
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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1026 Chs


"This first move knocks on the mountain and shakes the tiger, disturbing the state of mind of the three people; the second move mobilizes the tiger away from the mountain, and directly evacuates all the guards in the dungeon, and then I find a way to go to the dungeon to take the opportunity to save people. And then, the guards in the city will also be led to At the Wangfu, our father and son wanted to escape much easier ... "

"Well, the plan is good, but ... will they believe it? It's so easy to hook?"

"Shangguan Feiyun has deep grievances against the Shangguan family heads. This time I arranged for Shangguan Yulin to explode in front of him. Coupled with the sneak attack on the Wang Mansion and the hatchback contact, he must think that this is an assassination plan against him. Find the housekeeper and settle your accounts, and I have a way to scare the Wangfu guards. Then they will definitely go down the donkey and follow Shangguan Feiyun. The dungeon must be empty, which will help save people! "

"Um ... this plan is indeed very likely to attract Guanfei Feiyun, but he is easy to be fooled, but the other party also has an empire's first think tank, what about the longitude and latitude?"

"The name of Baili Jingwei is well-deserved, and this little trick can't deceive him, but ... although he is resourceful, he has a flaw, but he can use it a lot!"

"What hurts?"

"Too greedy! Ha ha ha ... But this is not a shortcoming, or, because he is an extremely conceited strategist, the more greedy he will be, the more he will not **** and meet the status quo. Just from the last Dan King Conference, he I already know where you are staying, but you still have no action. Instead, you lay down a net to wait for you to say that this person is a person who is good at long-line fishing and is very patient. So even if he sees something, he will There will be no movements, but we will count and catch my big fish. Then we will also count and save Xiao Sanzi from Feiyun King's Mansion according to his will! "

"After that?"

"He will continue to chase me to the end of the world, and never die. It is estimated that within an hour, I will be surrounded by them, and it will be hard to escape!"

"What, then aren't you death?"

"Yeah, put it to death and then live. Only in this way, can our father and son truly get rid of the entanglement of the hundreds of miles of latitude and longitude, and leave Zhongzhou safely. But this point, the owner of Shangguan doesn't have to worry about it.


A loud bang was heard from a distance, a burst of smoke filled the sky, flying sand and rocks covered the sky, covering half of the sky, and no blue sky and white clouds.

The team of Shangguan Feixiong stood at the top of the sky, thinking of the plan that he had discussed with Zhuo Fan in the cave. His eyes looked at the huge noise in the distance, his eyes flickered slightly, and his face was exposed. Bursts of solemnity.

In particular, Shangguan Feixiong couldn't help but sighed: "Ah, they are all expected by the kid step by step. They have really chased so far in the hundreds of miles, and they have caught the kid!"

"Yeah, this guy is brave and conscientious, anticipating the enemy's opportunities, even the movements of the hundreds of miles of latitude and longitude are expected, and it's really a wizard!" There was a worried look: "I just don't know ... how exactly does this kid escape from the hands of two great sword kings and a prime minister?"

Hearing this, the others also stagnated, frowned, and pondered: "Yeah, what can he do? At least our Shangguan family, even with so many masters, does not have this ability from the hands of the two sword kings. Save people! "

"Everyone don't have to worry anymore, he said that there is a way, it should be a real plan!" Waving lightly, Shangguan Feixiong couldn't help but exhale: "Unexpectedly, just a few days, everyone is quite kind to the kid Sweetheart, ha ha ha ... "

The old face didn't feel red, and a Xeon devotion hummed immediately: "What's on, we see that the kid is really talented, it's a pity to die. Furthermore, he hasn't even given us the sword, if he died , Who are we looking for? "

"Hehehe ... This offering can be reassured. He said when he was discussing in the cave, as long as their father and son escaped from birth, they will return the sword. Now the old man has sent someone to wait there, waiting only for a hundred Li Jingwei and they withdrew, they asked the boy to return to the sword, it would not be bad! "

"But ... Feixiong, do you believe that kid? That kid is so ghostly!" Hearing this, another Xeon worshiper couldn't help laughing.

Taking a deep breath, Shangguan Feixiong couldn't help but reveal a cheerful look and set his head to nod: "The old man believes, because he swears at his son in front of the old man. I believe that no father will take himself The children are kidding, so I believe he will fulfill his promise! "

The body felt a shock, everyone heard, and nodded in conviction!

"However, if he died? He didn't have a certain chance of winning this plan!"

"Dead, he will also leave clues for the Excalibur for us to find!" His eyelids flickered slightly, and Shangguan Feixiong looked again at the place where the flames were low, You said: "He said, if their father and son were dead Now, give us this clue, only wish to bury their father and son, be considered a blessing for their son ... "

Staring at the owner deeply, everyone pondered a little, Qi Qi nodded silently, no longer speaking!

Although Gu Yifan was scheming about this person, they could also feel that his sincere affection for his son would not deceive others ...

Buzz ...

On the other hand, the fourth sword of Shangguan Feiyun has been brewing for a long time, and the waves of terror have shaken the earthquake. Zhuo Fan stared at him so tightly, his mouth slightly grinning, but his face was extremely calm. For a long time, seeing that there was no movement around him, he could not help but chuckled, and slowly closed his eyes, as if he had not expected anything. , The face of death.

It's just that this pair of deaths is abnormally serene, as if to be relieved ...

Yes, in the desperate situation where lovers cannot meet, the enemy is too strong, I am afraid they can never be defeated. Zhuo Fan has been burdened too much and endured too much in these years. Even if he has been expecting to be able to release all these things, it is far away, and I do not know how to rest!

All these years, he has spent a lot of pressure and sorrow. If he hasn't been practicing this book to calm his mind, I'm afraid he has already been engulfed and fell into madness!

How deep the love is, how painful it is to hurt, and he finally understands why the devil should not fall in love, because once in love, it is difficult to escape from the sea of ​​suffering!

At this moment, it may be a good result to be released by someone else. Perhaps he should have died ...

The corners of the mouth slightly curled up indifferently, Zhuo Fan had already scorned life and death, not sure!


The sword of Shangguan Feiyun still kept shaking, staring closely at Zhuofan's eyes, and it was getting colder and colder. In the end, the strong killing intentions in the eyes of the pupil were finally released, and one trick was overwhelming. Sword, fiercely cleaved to Zhuo Fan. And Zhuo Fan also felt the power of the earth suddenly dropped, and his mouth crossed the unknown smile ...


However, just before this sword finger was about to be chopped off, but a muffled sound came out, and the sword finger of Shangguan Feiyun was suddenly stopped in the air, and a dry palm was tight on his wrist Hold on to him.

Eye pupil could not help shaking slightly, Shangguan Feiyun looked down his wrist, but was seeing a familiar figure in his eyes, could not help but sneered: "Brother Dan, what do you mean?"

Baili Jingwei met, and looked at him with a puzzled look!

"Nothing, it's just that the whereabouts of Chongtianjian are unknown, and it's not appropriate to start!" The beard shook a little, Dan Qingsheng faintly spoke, and the ancient wells did not wave!

With a grin and a cold smile, Shangguan Feiyun refused to say: "Hum, this kid's mouth is hard, why would he refuse to say, and what can he do? Besides, is he still thinking about the sky sword? I'm afraid at this moment, this kid's danger level, It is far more than the value of Chongtianjian, this kid must die, you say, Prime Minister Baili? "

Shangguan Feiyun looked at Baili Jingwei, and Baili Jingwei pondered a little, and nodded slightly, which was regarded as an approval: "Chongtian sword is missing, at most the ancestor lost a dream toy, but we can't let the threat to the ancestor. Things will survive in the world again. So since seeing the black inflammation released from this kid, the truth decided that he could not live anyway! "

"This old man is clear, but wouldn't it be better if he could have the best of both worlds?"

Nodded faintly, Dan Qingsheng nodded slightly, and then looked down at Zhuo Fan, who was seriously injured in the body, and said coldly: "Gu Yifan, you have just heard it, and today you will die without doubt, you can't take away the Sky Sword. However, this king promised you a request before you died. It is considered to fulfill your last wish. You came from Xizhou and walked in Zhongzhou for more than a year. You should understand that this king does not promise others anything easily, but once promised, It will be done anyway. You have any unsolved wishes, despite speaking! "

Glancing at him deeply, Zhuo Fan couldn't help laughing: "Hehehe ... that's good, let my son go!"


However, waiting for Dan Qingsheng to speak, Baili Jingwei has categorically refused: "Gu Yifan, you just said, you know the trick of eradicating the roots. We will not let such threats go!"

With a frown, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but laugh out loud: "If that's the case, I really have no last wish ..."

"Damn stupid boy, since there's nothing left, let this king finish you!" Can't help but snorted, Shangguan Feiyun immediately raised his sword finger, and then had to hack it off.

But at this moment, Zhuo Fan's eyes lit up suddenly, waved his hands in a hurry, and laughed loudly: "Wait, I still have a wish, just remembered ..."

"Oh, what is it, you say!" Dan Qingsheng said lightly with a frown.

After taking a deep look at him, and then turning to Shangguan Feiyun, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but reveal a strange smile: "I hope that when I do it for a while, it will be the Dragon Sword King's shot, which will end my life!"


"Because I don't want to see Shangguan Feiyun happy! His three swords didn't kill me, the fourth sword, and I will never let him move me a hair. Just let him carry this shame and continue to be his sword king Come on, ha ha ha ... "Zhuo Fan laughed loudly, and his face was daunting.

When Shangguan Feiyun heard it, he was so angry that he was violently pumping his face, and suddenly he had to lift his finger to split it, and he exclaimed angrily: "Damn bastard, Laozi split you!"

"and many more!"

However, at this time, Baili Jingwei raised his hand in a hurry to stop him, and then his eyes flashed with a fine glance, fixedly looking at Zhuofan Road: "Well, this condition, we promise!"