
Magical Girl War

A goddess of unknown origin one day got bored so she summons (kills) a person to be her entertainment. She tasks him to go to different worlds and create a magical girl war in each world he enters. Watch as he either saves the world or conquers it.

WizPThief · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


It's been a day since the meeting with the devils and Ray is stuck doing paperwork that he didn't have the chance of finishing thanks to yesterday's events.

"Man, why is there so much paperwork and most of it is about those three perverts!! They come here every day at least twice with new injuries and I have to write the same report at least six times a bay thanks to them. How are they even walking or alive for that fact, I need to get some X-rays and blood samples from them maybe I can find a way to strengthen humankind by studying them." Ray

As he was talking to himself Aika who was helping him clean up the room as he does his paperwork was laughing at his misery and she was about to console him seeing how he was going to become a mad doctor if she didn't do anything but couldn't as the Perverted Three came through the door and fell on the floor with bumps, bruises, and scratches all over their bodies again as they passed out after arriving in a safe place.

Seeing the three who came in Ray picked them up and put them in the beds in the room as he started to treat them.

"Why is it always them. It's the weekend, why are you guys in school, I know for a fact you guys are not part of any clubs and I'm also sure I haven't treated another student other than these three since I started working here. Kiryuu you're their classmate can you tell me how they aren't kicked out of school yet?" Ray

Hearing his question Aika just gave him a dry chuckle as she didn't know how they are still in the school as well.

Seeing her not answer Ray turns back to treat the three moving them on the beds while saying words under his breath that he shouldn't be saying on school grounds that are most likely complaints about the three boys in front of him.

As Ray was complaining about his three patients both Rias and Sona at this moment are walking around the school when Rias stopped suddenly and began to talk to Sona when she sensed no one was near them.

"Hey, Sona do you have any plans for the "Magical Girls" in town." Rias

"No, I'm staying away and just going to observe them for now but I guess we will be meet them soon again as my sister will be coming as she should be getting my report by now." Sona

"So you're planning to let your sister involve herself?" Rias

"Yes as this could be a serious matter I don't want to take any chance so letting my sister involve herself should be fine. I'm also sure when the fact that actual Magical Girls exist she would do everything in her power to meet them and if be she can probably pressure them for us especially seeing how they are an unknown variable that can harm us so it's for the best for her to involve herself." Sona

"Is that so, I guess you have a point but I'm still surprised you're letting your sister involve herself. Is she going to be spending her time at your home or will she get a hotel room?" Rias

Hearing Rias sudden question Sona didn't answer for a while until she started to talk once more but this time with a much more serious tone.

"Hotel and if she asks for my address don't give it to her and if I find out that you told her where I live Rias we will no longer be friends." Sona

Hearing Sona answer Rias chuckled a little to herself as her childhood friend gave her a threat that will most likely end up just being the silent treatment that will last until her sister leaves back to the underworld.

"Okay okay I won't tell her where you live but I think she will find out anyway, just like last year when she secretly followed you back home but failed because of the attention she was gathering. I'm sure this time she will find out where you live this time around. Fufu." Rias

Hearing her friend's laughter Sona turn around facing away from Rias and quickly walked away to get away from her and get to the student council room.

Still chuckling Rias seeing her friend try to escape also fasten her walking speed to catch up with a big old smile on her face.

"Hey, Sona wait up don't leave me behind." Rias

As the two childhood friends were discussing with one another, the same thing was happening in the underworld with their older siblings but their conversation seemed more on the comical side as a red-haired man was trying to stop what to seem to be a magical girl from entering a magical circle like a parent who would try to drag away their child from a toy they want in a store.

"Sirzechs I'm the one going to So-tan you can stay here and do the boring paperwork! I need to meet my fellow Magical Girls and my So-tan!!" Serafall

"Serafall, I can't just let you do that, we first need to finish assessing the situation, and then we can decide who can go. Also, you know we just can't leave the underworld for the human world on a whim, we need to follow protocol." Sirzechs

Hearing Sirzechs Serafall stopped fighting him and puffs out her cheeks as she looked at him before speaking to him once more.

"Sirzechs can't you just let me go, I promise it will be a quick visit then I'll come back to do all the protocol stuff." Serafall

"No, do you think I'm an idiot, I know if I let you go now I'll be forced to do the paperwork for you and I'll miss my chances to meet Rias." Sirzechs

"Humph~ I know I should have just snuck out when the letter arrived. Just you wait for me my So-tan we will be tougher soon, I just have to get away from this siscon of a friend." Serafall

Giving up Serafall stopped struggling and gave her final statements before following Sirzechs who gave a deaf ear to the last parts of her statements and they went back to a meeting room they were once at before Serafall had walked out of to secretly teleport to the human world earlier before Sirzechs stopped her.