
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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His eyelids shook slightly, and Wu Ranze looked at his father with a stunned face, and asked: "Then we are fighting hard with the Baili Jingwei, what's the point, just die faster. Father, this is not yours Style! "

"Yeah, this is not yours, but your brother Randong's!"

Nodding slowly, Wu Jiangtao couldn't help but smile slightly: "Actually, your brother has been making me angry, and I have always scolded him, but I never hated him like this, and even reluctant to change him!"

Shocked, Wu Ranze stared blankly at his father, all puzzled.

Unconsciously, Wu Jiangtao couldn't help but sighed: "Who hasn't had the blood of a teenager, but just experienced more, it becomes smooth, no corners. The old man becomes an old man, only then can he stand in the world, Then you can become smooth like this, but the old man likes the way Ran Dong pokes me Louzi every time, like the old man when he was young. Now this worldly world can't save our lives, it is better to be free and easy Let's go back to the blood of our youth, by the way ... Let me delay some time for Randong ... "

"What, delay time?"

"Yeah, we are all the humerus of the Chamber of Commerce, Baili Jingwei will not let us go, but it is different, a prodigal prodigal, Baili Jingwei may not see him in his eyes, so he can live ! "

He took a deep breath and then spit out a long time, Wu Jiangtao closed his eyes helplessly: "The old man had been thinking when he was young, training two sons, a smart and capable, outstanding, in the future he will give this foundation to him. It 's just that you 're right; another tiger head and brain are not taken seriously. If one day the family is in the middle, it can be stolen and stolen. The ants are still stolen, it 's not that his vitality is tenacious, but no one will pay attention. , Now ... Ran Dong let him live for us. This is my father, your brother, should do it for him, anyway, we can't run ... "

With a slight shaking of his body, Wu Ranze looked at his father deeply. After thinking for a long time, he sighed for a long time, and a glorious humanity came up in his eyes: "Yeah, my big brother has never done anything for him. Now ... let 's do something for him in the end, hope he escapes from birth ... "

After giving him a deep look, Wu Jiangtao nodded happily!

Therefore, at this moment, the father and son rarely vie for fame and fortune, and their eyes radiate tenderness, although their eyes are full of corpses, blood, and their own family. .

But there was no fear in their eyes, but they were much warmer than usual ...

Looking at all this, Murong Xue couldn't help but sigh secretly and shook his head.

The world is ignorant, why is it that every time you die, you know the true meaning of life ...

On the other hand, the basement of the Wu family of the Haichuan business firm is surrounded by invisible borders, and a figure with a hesitant face is sitting alone on a small stool inside, all eyes are confused, but it is Wu Randong undoubtedly.

"Strange, what does that person mean, exactly?" Scratching his head, Wu Randong was puzzled and still thinking carefully!


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, the door of the basement was suddenly slammed open, and a blood-stained old figure rushed in with a look of anxiety.

Wu Randong looked up and couldn't help but stunned: "Hey, this is not Elder Yu, what's wrong ..."

"Second son, don't ask, just run away with the old man ..."

The face twitched sharply, and the old man's hand was sealed, but with a soft hum, the enchantment was instantly untied, and then the old man grabbed his arm and ran out with him.

Unsurprisingly, Wu Randong was still puzzled and said anxiously: "Elder Yu, what is going on and what happened?"

"Second son, the people in the Baili warp and weft are dealing with our firm, and the Wu family will be finished soon!"

"What, how could this be?"

"Ah, don't mention it, it's all the curse of the Demon Stone! I'm afraid that the president and the eldest son are now, alas ..." Shaking his head hard, the old man's face was sad and angry, and it was difficult to say a word.

But Wu Randong was completely stunned. There seemed to be a very magical voice deep in his heart. He ridiculed in his ear: "Don't regret it, don't regret it, don't regret it ..."

"It's that man ... he's **** ..."

The pupils shrank fiercely, and Wu Randong's body gradually became stiff, and his legs and feet could no longer be controlled by him, but he was allowed to run by him.


Another wall was knocked open, and the two immediately went outside, where Wu's house was. But there, it has already become a veritable Shura field.

The sounds of screaming and killing continued, and the blood flowed in front of thousands of people on the battlefield, and almost every moment, some people lost their lives, and there was a lot of wailing in the air.

Having been completely stunned, Wu Randong had to stop.

But Elder Yu was in a hurry. He pointed to the business channel teleportation array that had not been dismantled because of preparation for Zhuo Fan in front of him, and he roared out: "Second son, you will immediately take the teleportation array and escape from this land of right and wrong. The old man gives After you break! "

"Elder Yu, I ... I don't leave, how can I leave my father and elder brother, and you steal lives alone ..."

"Okay, second son, don't be capricious now, the old man will send you away!"

Clenching his teeth fiercely, Elder Yu grabbed Wu Randong's arm and flew towards the array. He rushed into the two Guiyuan masters in the middle, and both of them were shocked by his life-changing play, but they were two key points. He was also seriously injured.

But he didn't care, he fought his old fate and brought Wu Randong to the portal. The unique fingerprint of Wu's family immediately came to an end, but the sound of the buzzing sounded softly, the sky thunder triggered the ground fire, and the road thunder flashed There was a turbulent wind, and there was a dark passage in the center of the large array. It was so confused that I couldn't see what was inside.

With a fierce push, Elder Yu will push Wu Randong: "Two sons go!"

"No, Elder Yu, let's go together!" Wu Randong stopped his body at the entrance of the tunnel when he hurriedly grabbed his sleeve.

The corner of his mouth crossed a delightful arc, and the elder Yu nodded slightly, showing a broad-hearted smile, but soon, a few broken voices reached his ears.

"Look, someone is going to escape with business methods, stop them!"

"Old man, who is that kid, don't try to escape!"

"Admiral Prime Minister's order, weeding out the roots, not killing, you don't even want to slip away, hum!"

A curse came into his ears, and a powerful murderous intent hit the door. Then the elder Yu suddenly spurted his eyes, and then gritted his teeth fiercely, and the force in his hand was shocked. When he touched it, he flew Wu Randong Zhen out. , And immediately fell into the transmission channel.

"Elder Yu!"

Wu Randong screamed loudly, and Elder Yu watched his body disappear gradually, but showed a loving smile: "Second son, although you are not as smart and capable as the eldest son, we old guys like you more The true temperament is just like seeing the president when he was young. Also, the president has never hated you, you do n't blame him. You are the last lifeblood of our Wu family, you must live well! "

"Someone escaped, hurry up!"

At that moment, those figures had already chased to the front, Elder Yu's loving smile shrank suddenly, and then there was a bloodthirsty brutality, with a big laugh, he turned to those humans: "Hahaha ... Want to chase my family Master, there is no way! "

The voice just fell, but the buzzing waves kept coming out of him. When they saw it, they were shocked: "No, he's going to explode!"


However, they had just reacted, and the elder Yu had burst into the whole body, and the smoke disappeared and disappeared completely in this earthly world.

Those who pursued were also shocked by the explosion and spit out blood, and immediately returned to shock, seriously injured. When they stood up again and looked forward, where the smoke disappeared, the commercial teleportation array was already fragmented and completely useless. They could no longer catch up ...

At the same time, the battle outside the city gate came to an end. The Wu masters were almost wiped out. Even those who were not dead were captured alive. As for Wu Jiangtao and his son, they fell into the hands of Baili Jingwei without any suspense.

Gently clapped his hands, Baili Jingwei gave everyone a glance, and they took the captive to the Guandao teleportation array and prepared to return to the imperial capital.

Then, Baili Jingwei came to Murong Xue who had been watching with cold eyes, bowed a bow, as if he had just seen it, and laughed out loud: "Murong girl, just deal with the business, did not take the formal greeting to the girl, it is really rude Now! "

"Where, just now the little girl really saw the means of the Prime Minister Bai Li, it is really well-deserved, admire admiration!" Looking cold, Murong Xue nodded slightly.

Without knowing how to laugh, Baili Jingwei shook his head recklessly: "Hehehe ... The girl doesn't need to say irony, but the girl should have heard the decision of the Prime Minister just now. The day when the empire will rule the four states will come soon. If the girl is For the sake of my brother 's consideration, I also hope to persuade you to give up your secrets as soon as possible, and do n't do unnecessary resistance! "

"I never ask about my brother's affairs. If Mr. Prime Minister has time, talk to him!" Murong Xue chuckled softly.

Can't help but stagnate for a while, and the Baili Jingwei shook his head spontaneously, but no longer spoke.

The matter just now is very clear. One-third of the emperor capital has died. He has been very busy recently. How can he have time with Muronglie? Murongxue said that it was no different from direct rejection.

But he wasn't angry, anyway, he was used to it. Peerless masters like this, always have to be patient if they want to pull it over!

"Girl Murong, I don't know what you are doing here in Jincheng. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Hehehe ... Originally the little girl came here to return to Nanzhou by using the commercial route of the Haichuan firm. It was just that Mr. Prime Minister completely destroyed the Haichuan firm. I am afraid that the little girl would go back on two legs!"

"Where, this trivial matter, He Lao introduced it to the merchant, and the truth opened the official road for the girl, and then sent the girl back!" Unconsciously waving her hand, Baili Jingwei smiled slightly.

With a frown, Murong Xue gave him a deep look and chuckled: "This is not good, Prime Minister Bai Li has always been public and private ..."

"It is a business to be able to share the worries for the girl. If it makes the brother feel this feeling, and talk more with the next one, it will be a matter of great selflessness!"

Unconsciously, Murong Xue was undecided: "I don't know what Mr. Prime Minister would like to talk to with my brothers at that time. Do the cunning rabbits die?

"Girl, please!"

His face couldn't help but smoke, and Murong Xue was so choked that he was unable to speak, and then his face sank, and he waved hard and made a cold voice.

With a light smile, Murong Xue stopped looking at him, and got on the car, and Yuerer drove the cart into the city ...