
Magical Girl War

A goddess of unknown origin one day got bored so she summons (kills) a person to be her entertainment. She tasks him to go to different worlds and create a magical girl war in each world he enters. Watch as he either saves the world or conquers it.

WizPThief · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Blame The Drunken Fool

In the student council room of Kuoh Academy, we can see five girls looking at a cartoonish white Grim Reaper plushie sitting on one of their laps.

As they are looking at the plushie the plushie is also looking at Sona as system messages popped up in its head.

--- Magical Girl & The Forces of Evil System ---

The Magical Girl Candidates Radar has determined the girl in front of you can be a Magical Girl or an Evil Magical Girl.

New Quest: Recruit Sona Sitri to be a Magical Girl or Evil Magical Girl.

Reward(s): [Colorful Bat Wings (Uncommon) x4], [Colorful Dove Wings (Uncommon) x4]

Failure: Sona Sitri will never become a Magical Girl or an Evil Magical Girl.

--- ---

Ray seeing the message kept looking at Sona while he starts talking about Aika's situation.

"Well like I said I'm the one who told her about the supernatural world, right after the almighty me came to save her. Let me describe the situation clearly, there she was in danger as a lowly stray was about to kill her, but luckily I was nearby and seeing her in that pitiful state about to be attacked, with all my bravery went up to her ignoring all the dangers I may phase, went to save her by giving her the power to kill that stray by turning her into the Magical Girl Aika-tan!!" Ray

After hearing the plushie words the devils in the room were finding it hard to respond as it was still mind-boggling how the plushie in front of them isn't giving out any pressure and talking to them so proudly like he's some brave hero saving a damsel in distress.

The first one to speak out her doubts about the plushie statement was Sona as it was her original intention to have Aika join her Peerage so it seemed suitable for her to have the right to question it.

"Okay, then can you tell me why you saved her. You could have saved her from the bottom of your heart as from what you said earlier as you're a Magical Mascot but to my knowledge, there's no such thing, and trust me if there was I would know about it. So you tell us the real reason you saved her and what exactly are you." Sona

Hearing Sona's doubts Ray didn't seem phased as he kept talking after she finished her questioning.

"Well you are right to have your doubts as the all-mighty me wouldn't usually go off saving people left and right, even though I would like to but I'm too busy and importation to do so, but that day I was assigned to recruit personnel as a punish... I mean as an important assignment so I was out looking for a recruit and to my luck, I found this pitiful girl being attacked, and saving her would make it easier to recruit her. As for what I am I'm a Magical Mascot like I said but whenever we are usually spotted we get mistaken as magical familiars, the same problem happens to the Magical Girl factions as we are confused for the magicians factions. Any more questions?" Ray

"Yes, if everything you said is true then what are you doing in Kuoh, I'm sure you know that this town is under our devil protection and it doesn't seem like your group isn't just passing by as if it was you would have taken Kiryuu after recruiting her." Sona

"Oh, well that has a simple explanation and that is that Japan belongs to the Shinto Faction and they have a contract with the Yokai Faction letting them use some land of theirs as a sign of friendship but the Yokai Faction not being stable and in the need to earn a large amount of money they subcontract some of their lands to you devil and some other factions without permission from the Shinto Faction. Now this wouldn't cause any serious problems as like I said the relationship earlier between the Shinto Faction and Yokai Faction is good and this issue won't normally be brought up but this doesn't change the fact that those subcontracted land still rightfully belongs to the Shinto Faction and an easy to anger and drunken god in a fit of anger has allowed my faction along with some other to do as we like within the subcontract lands in the hope this will force his sister to take back those lands. So if you ask me my faction is within reason to stay here and recruit as we like. If you want to get rid of us you need to go and complain to the Shinto Faction and talk to Susanoo the Shinto God of Storms directly so he can find the contracts, that he probably lost in his drunken state, and once they are found you have to find a way to break them." Ray

After hearing what the plushie told them the girls in the room felt dumbstruck as what he said wasn't simple at all and from what it said they have to jump a lot of hurdles to resolve an issue and that is if it can be resolved.

As Sona and Rias were thinking more deeply about what Ray said it seemed to possible as many small factions like cause problems in the subcontract lands he was talking about and this started to give them a massive headache as it seemed that they need to report this news to their older siblings. Their siblings need to deal with this problem as if what he said was true it will cause a lot of problems between the factions staying in Japan and it may lead them to leave the human world and go back to the underworld if not handle correctly so until then they can't do anything and let this unknown faction stay for now.

Seeing them thinking for a while after giving them a bullshit fake story he didn't want them to find out any holes in his explanation so Ray decided to interrupt their train of thought and continue talking.

"Now that I explain myself let's continue this meeting we don't have all day." Ray