
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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1026 Chs


"Who am I?"

There was an arc of evil charm across the corner of her mouth, and the woman glanced at the already chilling horse offering, and couldn't help laughing out loud: "I don't know who I am, so I dare to send someone to hinder the good things of this girl. This man is really unlucky. Then you should put your ears up and listen to me, the girl is ... Zhongzhou Sword Star Empire, the old ancestors will kiss the cold rain sword king, and the hundred li Yuyu is also! "

What, Nine Sword King?

Eye pupils couldn't help shrinking, all the people on the scene took a breath of cold air, watching the Baili Yuyu incredulously, the whole body trembling and standing still.

Elder Li and Deacon Cao were even more dumbfounded. How could they think that the Zhongzhou spies that they have always regarded as big fish were actually masters like the Nine Sword King, and it is no wonder that all the people who went there died in a mess.

When you meet the King of Nine Swords, what else do you want to end?

Strictly speaking, the Nine Sword King is indeed a big fish, and a big fish that can't be bigger anymore. The point is, this big fish, they can't eat together from top to bottom!

The cheeks couldn't help but smoked hard, the walking cloud couldn't help but swallowed hard and swallowed hard, and there was also a stun in his heart, and then he looked at the people below angrily, screaming: "His mother, who he Mom brought Nine Sword King to Benzong, stand up for me! "

The face was full of grievances, and the horse enshrined and stood up tremblingly, almost crying.

"Oh ... it's your old fellow!" He breathed out a long breath, walking Yun's hate and gritting his teeth, his fists could not help but grabbed him, and he wanted to kill him immediately.

But soon, the horse enshrined seemed to wake up immediately and quickly clenched his fist: "Wait for the Sect Master, it's not up to me to do this, it's all ..."

Saying that, Ma Feng turned his head violently and looked at Elder Li. With a snap, he slammed him a loud slap and scolded: "Damn beast, who asked you to bring the King of Nine Swords , Also killed so many brothers! "

"Ma enshrined, Sect Master, I ..."

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but tremble, Elder Li was full of grievances, and then suddenly turned back, looked at the hard-working Deacon Cao, the palm of his hand fell, and snapped, and left on his face A bright red palm print, drinking and cursing again and again: "Damn things, the brothers of Guizong and Soul Fusion in this sect were all killed by you. Who asked you to mess with the King of Nine Swords?"

With a bitter look on his face, Deacon Cao almost burst into tears: "Sovereign, Ma Fu, and Elder Li see that this time the information is wrong, I really don't care about me, it's the money of the money family ... uh ..."

Deacon Cao turned his head and saw that he wanted to catch another scapegoat, but unfortunately, Zhuo Fan and his party had already gone far away, and the most fundamental culprit here was him. He could n't even catch him, he could only suffer. So he could only show a sad face to the people and explained: "I also listened to the Qianjia's line report before I arrested the Zhongzhou spies. Who knows that it is the Nine Sword King ..."

"There is no basis for verification of **** things, can you believe what you hear? Hey, it's a pity, huh!"

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and walked the cloud and could not help but scolded, and then quickly looked at Baiyu Yuyu and bowed: "Leng Yu Sword King, this time is completely misunderstood. These are dogs and things. You will be fined if you want to fight. And now Zhongzhou and Beizhou are not at war. We are only fighting and not completely tearing your face. Did you move elsewhere first so as not to hurt everyone's peace ... "

An evil smile crossed the corner of his mouth, Baili Yuyu immediately covered his mouth and chuckled, full of sarcasm, said: "Walking cloud, you are really kind, both sides are going to war, you still talk to me about peace, why not Coming? "

"Hehehe ... Every time the contradiction between the two sides is not yet led by Haiming Zong, is Ouyang Lingtian taking the lead, we are just knocking on the drums, there is really no big hatred with your country ..."


Before he finished talking, Baili Yuyu had a flash in his eyes, and he scornfully said: "As the five ancestors of Beizhou, the enemy came to the door and only wanted to avoid it, without any guarding heart, to meet the enemy. Yong, even the kid is not as good as a god. He dares to fight reasonably in front of my grandmother. But you are leaning on the big door, but you do n't have the guts and courage. What use is it for you to guard in Beizhou? There is no difference from waste. In this case, this girl is doing a good thing for Beizhou today, removing some smashed things, maybe see Ouyang Lingtian next time, he has to thank me, hehehe ... "

The face was cloudy and unsteady, walking Yun's face gradually cooled down, gritted his teeth: "So, would the girl refuse to give in?"

"What do you think? Hum ..."

"Okay, since that's the case, if my Haiyang Sect retreats again, it won't make sense!"

My eyes narrowed slightly, and the walking cloud gritted his teeth fiercely, shouting loudly: "Baili Yuyu, I know you nine sword kings are powerful, but don't underestimate our strength, anyway, we also have hundreds of Guiyuan strong men , The pinnacle is even more than a hundred people. With you alone, if you want to fight against me, you may not be able to get any benefits. To put it bluntly, you are only a pinnacle of Guiyuan! "

Brow lightly raised, Baili Yuyu gave him a deep look, but he laughed out loud: "Well, that's good, try it?"

As soon as the words came, Bai Yuyu suddenly looked cold, and his body shook. The wind and snow in the sky were so unexpected that they all stopped. At the next moment, the sky was like a tear, emitting a silver lightning, the sword gas flying across, and the sword awning, tearing the empty cracked ground. Every sword air flew across the sky as if to destroy the whole world.

In an instant, the world of flying snow and snow turned into a silver space. Everywhere, every corner, there were silver swords in the sky.

And everything that was touched by the silver swordman's arm was not accidentally turned into a gray fly. It seems that the world is completely dominated by her Baili Yuyu, and no one can escape his palm.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be shocked, and the cold sweat on his head was seeping like a waterfall.

The entire Haiyang Sect has tens of thousands of masters, but in front of a woman, it seems like a ants, lingering as a chill, life is at its disposal, without the slightest autonomy.

Walking Cloud shouted loudly, his body was full of momentum, so steep that he rushed towards Baili Yuyu, and the rest of the Guiyuan masters saw it, and they all kept up with it.

Suddenly, the silver awn of the sky flew, the force of the ground collided, and the bang rang loudly, resounding between heaven and earth, but there was no peace in the world, just like the asura hell!

Zhuo Fan's car is still running on the vast snowy road, looking at the wonders of the sky above him, visible to the naked eye, even the trembling sound waves in the space, everyone's eyes are full of surprise and shock.

Even Zhuo Fan, through the window this time, rarely watched the strange scene of heaven and earth at this time. A trace of amazement inevitably crossed his eyes, and he exhaled and nodded secretly.

"The master of Guiyuan has been able to control the power of heaven and earth. In the final analysis, the battle between the cultivators of Yuanyuan is nothing but the control of the strength of heaven and earth. The master of the entire Haiyang Sect couldn't even breathe, let alone the strength of the world. The prestige of the Nine Sword King really deserved reputation! "

Hearing this, the rest of the crowd could not help but nodded slightly, secretly slurping. Pressing one case with one person, the strength of the Nine Sword King is really abnormal!


However, we shouldn't wait for everyone to be amazed by the powerful strength of this sky-changing change. The spirit beast car driving at a gallop, but suddenly screamed, stopped suddenly.

The person in the car was also swaying, and was almost thrown out of the car by this sudden stop.

After the car stopped completely, a guard lifted the curtain and looked out, but his eyes shrank, and he quickly looked back and said to Zhuo Fan: "Sir, outside ..."

"Are you here, ha ha ha ..."

The corner of his mouth slightly tilted, Zhuo Fan seemed to know what he was, and he didn't take it seriously. Then he slowly opened the curtain and looked forward, but was seeing a team of more than ten people standing quietly as they marched On the road. The headed person is a tenacious old man up and down nine feet, and the remaining dozen people are standing behind him very obediently, lowered his eyebrows and looked calm.

Frowning deeply, a guard looked puzzled: "Who are they, what are they doing?"

"The people we have to wait for are here to see me!"

Pulling the **** slowly out of the car, Zhuo Fan took a deep breath, and looked at the old man with iron bones, his eyes flickered in his eyes, faintly said: "Undefeated Sword Sovereign, Baili Yutian We finally met! "


Eye pupils couldn't help shrinking, everyone was shocked suddenly, and the face was incredible.

He is the first master of five states, undefeated Jianzun, Baili Yutian? How could he be here, what did he mean to stop us?

Looking at the surprised colors of everyone, some even couldn't believe it. Zhuo Fan couldn't help but chuckled and pointed to the place where the old man and his people were, quietly said: "Look, what is the boundary of his place?"

Hearing this, the people looked up, but they were shocked again, and their faces froze.

I saw that from the beginning of Haiyangzong, it has been stretched for hundreds of kilometers, all of which are the silver awns of Baili Yuyu, and the sword is flying. Only where the old man is, the sea is calm and undisturbed.

Even if it is just a line apart, there are two boundaries, one is surging, the waves are turbulent, the other is calm like a lake, and if it is quiet, it is very strange!

"I think under the heavens, there is only Baili Yutian, which can suppress the sword king's momentum and prevent the power of the world from being interfered by the slightest!"

Yang Tian took a deep look at the sky dome, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but chuckled, then took the small hand of the queer, and walked slowly towards Baili Yutian in everyone's amazed eyes, calm and natural.

And Baili Yutian looked at him fixedly, without a word, just waiting for him to meet!


However, at this moment, among the people in Baili Yutian and his entourage, a black figure flashed out suddenly, rushing towards Zhuofan immediately, with a strong murderous force, approaching Zhuofan's door ...