
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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"Bailijia Xuanjie advanced martial arts, split the sky and split the sky sword!"

The coming man is a young man with six souls in his soul. He has a firm vision and a strong momentum. With just one shot, he has already used his best martial arts and went all out.

And his goal is actually Zhuo Fan, who now appears to be only threefold in God's Zhaojing!

Seeing this scene, the caravan was shocked by all of them, and they all called out, "Sir!"

But Baili Yutian and others were very calm. They stood quietly, watching all this, without any slight fluctuations in their eyes. It seems that the people of their Baili family did such a thing of bullying and weakness, completely unconscious.

If this is placed in the general family, the Soul Ride Realm does not talk about bullying a god's realm, but nothing can be put on the table, even if it wins, it can only be a shame.

But today, as the strongest family in the world, the Baili Family, in front of their ancestors, openly did such a self-defeating thing. Then there is only one answer, which is temptation.

Baili Yutian wants to test the weight of the disciples of Tianmo Mountain, and then the weight of the master of Tianmo Mountain, enough to be his opponent. If you survive with the power of God of Soul Realm with the power of God's Zhaojing Realm, then Baili Yutian will regard Master Tianmoshan as a truly adversary.

The apprentice is still so defiant, Master will never be bad, and rumors will never be false!

However, Zhuo Fanruo has no power to escape, it can only prove that the Lord of Heavenly Demon Mountain is only a vulgar ear, no big deal. In other words, Zhuo Fan 's identity is false, and he is a swindler.

Such a person, or a person who deceived him indirectly, deserves to die, and deserves to die!

So this time the young man started, the people of the Baili family did not move at all, did not stop, just looked at it, waiting for the test results.

Zhuo Fan also knew this completely. The corners of his mouth were only indifferently curved, and he did n't care much. The hand holding the **** was as usual, not loose, and he walked comfortably, as if nothing happened. It happens in general.

Finally, with his sword like a sword, with a crackling, thundering momentum, tearing the sky and the ground, the man with the might of the divine sword finally came to him. However, he still smiled, undecided, as if he hadn't had time to respond to the thunderstrike.

Seeing this scene, Baili Yutian's eyelid moved slightly, and there was a trace of disappointment in the depths of his eyes.

The legendary Heavenly Demon Mountain is no different. The disciple ... is no different from ordinary practitioners ...

call out!

However, just when his heart was a little low, it was a sudden change. Facing the unmatched sword of the young prince of their Baili family, Zhuofan did not move anything, but he did not move, but the people around him moved.

"Tian Mo Shan, Xuan Ti low-level martial arts, Phoenix Thunder Claw!"

A very immature voice resounded in everyone's ears. The sword of the prince of the Baili family had just arrived at Zhuofan's eyebrows. The strong sword had already tingled his forehead and there was a purple glow 'S violent claw strength, but suddenly jumped out from the person diagonally below!

Immediately before he had time to react, he grabbed his wrist hard and suddenly grabbed his sword finger without hitting Zhuofan's forehead. Then he took the man's body with great strength and turned three times in the air. The circle, just touched, fell to the ground, swaying gurgling smoke.

When the smoke cleared, everyone's eyes shrank, but they couldn't help but startled.

Not only the guards of the caravan, but also the masters such as Baili Yutian and his men's sword king, their pupils shrank fiercely, and they could not help but be completely shocked.

I saw that at this moment, the prince of the Baili family was brutally pressed on the ground to eat soil, and what he was sitting on was undoubtedly the little girl who was holding by Zhuo Fan. And her childish palm, at this time, was also firmly grasped at the cervical spine of the prince 's spine. The purple Rayman, as it seemed weak, actually fingered claws and penetrated into him constantly, but It was to make him paralyzed for a while, even the soul of the gods was already shocked and completely lost the ability to fight again!

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone was dumbfounded, including the always self-confident undefeated Jianzun. His eyes were full of surprise.

Although the strength of the little girl in front of her has not yet reached the top, she is only six or seven years old. At this age, an elaborate master of six souls from their Baili family was instantly taken down. It's too **** awesome.

Most people, children of this age, have not been weaned yet. Their Baili family has strict requirements. At this age, they are at least broken bones. Some outstanding ones are nothing but heavenly realms.

But what is this child, and directly won the master of melting souls for the instant, which is too perverted, is Tianmo Mountain all this kind of alien?

If so, their Baili family is the strongest family in the world! Compared with the disciples of Demon Mountain this day, it is almost the same as the ants!

For a time, the eyes of Baili Yutian appeared confused, and for the first time in thousands of years, there were worries and worries, and doubts about his strength came from the bottom of his heart.

The world is so big, you ... are you really undefeated?


A scream came from the earth, and the prince, under the pressure of Queer's Purple Thunder, couldn't help but be full of big men and hurt his heart. At first, he gritted his teeth, because he couldn't let his ancestors see his cowardly side, otherwise the ancestors would be very angry and think he had lost the people of the Baili family.

However, the overbearing power of Zilei is not within reach of others, and they are mutually incompatible with the sword-wielding swordswives enlightened by their Baili family, so when this Zilei enters the body, the pain is more than a hundredfold deeper.

Therefore, without much effort, he could not help but growl and yell constantly.

Everyone in the Baili family saw it, their brows flicked, their palms moved slightly, and there was a meaning of salvation, but without the orders of their ancestors, none of them dared to move.

But Queer grinned and knocked on his head: "Let you do something with my father, now Miss Ben gives you some great taste, hehe ..."

With that, the strength of Queer's men couldn't help but make it three points heavier, and then the prince cried with a heartache.


At this time, Zhuo Fan glanced at him lightly and said lightly: "Let him go!"

He couldn't help but stare at him deeply. When he saw him nodding slightly, he let go and released the man. He bowed down and said, "Yes, father!"

Then he walked back to Zhuofan's side, only the prince who had just attacked the unsuccessfully, the body was still sore and sore, and wanted to get up, but could not help but stumble again, fell down again, and fell into a dog's mud .

Qiaoer couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckled, but Baili Yutian looked gloomy and couldn't see it anymore. He signaled Baili Yulei to let him take the waste away, and don't stay here to be disgraceful!

In the end, Baili Yu genius stared tightly at Zhuofan again, and clenched his fist infrequently: "The name of Tianmo Mountain has been heard for a long time. Seeing today, it really deserves its reputation, even a little girl of six or seven years old With such strength, Guishan Master is really unfathomable! "

"Sir Zun Zun has won the prize, and the stunt of the Baili Family is also impressive. I can't think of such a lean martial art in this place. If the little girl just shot in time, I am afraid that I will move in my head, but ... "

He said, Zhuo Fan turned to look at Qiaoer suddenly, and whispered coldly: "Qiaoer, the move was just too slow, you look at the red mark between the father's forehead. ! "

Unconsciously, he grunted slightly, and Qiaoer bowed down, but said helplessly: "Yes, father!"

With a cheeky face, Baili Yutian couldn't help but feel a little sullen in his heart. This kid said nicely. The first half of the sentence complimented his martial arts in the Baili family. Underestimate and despise them.

A little girl can shoot all the tricks of their Baili disciples at will. Are you still too slow? Go back and practice harder? Isn't this naked irony?

Damn boy, this kind of thing is what the old man used to do to others.

Depressed for a while, Baili Yutian couldn't stop her anger, but unfortunately there was no way he couldn't breathe out.

After all, you used to be the strongest. It does n't matter how you like to laugh at others. Anyway, they ca n't beat you and do n't dare to scold you. But now it's different, Tianmo Mountain ... a more mysterious and powerful place where you can't touch the depth, but he dare not offend at will.

Although invincible all his life and arrogant all his life, this undefeated swordsman hasn't reached the point where he really has no one in his eyes. He still understands the truth of thinking twice.

Moreover, there is another reason why he did not dare to be angry at all, that is Zhuo Fan!

He could not understand this young man either. Whether it was Baili Yuyu's temptation or his current temptation, this man was unmoved and calm and natural.

At first he thought it was the spirit of a strong man, but now his thoughts have changed a little, maybe ... this person is really not afraid of the Nine Sword King, even the old man!

After all, a child in Tianmo Mountain has such strength, how big is the big one, and the old one?

At the thought of this, the invincible Jianzun, the forehead of Baili Yutian, was actually a cold sweat permeating the sky, and his face was extremely dignified.

This is really terrifying thoughts, from small to big, he actually found that Tianmo Mountain is really not a irritating place! His undefeated Jianzun was able to be self-willed to others, including not looking at the interests of the empire, and only asking for pleasure for a while.

Anyway, as long as he shoots, there is nothing he can't get. Even if the empire is destroyed, he can create another one!

Only this day Demon Mountain made him really a little afraid. As if this place were the cemetery that ended his undefeated myth ...

Frowning deeply, Baili Yutian's face was full of hesitation. Baili Yulei and others saw it, and couldn't help but sink. This is the first time they have seen their ancestors, so indecisive!

Only Zhuofan glanced at him, smiled secretly under his heart, and breathed out a long breath!

The goal of Queer shot to deter the old guy has finally been achieved. Next, you can be equal ... No, it is unequal to talk about the conditions.

In short, this trip to Beizhou can't let a group of people in Zhongzhou break my good deeds, hum ...