
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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1026 Chs


"Elder Yu ..."

Thunder and thunder, the wind raging, and in the dark corridor, Wu Randong's body was hanging in the air. As the wind and the cloud were moving, drifting with the waves, I don't know how long it floated, before the eyes suddenly lit up, and suddenly wore through a dazzling white hole In the past, the touch fell on a lawn.

Looking up again, the dazzling white light disappeared suddenly and disappeared, and the passage disappeared immediately. Wu Randong couldn't help anxiously, hissing his lungs, he wanted to go back to rescue, but it was too late. The return channel has long been closed.

He could only tear his eyes apart, shouting crimson, all in his heart, full of resentment, but helpless!

Stepping on ...

Crisp footsteps sounded, and a slightly thin figure appeared slowly came ten meters behind him, and behind him was a comatose, pink-tongued child, with a faint voice: "Two Son, I did n't expect you to be here so soon. I 'm glad to see you again, ha ha ha ... "

His body couldn't help but stunned. Wu Randong listened to this sound, which made him very familiar, and even a voice of fear, he couldn't help but stunned. Immediately afterwards, the stiff head turned slowly, looking at the figure, but his eyes shrank suddenly, his teeth clenched, his endless hatred burst like a volcano, and suddenly came from the bottom of his heart. The fist even made a banging sound of a bone crack, and it blew out unabashedly, seeming to overflow the whole world!

"Second son, I haven't seen you in three days. How are you doing lately?"

At this moment, it was not someone else who was standing opposite him, it was Zhuo Fan who was carrying the ancient three links undoubtedly, but in the face of Wu Randong 's naked hostility to himself at this time, Zhuo Fan seemed to have already expected it, without surprise, instead His face was unusually dull, and the evil arcs that twitched from corner to corner of his mouth were full of unpredictable meaning.

His face lightly smoked, Wu Randong gasped for a few breaths, his teeth were almost bitten off, and stared at Zhuo Fan with a fierce voice: "It's you ... it's you who destroyed our Wu family!"

"Oh, why do you see it?" Zhuo Fan still smiled happily, without even thinking.

His body trembling pointed at his nose, Wu Randong hated and said: "Elder Yu rescued me when I said that it was because of your broken stone that our Chamber of Commerce was killed by Baili Jingwei. My father and brother are now I do n't know whether it 's life or death, it 's all because of your fault, bastard, you return thousands of lives to my chamber of commerce! "

As soon as the words fell, Wu Randong stepped **** his feet and rushed towards Zhuofan suddenly. The violent murderous pressure pressed against him like a row of mountains and seas, and the gurgling intention pricked his cheeks.

However, Zhuo Fan still looked calm and natural. When Wu Randong had already rushed to the front, he flashed aside and gave aside, Qilin's arm flicked, and a loud noise hit him, and immediately pressed his burly body to the ground. A big pit more than ten meters deep burst.

When the smoke disappeared and the dust fell, two figures appeared in the giant pit.

Wu Randong's mouth was covered with blood stains and was pressed to the bottom of the giant pit. He could not move at all. Even if he struggled again, it seemed that Taishan pressed the top, and he could not stand up, and his crimson arm was so light. Pressing lightly, it seemed that he had the strength of a catty, making it difficult for him to get up.

Looking coldly at the still struggling figure below, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but make a ridiculous laugh, and said slowly: "Second son, you can't beat me, don't waste your energy. Besides, now all this is not As you wish? Why, regret it? "

"Fart, when did I say that I want the Chamber of Commerce ..."

Shaking his head fiercely, Wu Randong shouted loudly, but soon, before he finished speaking, he froze, completely stunned, as if remembering something, his eyes became stunned.

The corner of his mouth crossed the playful arc, Zhuo Fan slowly picked up the unicorn arm, stood up, and said indifferently: "Remembered, three days ago, at the door of the inn, you said it yourself, you want to destroy it, and now you want it You should be happy, huh, huh ... "

"I'm just angry, how could I really think ..." Wu Randong looked at Zhuo Fan with an eager face, his eyes full of regret.

How could he know that the person in front of him would really take his words seriously, and really have the ability to do this. In just three days, the chamber of commerce became a thorn in the empire's eyes and was instantly destroyed.

This man, who is he, devil?

There was a sense of tremor in the heart for no reason. Wu Randong looked at Zhuofan's eyes full of consternation.

Understand what he thinks, Zhuofan scorned his lips dismissively, and laughed out loud: "Young man, you can't talk nonsense, do you just talk if you are angry, I take it seriously. You say you want to destroy it , I did what you wanted, and I told you at the time, do n't regret it, but now, hehehe ... "

"No, I regret it, sir. I know that you are not an ordinary person. There must be a way to save the Chamber of Commerce and my father and brother. You can do it. I beg you and save them!"

Zhuo Fan's so mysterious and unpredictable performance made Wu Randong unable to understand it for a moment, and immediately went to the doctor in a hurry, pleading with Zhuo Fan for urgency.

Shaking his head slowly, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but sneer: "The two sons, the so-called wickedness of the sky, can do something, do it by oneself, and cannot live. If your bank is suffering from my own hands now, then if I want to stop It 's easy, but it 's a pity that it 's not my business at all, it 's all your own business, and I have no choice! "

"What, do we sin?"

"Yeah, do it yourself!"

Nodded slightly, Zhuo Fan showed a mysterious smile and said lightly: "Second son, haven't you always been uncomfortable with your style of doing business, then I'll tell you a little more, I guess you're even more uncomfortable. Three Years ago, your brother and sister were personally given to Baili Jingyu by your father and elder brother, and it was not accidentally caught in that hue! "

"What?" Wu Randong couldn't help but be surprised: "How is that possible, you bullshit!"

With a chuckle, Zhuo Fan said: "I don't need to lie to you. This is the last three days. I got it from Baili Jingyu. Your father and big brother's tone is tight, and the waste material's tone is very loose. Which, moreover, your father did that, not to please the waste, but to give him a set and grab him the handle. Your business can be so big, but it is not so weak on the surface, and it is blindly strong. Behind The method is very tough, it can be said that it is doing anything nasty, no matter how! "

"Impossible, that is our own guard, how could my father ..."

With a fierce wave of hands, Wu Randong looked dignified, completely disbelieving that this was true, Zhuo Fan also understood his state of mind, and continued: "Businessmen value the benefits rather than leave. In their eyes, the interests are all the same, the two minions It 's not a good deal to change the life of a city owner. You can think about what attitude Baili Jingyu had towards you before that incident, and what attitude was it after? Huh, I 'm going to use your business as long as you Just nod, what does the waste city owner promise? As a result, your dad still wants to collaborate with officials and businessmen.

His eyelids twitched slightly, Wu Randong still couldn't accept this fact, but when he looked back, he couldn't believe it.

Indeed, before that incident, Baili Jingyu was still very public, and it was difficult all the time, but after that ...

"So ... what about the stone? Didn't you design us?"


Suddenly a shadow was covered, everything around disappeared suddenly, Wu Randong didn't feel surprised, looked around, shouted: "Domain spirit?"

"Yes, this is my field!"

The buzz was soft, the field was bright, and it was no longer as dark as before, and no fingers were reached. Wu Randong saw Zhuo Fan 's body appearing, and there was a human-shaped black stone around him, his face clear, or frightened. , Or doubt, there are tens of thousands.

Slowly stroking the stubborn stones, Zhuo Fanxie laughed and said leisurely: "Second son, what do you think these are?"

"Magic Stone?" Wu Randong said instantly when his eyes were condensed.

Shaking his head slowly, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but laugh: "Demon Stone ... How can there be any Demon Stone in the world? People have to rely on themselves to practice, and the world will not give you shortcuts. These ... All people! "


"Not bad!"

Nodded lightly, Zhuo Fan said solemnly: "I am rare in the world of heaven, and many people have been killed before, and it has become like this. Therefore, if you use the magic stone to practice, you can make rapid progress, because you **** It 's all other people 's elemental forces. But these elemental forces are all demonized by my unique method. I **** it all right, but if someone else absorbs them, their own elemental forces will be infected, and then they will become like this. So, you know why your chamber of commerce is causing great trouble. Someone must have caused something because of this thing! "

"So, you still hurt our chamber of commerce ..."

"No, you hurt yourself!"

Wu Randong was shocked and screamed, but Zhuo Fan was condensed with both pupils, shouted, and reprimanded: "These Yuanli stones were all made by me, and I am not afraid of sucking these Yuanli will backfire, but I I still do n't dare to take a lot of food, which makes Xiuyue leaps and bounds. Because I know that the speed is not enough, and there is no shortcut to heaven. If I use these stones to reach the peak, I will be repaired to be unstable, and the strength will be scattered. I see. Although I also want to quickly enhance my strength and accomplish my purpose, I still hold back. This is called temperance! "

"But your business doesn't know what this stone is, and it started to make money. Now something is wrong, it's still a big problem, and it has caused a lot of lives for the family, suffered a disaster, and who can blame? Heaven and earth checks and balances can't be one by one. . Too chasing a little bit, and giving up the other, will inevitably be in trouble. You are too chasing profits, and sooner or later you will be in great trouble, not to mention ... "

"What's more?" Wu Randong asked quickly.

He took a deep breath, Zhuo Fan narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "Not to mention the Sword Star Empire, I am afraid that it would have been banned from your business. Today's thing is just an introduction. Even if there is no such thing as a magic stone In the future, the sword star empire will also find other reasons to wipe you out. Anyway, sooner or later, it will be a death, and it will die sooner or later. But now, the incident happened suddenly, and the other party also suddenly became difficult, not ready, maybe you are not yet Deadly, there is a line of life left. Given this, you should thank me! "