
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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1026 Chs


"A heartbroken seller who was abandoned mercilessly by the master!"

Can't help laughing, the old man mourned with a look on his face, and then stared at the woman closely, sarcastically: "Girl, in addition to the transaction of money and things in this world, there is also a voluntary principle that can only be bought and sold. Now, old and unwilling If you sell this item, you will not sell it at any price. You should put down the thing and leave! "

Hearing this, the woman's face grew darker, but Queer was even more anxious, waving her hands and saying: "Give me that thing quickly, he will send me, I won't sell you ..."

"Yeah, he didn't sell me anymore, it's a pity ... what his sister loves, he has to sell, and he doesn't have to sell, he can't help him!"

In the eyes flashed the cold killing intent, the woman laughed evilly, her whole body was bursting into power, and the powerful power immediately forced the old man to the wall. The breath was stagnant, and there was no movement at all.

And the woman's hands gradually exuded a raging sword, coldly killing: "Old guy, this girl is not a businessperson, I don't talk to you about business. No matter who you are, dare to violate this girl's Meaning, all have to pay the price, hum hum ... "

With a cold smile, the woman gently shook her hand, and the violent sword was ready to fly out. In the face of such a powerful power, the old man couldn't help shrinking his eyes and bit his teeth tightly.

But all this he had long expected. In the face of today's death, all he could do was to slowly close the old eyes and greet the arrival of this moment.

For the Haichuan Chamber of Commerce, he was sincere, and in order to vent his grievances for the president, he dared to scold his opponent. Now, he is even more daring to give up this old life and become a master and servant!

Everything has been put down, he doesn't care about anything ...


However, at this moment, a loud drink came out of the deep darkness, and then, a very gentle male voice came out suddenly: "It doesn't matter if the girl wants to kill, but please don't do it in this city of Haiyang, otherwise It shocked others and it was not good for anyone! "

With a sneer, the woman looked at the black hole with a disdainful face and said: "Do you think that this girl will be afraid of anyone?"

"Of course the girl will not be afraid of anyone, only one person!"

Slowly revealing his figure, Zhuo Fan walked out slowly from behind the dark door, and said quietly: "That man does not want the girl to cause trouble, does the girl want to make the man angry, just for a broken mask? Ha ha ha ..."

The brow could not help shaking, the woman couldn't help but change her complexion, her heart sank, she thought for a long time, she finally held her finger, her whole body was put away immediately, and there was no intention to shoot anymore.

And the old man felt that the other party's momentum was extinguished, and suddenly fell off the wall, panting heavily, his heart was horrified.

Although he already had a death wish, he was fortunate to escape suddenly.

Staring closely at Zhuo Fan's eyes, the woman's eyes narrowed slightly, her fists could not help but tighten slightly, and she gritted her teeth: "Who are you, do you know who I am?"

"do not know!"

With a smile, Zhuo Fan slowly shook his head and bowed: "Below is a steward of Beizhou Qianjia, Qian Fanye is also, this small shop is also taken care of by my family, and I hope the girl will show mercy to her, ha ha ha ... "

With a frown, the woman stared at him closely, suspiciously: "Qian family? One of the three big merchants in Beizhou?"



After gritting her teeth bitterly, the woman said: "Businessmen value their profits rather than leave. They always care about their gains and losses. Will they come forward to negotiate with this girl for such a small shop? Besides, looking at your manners, the chaotic army will not change its color from the middle. It is not an idle person. Under the murderous spirit of this girl, she can still be at ease, talking and laughing, and it is not simple. How can a small money family have such a person to do things? What are you ...?

Unconsciously, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but bowed slightly, said lightly: "Thank you girl for praise, Qianmou deserves to be ashamed. As for who I am, the girl doesn't need to ask more, just like she won't ask more about the girl The origin is the same. In short, I am harmless to the girl. If the girl does not regard me as an enemy, we are really safe. Sunshine Avenue, rugged path, each side, there will never be an intersection, ha ha ha ... "

"But ... you already know my identity!"

Staring at Zhuo Fan tightly, the woman's eyes were all confused. She was really difficult to see through. This man who appeared in front of her and could grab her soft underbelly was sacred?

"If you refuse to tell you who you are, how can I believe you and be harmless to us?"

She shrugged helplessly, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Did I know? Ha ha ha ... The girl is more worried, but just thinks that the girl shouldn't have nothing to do with nothing, the rest don't know anything. The girl doesn't need to inquire Me, I can tell you your identity has already been said, you should not know the rest, and it is useless to inquire, beware of the trouble to the upper body! "

"Are you threatening me?"

"Not a threat, but a warning!"

He shook his head with a smile, Zhuo Fan's eyes flashed with two sharp awns: "If you walked in Xizhou, you should understand that this world is so big that no one can truly be invincible. Nature, also No one can really avoid a catastrophe from happening. It is better to be cautious in life, do n't want to fall forever and be too conceited, not a good thing! "

Looking at him deeply, the woman's brow furrowed with confusion in her eyes, thinking carefully, muttering: "Xizhou ... Xizhou ..."

"It's impossible ... you are the one ..."

Suddenly, as if remembering something, the woman looked at him with a surprised look on the face, and the color behind became strange and changeable, somehow.


Making a mute gesture, Zhuo Fan's mouth slightly curled up, revealing a mysterious smile: "Since the girl knows it, you don't have to say it anymore. In short, our well water does not violate the river and does not interfere with each other, so that it will not be good for the spirits to be painted!"

Looking at Zhuo Fan deeply, the woman couldn't help but look complicated, hesitated for a long time, and finally groaned, and she would leave when she turned her head, no longer entangled!

"and many more!"

However, before she left, Zhuo Fan spoke again, reached out a hand, and smiled lightly: "Can my girl return the mask of my daughter?"

Unconsciously, the woman turned to look at Qiaoer and then looked at him, sneeringly said: "Your daughter ... hehehe, you boy, who is not so amazing, can give birth to such a nice and beautiful daughter, also It 's a **** no longer has eyes! "

"Hehehe, nothing surprising, this is the credit of her mother!"

"Hmm, brag me less, today the girl let you go, it's cheap for you. You want to go back and dream about the girl's fancy," he sneered coldly, and the woman shook her hand and refused. Road.

I could n't help but laugh, Zhuo Fan said: "Since the girl said so, I ca n't help it. It 's just ... People are in rivers and lakes, and there are many friends and many paths. The girl must make enemies. If there is any difference in this operation, please check. It's the disaster you caused, presumably that ... "

"You just said that well water does not violate river water, do you want to hinder us ..."

"It's not that we want to hinder you, it's you who provoke first!" Staring at him coldly, Zhuo Fan did not step back, and set out aloud: "The girl may not know it, I am a girl with a girl, and I like things , Even if it 's a needle and a thread, I never let it go. My daughter likes it, too! It 's just that, unlike my girl, I do n't need to look at people 's faces, it does n't matter what kind of trouble, but the girl ... "

The face couldn't help but shivered, the woman gritted her teeth in anger, and then shook her hand, and then threw the mask at Zhuofan, shouting, "Okay, you guys are kind, you wait for me ..."

With that said, the woman walked out of the door without looking back, her face full of iron blue.

After shaking his hand and picking up the mask, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but reveal a strange arc, and then slowly took it to his already hopeful face, and was delighted by the waiting bird.

"Mr. is so bold. He could force the female devil out in three words, which really admired the old man!" At this time, the old man came to Zhuo Fan and bowed down, grateful.

With a grin, Zhuo Fan looked up at him and said leisurely, "Do you know who she is?"

"Of course, people in Zhongzhou!"

The faint old eyelids shuddered, and the old man exhaled for a long time, murmured: "According to intelligence, this time the master who went deep into Beizhou, the ten princes plus the undefeated sword respect personally led the five sword kings. Among the nine sword kings, the only woman is ... Leng Yu Sword King, Baili Yuyu! "

Nodded slightly, Zhuo Fan said clearly: "Yes, it's her!"

"That son just scared her away, I don't know how ..."


With a chuckle, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but say: "She is afraid of one person, the only thing in the world that scares her, undefeated Jianzun, Baili Yutian. These people have been dormant since they entered Beizhou realm, without any movement, Obviously it is the restraint of Baili Yutian. And when they do this, they are obviously waiting for a good opportunity to hit them. Before that, whoever caused the commotion, there must be no good fruit to eat. Therefore, I expect her to treat Bai Li Yutian's fears exceeded her willfulness and did not dare to cause trouble. So, I am not afraid of her hands! "

Hearing this, the old man thought a little, nodded slightly, and then puzzled: "Why did she return the mask, she can ..."

"Still afraid!"

With a sharp corner of his mouth, Zhuo Fan said with all his face: "In this operation, Baili Yutian must not be tolerated, but if someone comes to hinder him ... Ha ha ha, who will blame, then Baili Yutian The nameless evil fire must be blamed on whom. "

"But with their strength, who can hinder them ..."

"Have you heard about Xizhou?" Zhuo Fan glanced at him squintingly. "The intelligence of your business firm shows that Baili Jingwei sent people to Xizhou to check my bottom, and should also find out Xi. The thing that shakes the world in the state ... "

"Sky Demon Mountain?"

"Not bad!"

Nodded faintly, Zhuo Fan's eyes flashed, and continued: "Tian Mo Shan is too mysterious, and it also shows extremely powerful strength. This is the pulse that makes the nine sword kings even the undefeated sword respecter. For humans, the unknown is dangerous, so I just hinted that Tianmo Mountain was born, the stronger the performance, the weaker the other side. Because he ca n't understand, he ca n't figure it out, and he does n't dare to offend at will. Maybe Tianmo Mountain is nothing, but just in case They ruined their plan, and who did Baili Yutian finally settle for? Ha ha ha ... naturally who brought Tianmo Mountain, who would be out of luck. This responsibility, she can't bear Baili Yuyu! "