

It was the same winters day 20 years ago, and Ruby was outside enjoying the weather with a cup of coffee. She was wearing her signature red jacket, black jeans and boots. Her soft, silky blonde hair was flowing in the wind catching some snowflakes as they blew by her. She got up from her chair and walked down from the porch and stepped onto the cold but soft, snow covered ground; she paused for a moment to take in the cool breeze, the calm atmosphere and the the snowflakes falling from the sky and onto her slim body. Ruby took a step and another, then another; she passed the winter roses and the snow berry bushes, but what intrigued her the most was the ancient willow tree in the center of the garden. She had played in the tree when she was a small insignificant, seemingly innocent child; she would run around the tree trunk with the stray winged-cat she called a pet and her best friend; the pink petals would always get stuck in her hair and her mom would get up her about it. Good times. She walked up to the ancient tree and put her soft-skinned hand on the bark and ran her hand on the bark and traced the grooves that placed themselves there thousands of years ago. when she took her hand off the bark, there was a fading pink light in the shape of her hand softly glowing, then quickly fading back to the original color of the bark. This was not the first time this has happened to her, Ruby had experienced a pink glow before but never really minded it, she thought it was something everybody had. Curiosity still got the better of her so she did it again just to see the soft shade of pink. But this time it glowed brighter, almost a hot pink! It was also hot too so she took her hand off rather quickly. Ruby held her slightly burnt hand and stepped back as the willow tree opened up and from inside the tree shone a bright, white light and out stepped a boar headed creature and small lizardy wings, a small body and boar like legs. He was smaller than Ruby, by a lot, but was still intimidating with his big tusks coming out of his head. "RUBY!", he shouted and flew up to her height, she stumbled back at this. "W-who are you?", Ruby asked cautiously to the midge- small male. "You don't remember?" he asked sadly, "Oh nevermind that, you were asleep. Hi I'm Hercule! your uncle!" he said putting his hand out to shake, Ruby took his hand warily and shook it. "My uncle? you look nothing like my mom." Ruby stated, "Because me and Garson delivered you here when you were a baby!" he shouted and flew up and perched himself on her head, "but why?" Ruby asked. "Because you haven't developed your beast." Hercule said. "my beast?" she asked, "Yeah! you weren't born like the rest of us, you were born human. You only need to claim your seat on the throne, in the land of Estos Bestia," Hercule said going starry eyed, "Ok, isn't that spanish?" Rub asked as she took Hercule off her head and put him on the ground. "Yeah, the first settlers were spanish monsters", Hercule shrugged. "Let's get you home" he said and took her hand while flying and lead her to the portal like thing and flew into it making Ruby stumble a little and trip into the portal, shortly after she went through, it closed. Ruby pushed herself up off the ground and touched her hurting head. She decided to open her eyes and behold the beauty of a land un touched by human hands, it was breath taking; quite so literal Ruby couldn't breath.