

It was a nice winter evening, the snow covered ground a pristine white the snow falling from the sky and landing on the ground ever so gently. The soft breeze blowing by and making the trees move slightly. Most would say this was a beautiful day, but some don't. "Garson, why are we out here?" complained a small male winged, scaly and boar faced individual, "After we complete our mission to deliver this baby!" The larger male shouted to the smaller one that goes by, hercule. Garson then jumped and flapped his large dragon like wings and started gliding down to the cottage with the baby in hand. He landed and lowered his large lizard-like hand and put the baby wrapped in a red blanket down. His crocodile face smiled a little as he put a letter in the blanket and knocked on the door and flew away into the fresh night sky. The door opened and a woman came out and looked around and spotted the baby, she picked it up and looked at the Letter. It read Ruby Skystarter.