna while behind her with tears running down her face, Twilight glares at her.

"Nothing but a tool for your plans, nothing more," Twilight growls out as she cries her eyes out hearing what her mentor really saw her as. 

"You gave up your daughter, because of one of your dreams and made her into the very thing you feared. And would kill her just to save me?" Luna snaps. "You are no sister of mine." 

"Luna no," Celestia chokes out. 

"Celestia you and I are no longer family. I can't be a sister to somepony like you," Luna said. 

"And you cause enough damage already. I'm banishing you to Tartarus," Twilight growls as she cast the spell to banish Celestia away. 

"NO!" Celestia shouted as the spell hits her and sends her to Tartarus where she found herself imprisoned in one of the empty cages. Leaving her alone, with no friends or family. As they had better things to do, namely face the return of the heir to the throne, Sunset Shimmer. 


Author's Notes -

1 - The whole prophecy thing is vague in stories for a reason. So that anything that happens can be pointed out to be the prophecy being fulfilled. And that in stories no matter what the prophecy always comes true. Because its just a story and the wording never just says what happens in plain words. Also that no one ever just does nothing or what they should have done to prevent a prophecy from happening. 

Like if you go to someplace on a certain day something bad will happen. You just don't go and if anyone tries to force you to go like what happen in most fictions, you kick that person outside and lock the doors.
