
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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1026 Chs


Behind the door was a dark corridor, where the end could not be seen from afar, Zhuo Fan walked like this, as if walking down. After about a quarter of an hour, he finally saw a dim light.

Finally Zhuo Fan continued walking, and finally came to an end, but I saw there were already 15 figures standing there, bowing down, and a dim oil lamp was lit on a sandalwood table next to it.

After taking a deep look at them, Zhuo Fan said quietly: "You are more familiar with Beizhou than I am. I am going to the coast of the North Sea. What arrangements do you have?"

"Mr. knows that since the undefeated Jianzun invaded the hinterland of Beizhou, every case in Beizhou has been panic-stricken, and the precautions in each area are extremely strict. Ordinary people are almost impossible to walk. . If it caused a commotion, it would be even more trouble! "

A young son stepped forward and bowed to Zhuo Fan, telling him: "The way to avoid these troubles can only be achieved by a few special forces. The first is the worship of the elders of the five major schools in Beizhou. , As long as you hold the token corresponding to your Yuanshen fluctuations, you can walk smoothly. The other is to prepare for the three big merchants in Beizhou. They have three exclusive business routes that can go all the way to each door. The delivery of materials is deeply trusted by each case and is also a way to avoid investigation! "

Frowning slightly, Zhuofan thought a little, and looked at them: "Then ... what route do you prepare for me?"

"Mr. knows that our house of businessmen is naturally in business and business. It is extremely difficult to cover up the identity of the five major schools, but it is still very easy to do something in business. . "

The corner of his mouth slightly tilted, and the man immediately took out a token, handed it over, and laughed aloud: "The Qian family, one of the three major merchants in Beizhou, does not know, but it was actually secretly supported by the Haichuan Chamber of Commerce. This is to prevent the Beizhou people from trusting our Chamber of Commerce even if the two sides are at war, and the Qian family as a local merchant will not be affected and can still be used by us. Now the Chamber of Commerce is changing from light to dark, that is in the territory of Beizhou, Qianjia is our signboard on the bright side, which is used by us. Mr. Mr. can use the identity of Qianjia as a steward, and be active in Beizhou. This is the Qianjia token. As long as Mr. Yuan injects a trace of Yuanshen! "

After taking the token, Zhuo Fan glanced deeply and couldn't help but chuckled: "It seems that the water in the Haichuan Chamber of Commerce is really deep. Have you done a lot of preparation before?"

"Hehehe ... Mr. Laughed and said that the peace and danger, especially the family that has risen from the rich, should be prepared to fall at any time. When the old president was alive, he had expected this day sooner or later, and he made a good escape. . If it wasn't for the hundreds of miles of latitude and longitude to start too fast, our business will not be able to do anything! "

Can't help but smile and shook his head, the man sighed for a while, and then looked at Zhuo Fan and clenched his fist: "Yes, sir, we will arrange for the sir to transport supplies all the way to Beihai in five days. The token is there, but there will be a report for every inspection, and the feedback will be returned to Qian 's house to verify that the person is coming. Therefore, please ask the husband to register a name and want to act under what name, we should also file at the bottom of the Qian 's house, Make Mr. Mr. Qian's own family in Beizhou! "

Upon hearing this remark, Zhuo Fan's brow fluttered, and he pondered a little, murmured: "This time the four states have fought against Zhongzhou, saying that no one from Shangguan and Xizhou will come. , Since it belongs to the Qian family, then I might as well have a hole in the money. If the surname is good, it is called Qian Fande! "

"Qian Fan ... Money annoying?"

Frowning slightly, the man gave Zhuo Fan a strange look and couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Mr. is really a man of elegance, who sees money like dung. Who would be bothered by money under the sky? Ha ha ha ..."

As soon as the remark came out, the others heard it, and didn't even smile.

Zhuo Fan heard this, and nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Yeah, sometimes there is more money, it is really annoying, ha ha ha ..."

On the other hand, in that small shop, Queer didn't come out after seeing Zhuo Fan go in for so long. Unconsciously, she was bored and looked around in this shop.

In fact, such a small grocery store is not very good-looking, but in the early years of Queer's first calendar, seeing everything is strange. Naturally, it is full of interest and surprise.

Suddenly, Queer's eyes lit up, but he immediately stared at a fuchsia flying eagle mask, and he suddenly had a kind of intimacy and curiosity.

After all, her body is also a flying bird. At this time, seeing such an eagle eye mask, you can't help but feel a sense of love.

But when her childish little hand was about to get on the mask involuntarily, a pair of equally fair big hands suddenly grabbed the mask, opened the lips gently, and said leisurely, "I want this one!"

The body couldn't help shaking, Queer suddenly stunned, and hurriedly looked through the mask, but was just seeing a beautiful, beautiful girl with a beautiful face, playing with the mask in his hand, and laughing lightly.

"That ... that's mine!"

I don't know how to speak. Qiaoer only feels that his beloved toy has been snatched, pointing at the mask and hurriedly said.

Brows raised, the woman looked down at the sound, but she saw that Queer 's innocent big eyes blinked, very cute, and she could n't help but chuckled and said, "Little sister, you Say it's yours, it's yours, did you pay? "

"Money, what is money?"

"I didn't pay it, hehehe ..."

Seeing her still with such a sense of ignorance, the woman immediately showed a ridiculous smile, and then with a sudden thunder, she pulled out ten holy spirit stones and hit the table case with a touch. Jokingly said: "I paid, this thing is mine!"

There was still some confusion in her eyes. Queer looked at the stone and then the mask. It was still unknown. So, just staring at the mask, it was full of expectations.

His eyelids flicked, and the **** first entered the world without any feeling, but the old gatekeeper was no longer as calm as before, but looked deeply at the woman.

Holy spirit stone ... ten pieces in one shot, buy a broken mask ... What a grand style!

Ordinary Zongmen disciples, even those who worship the elders, have no such arrogance, spending money like running water and peeing, only the royal family ... But Beizhou is a place where Zongmen is full, all the royal families are under the control of Zongmen, and Xizhou general.

It would be okay if you spread a common spirit stone generously, but it is absolutely impossible to sprinkle a holy spirit stone. And Nanzhou, like Dongzhou, is home to families, and indeed there are local tyrants and prodigal sons.

However, now Beizhou is in chaos, who would run Beizhou for money for no reason? And the masters who came to the aid from the three states have all gathered at the coast of the North Sea. How could this place appear?

Then this person's identity is ... Zhongzhou Sword Star Empire!

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and the old man clenched his fists tightly, already guessing the origin of the woman, and his heart was constantly angry. But soon, he breathed out again, letting himself return to calm, and looked at the two of you quietly: "Girl, fight with a little doll to break the mask, wouldn't it be too much?"

"Are you in control, I like to fight, hum!"

Can't help but lift her chin slightly, the woman smiled lightly and raised her eyebrows: "Anyway, I paid for your goods, it's justified, don't you say that these ten holy spirit stones are not enough to buy a mask!"

He grinned and shook his head. The old man stood up slowly with his back, but he was noncommittal: "My mask is made with the fur of the first-level spirit beast Red-billed Eagle. Value ..."

"Ah, don't you sit down and raise the price. How much is the fur of a first-level spirit beast?" However, before he could speak, the woman was already anxiously warning.

He shook his head in disbelief, and the old man laughed dumbly: "It's worth only three spirit stones. The girl threw out ten Holy Spirit stones in one breath. It's too much ..."

"Hold it as much as you can, and be the girl's reward!"

Can't help humming, the woman raised her head sternly, then looked at Qiaoer, he smiled and said: "Little girl, fight with the sister, the sister never lost, hehehe ..."

Frowning deep, Qiaoer wrinkled the cute little Qiong nose, staring at her tightly, her lips grunting dissatisfiedly.

But seeing her look like this, the woman seemed more happy, squeezing her small face with a mischievous face, and chuckled loudly: "Little sister, wait for your sister to get bored with this thing, if you can see you again You, give it to you. If you can't see it ... yes, do you want to go with your sister? "

"Girl, are you planning to traffic in people?"

Glancing at her coldly, the old man laughed out loud: "You ... are too capricious. You must know that everything in the world does not follow your temperament. You can take it if you want, and throw it away after playing. You do n't know. , A beloved thing, can't be thrown away for life. And the old man is not willing to sell the old man's goods to the hands of a person who does not know how to cherish. You can take these ten Holy Spirit stones back, the mask stays, The old age is given to this little girl! "

With that, the old man looked indifferent, pushed the ten Holy Spirit stones forward, and hummed softly.

When Queer heard it, it was a joy, and he immediately reached out to get the mask and said anxiously: "This is mine, he gave it to me ..."

However, still waiting for her to get it, the woman had waved her hand and immediately took the mask aside, flashing over the small hand that was rushed out of Queer, and looked sullenly towards the old man, with coldness in her eyes. 'S killing intention: "One hand to pay the money, one hand to deliver, just right, no one dared to take back things from the girl. Old man, do you want to die?"

"Hum, it's just a matter of course, and it will be treasured as soon as it rises. Once it feels useless, it will be ruthlessly abandoned like a broken sack!"

Can't help but sneer, the old man stared at the woman's eyes fiercely, and said ironically: "The old man feels that if this thing is alive, he would not want to go with someone like a girl. If he can come again, this thing may not be at all I do n't want to have any intersection with the girl! "

The pupil of the eyes couldn't help shaking, the woman stared deeply at the old man and said solemnly: "There is something in your words, who are you ... who is it?"