
Magical Girl War

A goddess of unknown origin one day got bored so she summons (kills) a person to be her entertainment. She tasks him to go to different worlds and create a magical girl war in each world he enters. Watch as he either saves the world or conquers it.

WizPThief · Anime & Comics
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"So now that you know we have the right to be here. I would also like to tell you that we aren't here to cause you trouble. If anything we can even help you, at the right price. Also, my faction is just sitting up a temporary base here and it's beneath us from The Forces of Evil faction to cause unnecessary problems because we have too much pride to cause problems in other people's territory if it's not needed or if we are not asked to." Ray

Once Ray was finished talking to the girls in the room, they were pulled out of their thoughts about the land ownership relationships in Japan and the headaches it was causing them.

But they were pulled back into their thoughts as the plushie had said something important about its faction.

"What do you mean when you said you will help us with the right price, it sounds like your faction is a mercenary group." Sona

"Oh, that's because we are a mercenary group. We usually only have deals with humans and other magical-based factions. Most Magical Girl factions get their jobs from humans by performing live-action magical girl shows, do some cosplay advertisement events, and voice acting but it seems like one of the devil kings is trying to steal work from us in those aspects in recent years. If I didn't know better I would think she's trying to provoke all the Magical Girl factions with her actions." Ray

After confirming their thoughts with the first half of his statement the girls in the room didn't show a reaction as they expected it but in the second half, most of the girl avert their eyes from the plushie and made Sona feel some shame as they remembered a Magical Girl cosplaying Demon King doing all the things he mentioned for fun and dragging them along with her to watch her performances or join at times.

Rias seeing her friend stopped talking started to talk as it seemed like it was the best time for her to ask her questions.

"Okay, if all you said is true then what's up with your name, it doesn't sound like a Magical Girl faction name but more like a terrorist faction name." Rias

"Oh that's simple and it has to do with how our magical girls get their powers but as none of you are magical girls I can't tell you without the approval of my superiors and you shouldn't be wary about our name as there are many factions with mismatch names, especially in magic based factions as almost everyone have an 8th Grade Syndrome making a lot of magic based factions having weird names." Ray

"... Okay, then can we speak to your superior." Rias

"No, my boss is busy and I'm not allowed to meet him right now. I at most can get someone to pass along the message." Ray

"Him? Is your Magical Girl group run by a guy?" Rias

"Hugh, yeah is there a problem with that. Don't tell me you believe those Magical Girl animes to be realistic and thought my boss was a goddess or something. Haha, that's rich, don't tell me you also suffer from 8th Grade Syndrome by believing those animes. Haha, you know those anime you watch aren't a reliable source of information when it comes to the real deal. Like how all magical girls are human girls, it may be true in the past but in the present, many new magical girls aren't human or girls. However, I will say that some animes may be based on real magical girl groups who sell their stories for money but they don't represent what actual magical girls are and what they do as the creators alter their stories to sell them for more profit." Ray

Hearing the plushie laughing at her, Rias got angry at it and started to form twitch marks on her forehead and her queen behind her chuckled softly a little at her Kings current situation.

Rias not being able to keep on hearing the plushie laughter decides to speak up in a forced tone of voice in the hopes of stopping it.

"Okay, that's enough can you tell us what he's busy with or how long will he take so we can have a proper talk with him." Rias

"Haha, I can't say I'm not allowed to know his schedule for confidentiality and I can be demoted if I say too much to outsiders unless I'm trying to recruit someone." Ray

Hearing the plushie answer Rias stop talking for a moment to thinking of something before she began to talk once more.

"Okay, then I want to know what can I hire your faction for and to what extent. Like can I hire a Magical Girl to join my Peerage or have you guys do some odd jobs for us?" Rias

"Hmmm, we can lend you a Magical Girl but they can't join your Peerage without you and them going through a magically binding contract, as a precaution as you might make them disclose sensitive information, but if they are already in your Peerage when they join our Magical Girl group we won't force them to leave your Peerage or anything as long as they do their work properly and that's the most we can do. As for what we can provide and the service we can offer besides the ones I mentioned before I don't know exactly as I'm not part of that department so ask someone else. Also, I'm not part of customers' support so complain to someone else if I'm not much help." Ray

"Okay, can I know why you been sitting on Kiryuu lap this entire time?" Rias

"I sat here because I thought it would be fun. I'm also sure that Aika-tan hasn't mind as she likes me too much so she lets me sit here. After all who doesn't want the All-powerful and cute me to sit on their lap." Ray

Once everyone in the room heard what the plushie said they felt it was being shameless again but the real reason behind Ray sitting on Aika's lap was that he needed to stay close to her to teleport faster with her just in case something unforeseen happened.

After getting over the plushie shameless statement the meeting started once more with Sona taking back her active role as they come up with a temporary agreement to create peace between them. In the agreement, they made it so they won't seek and/or cause trouble for any party in their agreement, it was also decided that The Forces If Evil will not recruit anyone that Sona or Rias are inserted in for their Peerages, and lastly is that Sona and Rias won't interfere with The Forces of Evil dealings in Kuoh as long as it doesn't affect their rule of the town or harm the people of Kuoh.

Once the meeting was over as they were saying their goodbyes when Ray got a notification from the system that he ignored until Aika and he left the student council room.

--- Magical Girl & The Forces of Evil System ---

The host has completed Quest #5... The host has been reward with [Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Fragment (Ultra Rare)].

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Seeing the quest was finally over Ray looked at the details about the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Fragment (Ultra Rare).

--- Magical Girl & The Forces of Evil System ---

[Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Fragment (Ultra Rare)]

Type: Special

Notes: A Fragment that's connected to the Douluo Dalu world and depending on how much you can collect you can use it to create an Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Spirit Beast, an Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Half Spirit Beast Half-human and/or summon Bing Bing in her human form. The Bing Bing you summoned is a copy, not the original, and she can be summoned multiple times as long as you have enough Fragment to do so. The Bing Bing you summon can be a Magical Girl or an Evil Magical Girl. 3 Fragment will create an Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Spirit Beast (Rare), 6 Fragment will create an Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Half Spirit Beast Half-human (Super Rare), 9 Fragment will summon Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Bing Bing (Ultra Rare).

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